
447 lines
15 KiB

from math import log, sqrt
import logging
import struct
import serial
from artiq.wavesynth.coefficients import discrete_compensate
from artiq.language.core import portable
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Segment:
"""Serialize the lines for a single Segment.
max_time (int): Maximum duration of a line.
max_val (int): Maximum absolute value (scale) of the DAC output.
max_out (float): Output voltage at :attr:`max_val`. In Volt.
out_scale (float): Steps per Volt.
cordic_gain (float): CORDIC amplitude gain.
addr (int): Address assigned to this segment.
data (bytes): Serialized segment data.
max_time = 1 << 16 # uint16 timer
max_val = 1 << 15 # int16 DAC
max_out = 10. # Volt
out_scale = max_val/max_out
cordic_gain = 1.
for i in range(16):
cordic_gain *= sqrt(1 + 2**(-2*i))
def __init__(self): = b""
self.addr = None
def line(self, typ, duration, data, trigger=False, silence=False,
aux=False, shift=0, jump=False, clear=False, wait=False):
"""Append a line to this segment.
typ (int): Output module to target with this line.
duration (int): Duration of the line in units of
data (bytes): Opaque data for the output module.
trigger (bool): Wait for trigger assertion before executing
this line.
silence (bool): Disable DAC clocks for the duration of this line.
aux (bool): Assert the AUX (F5 TTL) output during this line.
The corresponding global AUX routing setting determines which
channels control AUX.
shift (int): Duration and spline evolution exponent.
jump (bool): Return to the frame address table after this line.
clear (bool): Clear the DDS phase accumulator when starting to
exectute this line.
wait (bool): Wait for trigger assertion before executing the next
assert len(data) % 2 == 0, data
assert len(data)//2 <= 14
# assert dt*(1 << shift) > 1 + len(data)//2
header = (
1 + len(data)//2 | (typ << 4) | (trigger << 6) | (silence << 7) |
(aux << 8) | (shift << 9) | (jump << 13) | (clear << 14) |
(wait << 15)
) += struct.pack("<HH", header, duration) + data
def pack(widths, values):
"""Pack spline data.
widths (list[int]): Widths of values in multiples of 16 bits.
values (list[int]): Values to pack.
data (bytes): Packed data.
fmt = "<"
ud = []
for width, value in zip(widths, values):
value = int(round(value * (1 << 16*width)))
if width == 2:
ud.append(value & 0xffff)
fmt += "H"
value >>= 16
width -= 1
fmt += "hi"[width]
return struct.pack(fmt, *ud)
except struct.error as e:
logger.error("can not pack %s as %s (%s as %s): %s",
values, widths, ud, fmt, e)
raise e
def bias(self, amplitude=[], **kwargs):
"""Append a bias line to this segment.
amplitude (list[float]): Amplitude coefficients in in Volts and
increasing powers of ``1/(2**shift*clock_period)``.
Discrete time compensation will be applied.
**kwargs: Passed to :meth:`line`.
coef = [self.out_scale*a for a in amplitude]
data = self.pack([0, 1, 2, 2], coef)
self.line(typ=0, data=data, **kwargs)
def dds(self, amplitude=[], phase=[], **kwargs):
"""Append a DDS line to this segment.
amplitude (list[float]): Amplitude coefficients in in Volts and
increasing powers of ``1/(2**shift*clock_period)``.
Discrete time compensation and CORDIC gain compensation
will be applied by this method.
phase (list[float]): Phase/frequency/chirp coefficients.
``phase[0]`` in ``turns``,
``phase[1]`` in ``turns/clock_period``,
``phase[2]`` in ``turns/(clock_period**2*2**shift)``.
**kwargs: Passed to :meth:`line`.
scale = self.out_scale/self.cordic_gain
coef = [scale*a for a in amplitude]
if phase:
assert len(amplitude) == 4
coef += [p*self.max_val*2 for p in phase]
data = self.pack([0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1], coef)
self.line(typ=1, data=data, **kwargs)
class Channel:
"""PDQ Channel.
num_frames (int): Number of frames supported.
max_data (int): Number of 16 bit data words per channel.
segments (list[Segment]): Segments added to this channel.
def __init__(self, max_data, num_frames):
self.max_data = max_data
self.num_frames = num_frames
self.segments = []
def clear(self):
"""Remove all segments."""
def new_segment(self):
"""Create and attach a new :class:`Segment` to this channel.
segment = Segment()
return segment
def place(self):
"""Place segments contiguously.
Assign segment start addresses and determine length of data.
addr (int): Amount of memory in use on this channel.
addr = self.num_frames
for segment in self.segments:
segment.addr = addr
addr += len(
assert addr <= self.max_data, addr
return addr
def table(self, entry=None):
"""Generate the frame address table.
Unused frame indices are assigned the zero address in the frame address
This will cause the memory parser to remain in the frame address table
until another frame is selected.
The frame entry segments can be any segments in the channel.
entry (list[Segment]): List of initial segments for each frame.
If not specified, the first :attr:`num_frames` segments are
used as frame entry points.
table (bytes): Frame address table.
table = [0] * self.num_frames
if entry is None:
entry = self.segments
for i, frame in enumerate(entry):
if frame is not None:
table[i] = frame.addr
return struct.pack("<" + "H"*self.num_frames, *table)
def serialize(self, entry=None):
"""Serialize the memory for this channel.
Places the segments contiguously in memory after the frame table.
Allocates and assigns segment and frame table addresses.
Serializes segment data and prepends frame address table.
entry (list[Segment]): See :meth:`table`.
data (bytes): Channel memory data.
data = b"".join([ for segment in self.segments])
return self.table(entry) + data
def PDQ_CMD(board, is_mem, adr, we):
"""Pack PDQ command fields into command byte.
:param board: Board address, 0 to 15, with ``15 = 0xf`` denoting broadcast
to all boards connected.
:param is_mem: If ``1``, ``adr`` denote the address of the memory to access
(0 to 2). Otherwise ``adr`` denotes the register to access.
:param adr: Address of the register or memory to access.
:param we: If ``1`` then write, otherwise read.
return (adr << 0) | (is_mem << 2) | (board << 3) | (we << 7)
class PDQBase:
PDQ stack.
checksum (int): Running checksum of data written.
num_channels (int): Number of channels in this stack.
num_boards (int): Number of boards in this stack.
num_dacs (int): Number of DAC outputs per board.
num_frames (int): Number of frames supported.
channels (list[Channel]): List of :class:`Channel` in this stack.
freq = 50e6
_mem_sizes = [None, (20,), (10, 10), (8, 6, 6)] # 10kx16 units
def __init__(self, num_boards=3, num_dacs=3, num_frames=32):
"""Initialize PDQ stack.
num_boards (int): Number of boards in this stack.
num_dacs (int): Number of DAC outputs per board.
num_frames (int): Number of frames supported.
self.checksum = 0
self.num_boards = num_boards
self.num_dacs = num_dacs
self.num_frames = num_frames
self.num_channels = self.num_dacs * self.num_boards
m = self._mem_sizes[num_dacs]
self.channels = [Channel(m[j] << 11, num_frames)
for i in range(num_boards)
for j in range(num_dacs)]
def get_num_boards(self):
return self.num_boards
def get_num_channels(self):
return self.num_channels
def get_num_frames(self):
return self.num_frames
def get_freq(self):
return self.freq
def set_freq(self, freq):
self.freq = float(freq)
def set_reg(self, adr, data, board):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_reg(self, adr, board):
raise NotImplementedError
def write_mem(self, mem, adr, data, board=0xf):
raise NotImplementedError
def read_mem(self, mem, adr, data, board=0xf, buffer=8):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_config(self, reset=0, clk2x=0, enable=1,
trigger=0, aux_miso=0, aux_dac=0b111, board=0xf):
"""Set the configuration register.
reset (bool): Reset the board. Memory is not reset. Self-clearing.
clk2x (bool): Enable the clock multiplier (100 MHz instead of 50
enable (bool): Enable the reading and execution of waveform data
from memory.
trigger (bool): Soft trigger. Logical or with the ``F1 TTL Input``
hardware trigger.
aux_miso (bool): Drive SPI MISO on the AUX/``F5 OUT`` TTL port of
each board. If ``False``/``0``, drive the masked logical OR of
the DAC channels' aux data.
aux_dac (int): DAC channel mask for AUX/F5. Each bit represents
one channel. AUX/F5 is: ``aux_miso ? spi_miso :
(aux_dac & Cat(_.aux for _ in channels) != 0)``
board (int): Board to write to (0-0xe), 0xf for all boards.
config = ((reset << 0) | (clk2x << 1) | (enable << 2) |
(trigger << 3) | (aux_miso << 4) | (aux_dac << 5))
self.set_reg(PDQ_ADR_CONFIG, config, board)
def get_config(self, board=0xf):
"""Read configuration register.
.. seealso: :meth:`set_config`
return self.get_reg(PDQ_ADR_CONFIG, board)
def set_crc(self, crc=0, board=0xf):
"""Set/reset the checksum register.
crc (int): Checksum value to write.
board (int): Board to write to (0-0xe), 0xf for all boards.
self.set_reg(PDQ_ADR_CRC, crc, board)
def get_crc(self, board=0xf):
"""Read checksum register.
.. seealso:: :meth:`set_crc`
return self.get_reg(PDQ_ADR_CRC, board)
def set_frame(self, frame, board=0xf):
"""Set the current frame.
frame (int): Frame to select.
board (int): Board to write to (0-0xe), 0xf for all boards.
self.set_reg(PDQ_ADR_FRAME, frame, board)
def get_frame(self, board=0xf):
"""Read frame selection register.
.. seealso:: :meth:`set_frame`
return self.get_reg(PDQ_ADR_FRAME, board)
def program_segments(self, segments, data):
"""Append the wavesynth lines to the given segments.
segments (list[Segment]): List of :class:`Segment` to append the
lines to.
data (list): List of wavesynth lines.
for i, line in enumerate(data):
dac_divider = line.get("dac_divider", 1)
shift = int(log(dac_divider, 2))
if 2**shift != dac_divider:
raise ValueError("only power-of-two dac_dividers supported")
duration = line["duration"]
trigger = line.get("trigger", False)
for segment, data in zip(segments, line["channel_data"]):
silence = data.pop("silence", False)
if len(data) != 1:
raise ValueError("only one target per channel and line "
for target, target_data in data.items():
getattr(segment, target)(
shift=shift, duration=duration, trigger=trigger,
silence=silence, **target_data)
def program(self, program, channels=None):
"""Serialize a wavesynth program and write it to the channels
in the stack.
The :class:`Channel` targeted are cleared and each frame in the
wavesynth program is appended to a fresh set of :class:`Segment`
of the channels. All segments are allocated, the frame address tale
is generated, the channels are serialized and their memories are
Short single-cycle lines are prepended and appended to each frame to
allow proper write interlocking and to assure that the memory reader
can be reliably parked in the frame address table.
The first line of each frame is mandatorily triggered.
program (list): Wavesynth program to serialize.
channels (list[int]): Channel indices to use. If unspecified, all
channels are used.
if channels is None:
channels = range(self.num_channels)
chs = [self.channels[i] for i in channels]
for channel in chs:
for frame in program:
segments = [c.new_segment() for c in chs]
self.program_segments(segments, frame)
# append an empty line to stall the memory reader before jumping
# through the frame table (`wait` does not prevent reading
# the next line)
for segment in segments:
segment.line(typ=3, data=b"", trigger=True, duration=1, aux=1,
for channel, ch in zip(channels, chs):
self.write_mem(channel, ch.serialize())
def ping(self):
"""Ping method returning True. Required for ARTIQ remote
return True