use core::{ptr, mem, slice}; use std::string::String; use std::io; use mailbox; use kernel; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Exception<'a> { pub name: &'a str, pub file: &'a str, pub line: u32, pub column: u32, pub function: &'a str, pub message: &'a str, pub param: [u64; 3], } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Message<'a> { LoadRequest(&'a [u8]), LoadReply { error: Option<&'a str> }, NowInitRequest, NowInitReply(u64), NowSave(u64), RunFinished, RunException { exception: Exception<'a>, backtrace: &'a [usize] }, WatchdogSetRequest { ms: u64 }, WatchdogSetReply { id: usize }, WatchdogClear { id: usize }, RpcSend { service: u32, batch: bool, tag: &'a [u8], data: *const *const () }, RpcRecvRequest { slot: *mut () }, RpcRecvReply { alloc_size: usize, exception: Option> }, CacheGetRequest { key: &'a str }, CacheGetReply { value: &'static [u32] }, CachePutRequest { key: &'a str, value: &'static [u32] }, CachePutReply { succeeded: bool }, Log(&'a str) } pub use self::Message::*; impl<'a> Message<'a> { fn into_lower R>(self, f: F) -> R { match self { Message::LoadRequest(library) => { let msg = c::LoadRequest { ty: c::Type::LoadRequest, library: library.as_ptr() as *const _ }; f(&msg as *const _ as *const _) } Message::NowInitReply(now) => { let msg = c::NowInitReply { ty: c::Type::NowInitReply, now: now }; f(&msg as *const _ as *const _) } Message::WatchdogSetReply { id } => { let msg = c::WatchdogSetReply { ty: c::Type::WatchdogSetReply, id: id as _ }; f(&msg as *const _ as *const _) } Message::RpcRecvReply { alloc_size, exception } => { let exn =|exception| { // FIXME: disgusting let name = String::from( + "\0"; let file = String::from(exception.file) + "\0"; let function = String::from(exception.function) + "\0"; let message = String::from(exception.message) + "\0"; let exn = c::Exception { name: name.as_ptr() as *const _, file: file.as_ptr() as *const _, line: exception.line, column: exception.column, function: function.as_ptr() as *const _, message: message.as_ptr() as *const _, param: exception.param, }; mem::forget(name); mem::forget(file); mem::forget(function); mem::forget(message); exn }); let msg = c::RpcRecvReply { ty: c::Type::RpcRecvReply, alloc_size: alloc_size as _, exception: exn.as_ref().map_or(ptr::null(), |exn| exn as *const _) }; f(&msg as *const _ as *const _) } Message::CacheGetReply { value } => { let msg = c::CacheGetReply { ty: c::Type::CacheGetReply, length: value.len(), elements: value.as_ptr() }; f(&msg as *const _ as *const _) } Message::CachePutReply { succeeded } => { let msg = c::CachePutReply { ty: c::Type::CachePutReply, succeeded: succeeded as _ }; f(&msg as *const _ as *const _) } other => panic!("Message::into_lower: {:?} unimplemented", other) } } unsafe fn from_lower(ptr: *const ()) -> Self { let msg = ptr as *const c::Message; match (*msg).ty { c::Type::LoadReply => { let msg = ptr as *const c::LoadReply; let error = if (*msg).error.is_null() { None } else { Some(c::from_c_str((*msg).error)) }; Message::LoadReply { error: error } } c::Type::NowInitRequest => Message::NowInitRequest, c::Type::NowSave => { let msg = ptr as *const c::NowSave; Message::NowSave((*msg).now) } c::Type::RunFinished => Message::RunFinished, c::Type::RunException => { let msg = ptr as *const c::RunException; let exc = (*msg).exception; Message::RunException { exception: Exception { name: c::from_c_str((*exc).name), file: c::from_c_str((*exc).file), line: (*exc).line, column: (*exc).column, function: c::from_c_str((*exc).function), message: c::from_c_str((*exc).message), param: (*exc).param, }, backtrace: slice::from_raw_parts((*msg).backtrace, (*msg).backtrace_size) } } c::Type::WatchdogSetRequest => { let msg = ptr as *const c::WatchdogSetRequest; Message::WatchdogSetRequest { ms: (*msg).ms as u64 } }, c::Type::WatchdogClear => { let msg = ptr as *const c::WatchdogClear; Message::WatchdogClear { id: (*msg).id as usize } } c::Type::RpcSend | c::Type::RpcBatch => { let msg = ptr as *const c::RpcSend; Message::RpcSend { service: (*msg).service as _, batch: (*msg).ty == c::Type::RpcBatch, tag: slice::from_raw_parts((*msg).tag as *const _, c::strlen((*msg).tag) as usize), data: (*msg).data as *const _ } } c::Type::RpcRecvRequest => { let msg = ptr as *const c::RpcRecvRequest; Message::RpcRecvRequest { slot: (*msg).slot as *mut _ } } c::Type::CacheGetRequest => { let msg = ptr as *const c::CacheGetRequest; let key = c::from_c_str((*msg).key); Message::CacheGetRequest { key: key } } c::Type::CachePutRequest => { let msg = ptr as *const c::CachePutRequest; let key = c::from_c_str((*msg).key); let value = slice::from_raw_parts((*msg).elements, (*msg).length); Message::CachePutRequest { key: key, value: value } } c::Type::Log => { let msg = ptr as *const c::Log; Message::Log(c::from_c_str_len((*msg).buf, (*msg).len)) } ref other => panic!("Message::from_lower: {:?} unimplemented", other) } } pub fn send_and_wait(self, waiter: ::sched::Waiter) -> io::Result<()> { self.into_lower(|ptr| { unsafe { mailbox::send(ptr as usize) } waiter.until(mailbox::acknowledged) }) } pub fn wait_and_receive(waiter: ::sched::Waiter, f: F) -> io::Result where F: FnOnce(Message<'a>) -> io::Result { try!(waiter.until(|| mailbox::receive() != 0)); if !kernel::validate(mailbox::receive()) { return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, "invalid kernel CPU pointer")) } let msg = unsafe { Self::from_lower(mailbox::receive() as *const ()) }; Ok(try!(f(msg))) } pub fn acknowledge() { mailbox::acknowledge() } } // Low-level representation, compatible with the C code in ksupport mod c { use libc::{c_void, c_int, c_char, size_t}; use core::{str, slice}; extern { pub fn strlen(ptr: *const c_char) -> size_t; } #[repr(u32)] #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[allow(dead_code)] pub enum Type { LoadRequest, LoadReply, NowInitRequest, NowInitReply, NowSave, RunFinished, RunException, WatchdogSetRequest, WatchdogSetReply, WatchdogClear, RpcSend, RpcRecvRequest, RpcRecvReply, RpcBatch, CacheGetRequest, CacheGetReply, CachePutRequest, CachePutReply, Log, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Message { pub ty: Type } // kernel messages #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LoadRequest { pub ty: Type, pub library: *const c_void, } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct LoadReply { pub ty: Type, pub error: *const c_char } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NowInitReply { pub ty: Type, pub now: u64 } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NowSave { pub ty: Type, pub now: u64 } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RunException { pub ty: Type, pub exception: *const Exception, pub backtrace: *const usize, pub backtrace_size: size_t } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WatchdogSetRequest { pub ty: Type, pub ms: c_int } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WatchdogSetReply { pub ty: Type, pub id: c_int } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct WatchdogClear { pub ty: Type, pub id: c_int } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RpcSend { pub ty: Type, pub service: c_int, pub tag: *const c_char, pub data: *const *const c_void } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RpcRecvRequest { pub ty: Type, pub slot: *mut c_void } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct RpcRecvReply { pub ty: Type, pub alloc_size: c_int, pub exception: *const Exception } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CacheGetRequest { pub ty: Type, pub key: *const c_char } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CacheGetReply { pub ty: Type, pub length: size_t, pub elements: *const u32 } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CachePutRequest { pub ty: Type, pub key: *const c_char, pub length: size_t, pub elements: *const u32 } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CachePutReply { pub ty: Type, pub succeeded: c_int } #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Log { pub ty: Type, pub buf: *const c_char, pub len: size_t } // Supplementary structures #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Exception { pub name: *const c_char, // or typeinfo pub file: *const c_char, pub line: u32, pub column: u32, pub function: *const c_char, pub message: *const c_char, pub param: [u64; 3], } pub unsafe fn from_c_str_len<'a>(ptr: *const c_char, len: size_t) -> &'a str { str::from_utf8_unchecked(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *const u8, len)) } pub unsafe fn from_c_str<'a>(ptr: *const c_char) -> &'a str { from_c_str_len(ptr, strlen(ptr)) } }