mirror of https://github.com/m-labs/artiq.git synced 2024-12-12 21:26:37 +08:00
Robert Jordens 2f1029c292 Revert "sawg: advance dds 1/2 by one sample group"
This reverts commit 8e0a1cbdc8.

c.f. #772

The underlying issue is still the same. You will always find something that does not match when trying to compare the DDS with the parallelized DUC. They are just different. I could correct it for phase but then it will fail for amplitude. Or you'll compare the offset channel to phase1 or amplitude1. Let's state that equal things are well synchronized but unequal things may have a deterministic latency difference of strictly less than one coarse RTIO cycle.
2017-07-04 17:55:19 +02:00

217 lines
7.2 KiB

from collections import namedtuple
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.stream import Endpoint
from misoc.cores.cordic import Cordic
from .accu import PhasedAccu
from .tools import eqh, SatAddMixin
from .spline import Spline
from .fir import ParallelHBFUpsampler, halfgen4_cascade
_Widths = namedtuple("_Widths", "t a p f")
_Orders = namedtuple("_Orders", "a p f")
class SplineParallelDUC(Module):
def __init__(self, widths, orders, parallelism=1, **kwargs):
self.parallelism = parallelism
self.widths = widths
p = Spline(order=orders.p, width=widths.p)
f = Spline(order=orders.f, width=widths.f)
self.f = f.tri(widths.t)
self.p = p.tri(widths.t)
self.submodules += p, f
self.ce = Signal(reset=1)
self.clr = Signal()
accu = PhasedAccu(len(self.f.a0), parallelism)
cordic = [Cordic(width=widths.a, widthz=len(self.p.a0), guard=None,
eval_mode="pipelined") for i in range(parallelism)]
self.submodules += accu, cordic
self.xi = [c.xi for c in cordic]
self.yi = [c.yi for c in cordic]
self.xo = [c.xo for c in cordic]
self.yo = [c.yo for c in cordic]
self.latency = cordic[0].latency
self.gain = cordic[0].gain
self.f.latency += accu.latency + self.latency
self.p.latency += accu.latency + self.latency
assert p.latency == f.latency
self.comb += [
eqh(accu.i.f, f.o.a0),
eqh(accu.i.p, p.o.a0),
accu.i.stb.eq(p.o.stb | f.o.stb),
[eqh(c.zi, zi) for c, zi in
zip(cordic, accu.o.payload.flatten())]
assert p.latency == 1
accu.i.clr.reset_less = True
self.sync += [
class SplineParallelDDS(SplineParallelDUC):
def __init__(self, widths, orders, **kwargs):
a = Spline(order=orders.a, width=widths.a)
self.a = a.tri(widths.t)
self.submodules += a
super().__init__(widths._replace(a=len(self.a.a0)), orders, **kwargs)
self.a.latency += self.latency
self.comb += [
[eqh(x, a.o.a0) for x in self.xi],
[y.eq(0) for y in self.yi],
del self.xi
del self.yi
class Config(Module):
def __init__(self, width, cordic_gain):
self.clr = Signal(3, reset=0b111)
self.iq_en = Signal(2, reset=0b01)
self.limits = [[Signal((width, True)), Signal((width, True))]
for i in range(2)]
limit = (1 << width - 1) - 1
limit_cordic = int(limit/cordic_gain)
self.limits[0][0].reset = Constant(-limit, (width, True))
self.limits[0][1].reset = Constant(limit, (width, True))
self.limits[1][0].reset = Constant(-limit_cordic, (width, True))
self.limits[1][1].reset = Constant(limit_cordic, (width, True))
# TODO make persistent, add read-out/notification/clear
self.clipped = [Signal(2) for i in range(2)]
self.i = Endpoint([("addr", bits_for(4 + 2*len(self.limits) - 1)),
("data", width)])
assert len(self.i.addr) == 3
self.ce = Signal()
div = Signal(16, reset=0)
n = Signal.like(div)
self.comb += self.ce.eq(n == 0)
self.sync += [
n.eq(n - 1),
pad = Signal()
reg = Array(sum(self.limits,
[Cat(div, n), self.clr, self.iq_en, pad]))
self.comb += self.i.ack.eq(1)
self.sync += [
class Channel(Module, SatAddMixin):
def __init__(self, width=16, parallelism=4, widths=None, orders=None):
if orders is None:
orders = _Orders(a=4, f=2, p=1)
if widths is None:
widths = _Widths(t=width, a=orders.a*width, p=orders.p*width,
f=(orders.f + 2)*width)
self.submodules.a1 = a1 = SplineParallelDDS(widths, orders)
self.submodules.a2 = a2 = SplineParallelDDS(widths, orders)
coeff = halfgen4_cascade(parallelism, width=.4, order=8)
hbf = [ParallelHBFUpsampler(coeff, width=width + 1) for i in range(2)]
self.submodules.b = b = SplineParallelDUC(
widths._replace(a=len(hbf[0].o[0]), f=widths.f - width), orders,
cfg = Config(width, b.gain)
u = Spline(width=widths.a, order=orders.a)
self.submodules += cfg, u, hbf
self.u = u.tri(widths.t)
self.i = [cfg.i, self.u, a1.a, a1.f, a1.p, a2.a, a2.f, a2.p, b.f, b.p]
self.i_names = "cfg u a1 f1 p1 a2 f2 p2 f0 p0".split()
self.i_named = dict(zip(self.i_names, self.i))
self.y_in = [Signal.like(b.yo[0]) for i in range(parallelism)]
self.o = [Signal((width, True), reset_less=True)
for i in range(parallelism)]
self.widths = widths
self.orders = orders
self.parallelism = parallelism
self.cordic_gain = a2.gain*b.gain
self.u.latency += 1 # self.o
b.p.latency += 1 # self.o
b.f.latency += 1 # self.o
a_latency_delta = hbf[0].latency + b.latency + 2 # hbf.i, self.o
for a in a1, a2:
a.a.latency += a_latency_delta
a.p.latency += a_latency_delta
a.f.latency += a_latency_delta
self.latency = max(_.latency for _ in self.i[1:])
for i in self.i[1:]:
i.latency -= self.latency
assert i.latency <= 0
cfg.i.latency = 0
self.comb += [
Cat(b.clr, a1.clr, a2.clr).eq(cfg.clr),
hbf[0].i.reset_less = True
hbf[1].i.reset_less = True
self.sync += [
hbf[0].i.eq(self.sat_add((a1.xo[0], a2.xo[0]),
limits=cfg.limits[1], clipped=cfg.clipped[1])),
hbf[1].i.eq(self.sat_add((a1.yo[0], a2.yo[0]),
limits=cfg.limits[1], clipped=cfg.clipped[1])),
# wire up outputs and q_{i,o} exchange
for o, x, y in zip(self.o, b.xo, self.y_in):
o_offset = Signal.like(o)
o_x = Signal.like(x)
o_y = Signal.like(y)
self.comb += [
o_x.eq(Mux(cfg.iq_en[0], x, 0)),
o_y.eq(Mux(cfg.iq_en[1], y, 0)),
self.sync += [
o.eq(self.sat_add((o_offset, o_x, o_y),
limits=cfg.limits[0], clipped=cfg.clipped[0])),
def connect_y(self, buddy):
self.comb += Cat(buddy.y_in).eq(Cat(self.b.yo))