from migen import * from migen.genlib.fsm import * from migen.genlib.misc import WaitTimer from misoc.interconnect import wishbone class AD9xxx(Module): """Wishbone interface to the AD9858 and AD9914 DDS chips. Addresses 0-2**len(pads.a)-1 map the AD9xxx registers. Write to address 2**len(pads.a) to pulse the FUD signal. Address 2**len(pads.a)+1 is a GPIO register that controls the sel and reset signals. rst is mapped to bit 0, followed by sel. Write timing: Address is set one cycle before assertion of we_n. we_n is asserted for one cycle, at the same time as valid data is driven. Read timing: Address is set one cycle before assertion of rd_n. rd_n is asserted for read_wait_cycles, data is sampled at the end. rd_n is deasserted and data bus is not driven again before hiz_wait_cycles. Design: All IO pads are registered. With QC1 adapter: LVDS driver/receiver propagation delays are 3.6+4.5 ns max LVDS state transition delays are 20, 15 ns max Schmitt trigger delays are 6.4ns max Round-trip addr A setup (> RX, RD, D to Z), RD prop, D valid (< D valid), D prop is ~15 + 10 + 20 + 10 = 55ns """ def __init__(self, pads, read_wait_cycles=10, hiz_wait_cycles=3, bus=None): if bus is None: bus = wishbone.Interface(data_width=len(pads.d)) self.bus = bus # # # dts = TSTriple(len(pads.d)) self.specials += dts.get_tristate(pads.d) hold_address = Signal() dr = Signal(len(pads.d)) rx = Signal() self.sync += [ If(~hold_address, pads.a.eq(bus.adr)), dts.o.eq(bus.dat_w), dr.eq(dts.i), dts.oe.eq(~rx) ] if hasattr(pads, "sel"): sel_len = len(pads.sel) else: sel_len = len(pads.sel_n) gpio = Signal(sel_len + 1) gpio_load = Signal() self.sync += If(gpio_load, gpio.eq(bus.dat_w)) if hasattr(pads, "rst"): self.comb += pads.rst.eq(gpio[0]) else: self.comb += pads.rst_n.eq(~gpio[0]) if hasattr(pads, "sel"): self.comb += pads.sel.eq(gpio[1:]) else: self.comb += pads.sel_n.eq(~gpio[1:]) bus_r_gpio = Signal() self.comb += If(bus_r_gpio, bus.dat_r.eq(gpio) ).Else( bus.dat_r.eq(dr) ) fud = Signal() if hasattr(pads, "fud"): self.sync += pads.fud.eq(fud) else: self.sync += pads.fud_n.eq(~fud) pads.wr_n.reset = 1 pads.rd_n.reset = 1 wr = Signal() rd = Signal() self.sync += pads.wr_n.eq(~wr), pads.rd_n.eq(~rd) self.submodules.read_timer = WaitTimer(read_wait_cycles) self.submodules.hiz_timer = WaitTimer(hiz_wait_cycles) fsm = FSM("IDLE") self.submodules += fsm fsm.act("IDLE", If(bus.cyc & bus.stb, If(bus.adr[len(pads.a)], If(bus.adr[0], NextState("GPIO") ).Else( NextState("FUD") ) ).Else( If(bus.we, NextState("WRITE") ).Else( NextState("READ") ) ) ) ) fsm.act("WRITE", # 3ns A setup to WR active wr.eq(1), NextState("WRITE0") ) fsm.act("WRITE0", # 3.5ns D setup to WR inactive # 0ns D and A hold to WR inactive bus.ack.eq(1), NextState("IDLE") ) fsm.act("READ", # 15ns D valid to A setup # 15ns D valid to RD active rx.eq(1), rd.eq(1), self.read_timer.wait.eq(1), If(self.read_timer.done, bus.ack.eq(1), NextState("WAIT_HIZ") ) ) fsm.act("WAIT_HIZ", rx.eq(1), # For some reason, AD9858 has an address hold time to RD inactive. hold_address.eq(1), self.hiz_timer.wait.eq(1), If(self.hiz_timer.done, NextState("IDLE")) ) fsm.act("FUD", # 4ns FUD setup to SYNCLK # 0ns FUD hold to SYNCLK fud.eq(1), bus.ack.eq(1), NextState("IDLE") ) fsm.act("GPIO", bus.ack.eq(1), bus_r_gpio.eq(1), If(bus.we, gpio_load.eq(1)), NextState("IDLE") ) def _test_gen(bus): # Test external bus writes yield from bus.write(4, 2) yield from bus.write(5, 3) yield # Test external bus reads yield from yield from yield # Test FUD yield from bus.write(64, 0) yield # Test GPIO yield from bus.write(65, 0xff) yield class _TestPads: def __init__(self): self.a = Signal(6) self.d = Signal(8) self.sel = Signal(5) self.fud_n = Signal() self.wr_n = Signal() self.rd_n = Signal() self.rst_n = Signal() if __name__ == "__main__": pads = _TestPads() dut = AD9xxx(pads) run_simulation(dut, _test_gen(dut.bus), vcd_name="ad9xxx.vcd")