from math import ceil from functools import reduce from operator import add from migen import * from migen.genlib.cdc import MultiReg, PulseSynchronizer # Changes the phase of the transceiver RX clock to align the comma to # the LSBs of RXDATA, fixing the latency. # # This is implemented by repeatedly resetting the transceiver until it # gives out the correct phase. Each reset gives a random phase. # # If Xilinx had designed the GTX transceiver correctly, RXSLIDE_MODE=PMA # would achieve this faster and in a cleaner way. But: # * the phase jumps are of 2 UI at every second RXSLIDE pulse, instead # of 1 UI at every pulse. It is unclear what the latency becomes. # * RXSLIDE_MODE=PMA cannot be used with the RX buffer bypassed. # Those design flaws make RXSLIDE_MODE=PMA yet another broken and useless # transceiver "feature". # # Warning: Xilinx transceivers are LSB first, and comma needs to be flipped # compared to the usual 8b10b binary representation. class BruteforceClockAligner(Module): def __init__(self, comma, tx_clk_freq, check_period=6e-3): self.rxdata = Signal(20) self.restart = Signal() self.ready = Signal() check_max_val = ceil(check_period*tx_clk_freq) check_counter = Signal(max=check_max_val+1) check = Signal() reset_check_counter = Signal() self.sync.rtio_tx += [ check.eq(0), If(reset_check_counter, check_counter.eq(check_max_val) ).Else( If(check_counter == 0, check.eq(1), check_counter.eq(check_max_val) ).Else( check_counter.eq(check_counter-1) ) ) ] checks_reset = PulseSynchronizer("rtio_tx", "rtio_rx") self.submodules += checks_reset comma_n = ~comma & 0b1111111111 comma_seen_rxclk = Signal() comma_seen = Signal() comma_seen_rxclk.attr.add("no_retiming") self.specials += MultiReg(comma_seen_rxclk, comma_seen) self.sync.rtio_rx += \ If(checks_reset.o, comma_seen_rxclk.eq(0) ).Elif((self.rxdata[:10] == comma) | (self.rxdata[:10] == comma_n), comma_seen_rxclk.eq(1) ) error_seen_rxclk = Signal() error_seen = Signal() error_seen_rxclk.attr.add("no_retiming") self.specials += MultiReg(error_seen_rxclk, error_seen) rx1cnt = Signal(max=11) self.sync.rtio_rx += [ rx1cnt.eq(reduce(add, [self.rxdata[i] for i in range(10)])), If(checks_reset.o, error_seen_rxclk.eq(0) ).Elif((rx1cnt != 4) & (rx1cnt != 5) & (rx1cnt != 6), error_seen_rxclk.eq(1) ) ] fsm = ClockDomainsRenamer("rtio_tx")(FSM(reset_state="WAIT_COMMA")) self.submodules += fsm fsm.act("WAIT_COMMA", If(check, # Errors are still OK at this stage, as the transceiver # has just been reset and may output garbage data. If(comma_seen, NextState("WAIT_NOERROR") ).Else( self.restart.eq(1) ), checks_reset.i.eq(1) ) ) fsm.act("WAIT_NOERROR", If(check, If(comma_seen & ~error_seen, NextState("READY") ).Else( self.restart.eq(1), NextState("WAIT_COMMA") ), checks_reset.i.eq(1) ) ) fsm.act("READY", reset_check_counter.eq(1), self.ready.eq(1), If(error_seen, checks_reset.i.eq(1), self.restart.eq(1), NextState("WAIT_COMMA") ) )