
298 lines
10 KiB

#![feature(lang_items, global_allocator)]
extern crate alloc_list;
extern crate std_artiq as std;
extern crate log;
extern crate logger_artiq;
extern crate board;
extern crate board_artiq;
extern crate drtioaux;
use board::csr;
use board_artiq::{i2c, spi, si5324};
use board_artiq::serwb;
use board_artiq::hmc830_7043;
fn drtio_reset(reset: bool) {
unsafe {
(csr::DRTIO[0].reset_write)(if reset { 1 } else { 0 });
fn drtio_reset_phy(reset: bool) {
unsafe {
(csr::DRTIO[0].reset_phy_write)(if reset { 1 } else { 0 });
fn process_aux_packet(p: &drtioaux::Packet) {
// In the code below, *_chan_sel_write takes an u8 if there are fewer than 256 channels,
// and u16 otherwise; hence the `as _` conversion.
match *p {
drtioaux::Packet::EchoRequest => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::EchoReply).unwrap(),
drtioaux::Packet::ResetRequest { phy } => {
if phy {
} else {
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::ResetAck).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::RtioErrorRequest => {
let errors;
unsafe {
errors = (csr::DRTIO[0].rtio_error_read)();
if errors & 1 != 0 {
let channel;
unsafe {
channel = (csr::DRTIO[0].sequence_error_channel_read)();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RtioErrorSequenceErrorReply { channel: channel }).unwrap();
} else if errors & 2 != 0 {
let channel;
unsafe {
channel = (csr::DRTIO[0].collision_channel_read)();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RtioErrorCollisionReply { channel: channel }).unwrap();
} else if errors & 4 != 0 {
let channel;
unsafe {
channel = (board::csr::DRTIO[0].busy_channel_read)();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RtioErrorBusyReply { channel: channel }).unwrap();
else {
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RtioNoErrorReply).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::MonitorRequest { channel, probe } => {
let value;
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::mon_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
value = csr::rtio_moninj::mon_value_read();
value = 0;
let reply = drtioaux::Packet::MonitorReply { value: value as u32 };
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &reply).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::InjectionRequest { channel, overrd, value } => {
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusRequest { channel, overrd } => {
let value;
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
value = csr::rtio_moninj::inj_value_read();
value = 0;
let reply = drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusReply { value: value };
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &reply).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::I2cStartRequest { busno } => {
let succeeded = i2c::start(busno).is_ok();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::I2cRestartRequest { busno } => {
let succeeded = i2c::restart(busno).is_ok();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::I2cStopRequest { busno } => {
let succeeded = i2c::stop(busno).is_ok();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteRequest { busno, data } => {
match i2c::write(busno, data) {
Ok(ack) => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: true, ack: ack }).unwrap(),
Err(_) => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: false, ack: false }).unwrap()
drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadRequest { busno, ack } => {
match i2c::read(busno, ack) {
Ok(data) => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }).unwrap(),
Err(_) => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0xff }).unwrap()
drtioaux::Packet::SpiSetConfigRequest { busno, flags, write_div, read_div } => {
let succeeded = spi::set_config(busno, flags, write_div, read_div).is_ok();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::SpiSetXferRequest { busno, chip_select, write_length, read_length } => {
let succeeded = spi::set_xfer(busno, chip_select, write_length, read_length).is_ok();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::SpiWriteRequest { busno, data } => {
let succeeded = spi::write(busno, data).is_ok();
drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }).unwrap();
drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadRequest { busno } => {
match spi::read(busno) {
Ok(data) => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }).unwrap(),
Err(_) => drtioaux::hw::send_link(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0 }).unwrap()
_ => warn!("received unexpected aux packet {:?}", p)
fn process_aux_packets() {
let pr = drtioaux::hw::recv_link(0);
match pr {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(p)) => process_aux_packet(&p),
Err(e) => warn!("aux packet error ({})", e)
fn process_errors() {
let errors;
unsafe {
errors = (csr::DRTIO[0].protocol_error_read)();
if errors & 1 != 0 {
error!("received packet of an unknown type");
if errors & 2 != 0 {
error!("received truncated packet");
if errors & 4 != 0 {
error!("write underflow");
if errors & 8 != 0 {
error!("write overflow");
#[cfg(rtio_frequency = "150.0")]
const SI5324_SETTINGS: si5324::FrequencySettings
= si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 9,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 33732,
n31 : 9370,
n32 : 7139,
bwsel : 3,
crystal_ref: true
fn drtio_link_is_up() -> bool {
unsafe {
(csr::DRTIO[0].link_status_read)() == 1
fn startup() {
info!("ARTIQ satellite manager starting...");
info!("software version {}", include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/git-describe")));
info!("gateware version {}", board::ident::read(&mut [0; 64]));
hmc830_7043::init().expect("cannot initialize HMC830/7043");
si5324::setup(&SI5324_SETTINGS).expect("cannot initialize Si5324");
unsafe {
loop {
while !drtio_link_is_up() {
info!("link is up, switching to recovered clock");
si5324::select_ext_input(true).expect("failed to switch clocks");
while drtio_link_is_up() {
info!("link is down, switching to local crystal clock");
si5324::select_ext_input(false).expect("failed to switch clocks");
static mut ALLOC: alloc_list::ListAlloc = alloc_list::EMPTY;
pub extern fn main() -> i32 {
unsafe {
extern {
static mut _fheap: u8;
static mut _eheap: u8;
ALLOC.add_range(&mut _fheap, &mut _eheap);
static mut LOG_BUFFER: [u8; 65536] = [0; 65536];
logger_artiq::BufferLogger::new(&mut LOG_BUFFER[..]).register(startup);
pub extern fn exception(vect: u32, _regs: *const u32, pc: u32, ea: u32) {
panic!("exception {:?} at PC 0x{:x}, EA 0x{:x}", vect, pc, ea)
pub extern fn abort() {
loop {}
#[lang = "panic_fmt"]
pub extern fn panic_fmt(args: core::fmt::Arguments, file: &'static str, line: u32) -> ! {
println!("panic at {}:{}: {}", file, line, args);
loop {}
// Allow linking with crates that are built as -Cpanic=unwind even if we use -Cpanic=abort.
// This is never called.
pub extern "C" fn _Unwind_Resume() -> ! {
loop {}