from artiq.language.types import TInt32, TFloat from numpy import int32 from artiq.language.core import kernel, now_mu from artiq.coredevice.spline import Spline from artiq.coredevice.rtio import rtio_output # sawg.Config addresses _SAWG_DIV = 0 _SAWG_CLR = 1 _SAWG_IQ_EN = 2 # _SAWF_PAD = 3 # reserved _SAWG_DUC_I_MIN = 4 _SAWG_DUC_I_MAX = 5 _SAWG_DUC_Q_MIN = 6 _SAWG_DUC_Q_MAX = 7 _SAWG_OUT_MIN = 8 _SAWG_OUT_MAX = 9 class Config: """SAWG configuration. Exposes the configurable quantities of a single SAWG channel. :param channel: RTIO channel number of the channel. :param core: Core device. """ kernel_invariants = {"channel", "core", "_out_scale", "_duc_scale"} def __init__(self, channel, core, cordic_gain=1.): = channel self.core = core self._out_scale = (1 << 15) - 1. self._duc_scale = self._out_scale/cordic_gain @kernel def set_div(self, div: TInt32, n: TInt32=0): """Set the spline evolution divider and current counter value. The divider and the spline evolution are synchronized across all spline channels within a SAWG channel. The phase accumulator always evolves at full speed. :param div: Spline evolution divider, such that ``t_sawg_spline/t_rtio_coarse = div + 1``. Default: ``0``. :param n: Current value of the counter. Default: ``0``. """ rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_DIV, div | (n << 16)) @kernel def set_clr(self, clr0: TInt32, clr1: TInt32, clr2: TInt32): """Set the phase clear mode for the three phase accumulators. When the ``clr`` bit for a given phase accumulator is set, that phase accumulator will be cleared with every phase RTIO command and the output phase will be exactly the phase RTIO value ("absolute phase update mode"). In turn, when the bit is cleared, the phase RTIO channels only provide a phase offset to the current value of the phase accumulator ("relative phase update mode"). :param clr0: Auto-clear phase accumulator of the ``phase0``/ ``frequency0`` DUC. Default: ``True`` :param clr1: Auto-clear phase accumulator of the ``phase1``/ ``frequency1`` DDS. Default: ``True`` :param clr2: Auto-clear phase accumulator of the ``phase2``/ ``frequency2`` DDS. Default: ``True`` """ rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_CLR, clr1 | (clr2 << 1) | (clr0 << 2)) @kernel def set_iq_en(self, i_enable: TInt32, q_enable: TInt32): """Enable I/Q data on this DAC channel. Every pair of SAWG channels forms a buddy pair. The ``iq_en`` configuration controls which DDS data is emitted to the DACs. Refer to the documentation of :class:`SAWG` for a mathematical description of ``i_enable`` and ``q_enable``. .. note:: Quadrature data from the buddy channel is currently ignored in the SAWG gateware and not added to the DAC output. This is equivalent to the ``q_enable`` switch always being ``0``. :param i_enable: Controls adding the in-phase DUC-DDS data of *this* SAWG channel to *this* DAC channel. Default: ``1``. :param q_enable: controls adding the quadrature DUC-DDS data of this SAWG's *buddy* channel to *this* DAC channel. Default: ``0``. """ rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_IQ_EN, i_enable | (q_enable << 1)) @kernel def set_duc_i_max_mu(self, limit: TInt32): """Set the digital up-converter (DUC) I data summing junction upper limit. In machine units. The default limits are the full range of signed 16 bit data. For a description of the limiter functions in normalized units see: .. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max` """ rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_DUC_I_MAX, limit) @kernel def set_duc_i_min_mu(self, limit: TInt32): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max_mu`""" rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_DUC_I_MIN, limit) @kernel def set_duc_q_max_mu(self, limit: TInt32): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max_mu`""" rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_DUC_Q_MAX, limit) @kernel def set_duc_q_min_mu(self, limit: TInt32): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max_mu`""" rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_DUC_Q_MIN, limit) @kernel def set_out_max_mu(self, limit: TInt32): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max_mu`""" rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_OUT_MAX, limit) @kernel def set_out_min_mu(self, limit: TInt32): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max_mu`""" rtio_output(now_mu(),, _SAWG_OUT_MIN, limit) @kernel def set_duc_i_max(self, limit: TFloat): """Set the digital up-converter (DUC) I data summing junction upper limit. Each of the three summing junctions has a saturating adder with configurable upper and lower limits. The three summing junctions are: * At the in-phase input to the ``phase0``/``frequency0`` fast DUC, where the in-phase outputs of the two slow DDS (1 and 2) are added together. * At the quadrature input to the ``phase0``/``frequency0`` fast DUC, where the quadrature outputs of the two slow DDS (1 and 2) are added together. * Before the DAC, where the following three data streams are added together: * the output of the ``offset`` spline, * (optionally, depending on ``i_enable``) the in-phase output of the ``phase0``/``frequency0`` fast DUC, and * (optionally, depending on ``q_enable``) the quadrature output of the ``phase0``/``frequency0`` fast DUC of the buddy channel. Refer to the documentation of :class:`SAWG` for a mathematical description of the summing junctions. :param limit: Limit value ``[-1, 1]``. The output of the limiter will never exceed this limit. The default limits are the full range ``[-1, 1]``. .. seealso:: * :meth:`set_duc_i_max`: Upper limit of the in-phase input to the DUC. * :meth:`set_duc_i_min`: Lower limit of the in-phase input to the DUC. * :meth:`set_duc_q_max`: Upper limit of the quadrature input to the DUC. * :meth:`set_duc_q_min`: Lower limit of the quadrature input to the DUC. * :meth:`set_out_max`: Upper limit of the DAC output. * :meth:`set_out_min`: Lower limit of the DAC output. """ self.set_duc_i_max_mu(int32(round(limit*self._duc_scale))) @kernel def set_duc_i_min(self, limit: TFloat): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max`""" self.set_duc_i_min_mu(int32(round(limit*self._duc_scale))) @kernel def set_duc_q_max(self, limit: TFloat): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max`""" self.set_duc_q_max_mu(int32(round(limit*self._duc_scale))) @kernel def set_duc_q_min(self, limit: TFloat): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max`""" self.set_duc_q_min_mu(int32(round(limit*self._duc_scale))) @kernel def set_out_max(self, limit: TFloat): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max`""" self.set_out_max_mu(int32(round(limit*self._out_scale))) @kernel def set_out_min(self, limit: TFloat): """.. seealso:: :meth:`set_duc_i_max`""" self.set_out_min_mu(int32(round(limit*self._out_scale))) class SAWG: """Smart arbitrary waveform generator channel. The channel is parametrized as: :: oscillators = exp(2j*pi*(frequency0*t + phase0))*( amplitude1*exp(2j*pi*(frequency1*t + phase1)) + amplitude2*exp(2j*pi*(frequency2*t + phase2))) output = (offset + i_enable*Re(oscillators) + q_enable*Im(buddy_oscillators)) This parametrization can be viewed as two complex (quadrature) oscillators (``frequency1``/``phase1`` and ``frequency2``/``phase2``) followed by a complex digital up-converter (DUC, ``frequency0``/``phase0``) on top of a (real/in-phase) ``offset``. The ``i_enable``/``q_enable`` switches enable emission of quadrature signals for later analog quadrature mixing distinguishing upper and lower sidebands and thus doubling the bandwidth. They can also be used to emit four-tone signals. .. note:: Quadrature data from the buddy channel is currently ignored in the SAWG gateware and not added to the DAC output. This is equivalent to the ``q_enable`` switch always being ``0``. The configuration channel and the nine :class:`artiq.coredevice.spline.Spline` interpolators are accessible as attributes: * :attr:`config`: :class:`Config` * :attr:`offset`, :attr:`amplitude1`, :attr:`amplitude2`: in units of full scale * :attr:`phase0`, :attr:`phase1`, :attr:`phase2`: in units of turns * :attr:`frequency0`, :attr:`frequency1`, :attr:`frequency2`: in units of Hz :param channel_base: RTIO channel number of the first channel (amplitude). The configuration channel and frequency/phase/amplitude channels are then assumed to be successive channels. :param parallelism: Number of output samples per coarse RTIO clock cycle. :param core_device: Name of the core device that this SAWG is on. """ kernel_invariants = {"channel_base", "core", "amplitude1", "frequency1", "phase1", "amplitude2", "frequency2", "phase2", "frequency0", "phase0", "offset"} def __init__(self, dmgr, channel_base, parallelism, core_device="core"): self.core = dmgr.get(core_device) self.channel_base = channel_base width = 16 time_width = 16 cordic_gain = 1.646760258057163 # Cordic(width=16, guard=None).gain self.config = Config(channel_base, self.core, cordic_gain) self.offset = Spline(width, time_width, channel_base + 1, self.core, 2.) self.amplitude1 = Spline(width, time_width, channel_base + 2, self.core, 2*cordic_gain**2) self.frequency1 = Spline(3*width, time_width, channel_base + 3, self.core, 1/self.core.coarse_ref_period) self.phase1 = Spline(width, time_width, channel_base + 4, self.core, 1.) self.amplitude2 = Spline(width, time_width, channel_base + 5, self.core, 2*cordic_gain**2) self.frequency2 = Spline(3*width, time_width, channel_base + 6, self.core, 1/self.core.coarse_ref_period) self.phase2 = Spline(width, time_width, channel_base + 7, self.core, 1.) self.frequency0 = Spline(2*width, time_width, channel_base + 8, self.core, parallelism/self.core.coarse_ref_period) self.phase0 = Spline(width, time_width, channel_base + 9, self.core, 1.)