#![feature(lang_items, alloc, try_from, nonzero, asm, panic_implementation, panic_info_message, const_slice_len)] #![no_std] extern crate eh; #[macro_use] extern crate alloc; extern crate failure; #[macro_use] extern crate failure_derive; extern crate cslice; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate byteorder; extern crate fringe; extern crate managed; extern crate smoltcp; extern crate alloc_list; extern crate unwind_backtrace; extern crate io; #[macro_use] extern crate board_misoc; extern crate board_artiq; extern crate logger_artiq; extern crate proto_artiq; use core::cell::RefCell; use core::convert::TryFrom; use smoltcp::wire::{EthernetAddress, IpAddress, IpCidr}; use board_misoc::{csr, irq, ident, clock, boot, config}; #[cfg(has_ethmac)] use board_misoc::ethmac; #[cfg(has_drtio)] use board_artiq::drtioaux; use board_artiq::drtio_routing; use board_artiq::{mailbox, rpc_queue}; use proto_artiq::{mgmt_proto, moninj_proto, rpc_proto, session_proto, kernel_proto}; #[cfg(has_rtio_analyzer)] use proto_artiq::analyzer_proto; mod rtio_mgt; mod urc; mod sched; mod cache; mod rtio_dma; mod mgmt; mod profiler; mod kernel; mod kern_hwreq; mod watchdog; mod session; #[cfg(any(has_rtio_moninj, has_drtio))] mod moninj; #[cfg(has_rtio_analyzer)] mod analyzer; fn startup() { irq::set_mask(0); irq::set_ie(true); clock::init(); info!("ARTIQ runtime starting..."); info!("software ident {}", csr::CONFIG_IDENTIFIER_STR); info!("gateware ident {}", ident::read(&mut [0; 64])); match config::read_str("log_level", |r| r.map(|s| s.parse())) { Ok(Ok(log_level_filter)) => { info!("log level set to {} by `log_level` config key", log_level_filter); log::set_max_level(log_level_filter); } _ => info!("log level set to INFO by default") } match config::read_str("uart_log_level", |r| r.map(|s| s.parse())) { Ok(Ok(uart_log_level_filter)) => { info!("UART log level set to {} by `uart_log_level` config key", uart_log_level_filter); logger_artiq::BufferLogger::with(|logger| logger.set_uart_log_level(uart_log_level_filter)); } _ => info!("UART log level set to INFO by default") } #[cfg(has_slave_fpga_cfg)] board_artiq::slave_fpga::load().expect("cannot load RTM FPGA gateware"); #[cfg(has_serwb_phy_amc)] board_artiq::serwb::wait_init(); #[cfg(has_uart)] { let t = clock::get_ms(); info!("press 'e' to erase startup and idle kernels..."); while clock::get_ms() < t + 1000 { if unsafe { csr::uart::rxtx_read() == b'e' } { config::remove("startup_kernel").unwrap(); config::remove("idle_kernel").unwrap(); info!("startup and idle kernels erased"); break } } info!("continuing boot"); } #[cfg(has_i2c)] board_artiq::i2c::init(); #[cfg(si5324_as_synthesizer)] setup_si5324_as_synthesizer(); #[cfg(has_hmc830_7043)] /* must be the first SPI init because of HMC830 SPI mode selection */ board_artiq::hmc830_7043::init().expect("cannot initialize HMC830/7043"); #[cfg(has_ad9154)] { board_artiq::ad9154::jesd_reset(false); board_artiq::ad9154::init(); if let Err(e) = board_artiq::jesd204sync::sysref_auto_rtio_align() { error!("failed to align SYSREF at FPGA: {}", e); } if let Err(e) = board_artiq::jesd204sync::sysref_auto_dac_align() { error!("failed to align SYSREF at DAC: {}", e); } } #[cfg(has_allaki_atts)] board_artiq::hmc542::program_all(8/*=4dB*/); #[cfg(has_ethmac)] startup_ethernet(); #[cfg(not(has_ethmac))] { info!("done"); loop {} } } #[cfg(si5324_as_synthesizer)] fn setup_si5324_as_synthesizer() { // 125MHz output, from 100MHz CLKIN2 reference, 586 Hz loop bandwidth #[cfg(all(not(si5324_sayma_ref), rtio_frequency = "125.0", si5324_ext_ref, ext_ref_frequency = "100.0"))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings = board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs : 10, nc1_ls : 4, n2_hs : 10, n2_ls : 260, n31 : 65, n32 : 52, bwsel : 4, crystal_ref: false }; // 125MHz output, from 125MHz CLKIN2 reference, 606 Hz loop bandwidth #[cfg(all(not(si5324_sayma_ref), rtio_frequency = "125.0", si5324_ext_ref, ext_ref_frequency = "125.0"))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings = board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs : 5, nc1_ls : 8, n2_hs : 7, n2_ls : 360, n31 : 63, n32 : 63, bwsel : 4, crystal_ref: false }; // 125MHz output, from crystal, 7 Hz #[cfg(all(not(si5324_sayma_ref), rtio_frequency = "125.0", not(si5324_ext_ref)))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings = board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs : 10, nc1_ls : 4, n2_hs : 10, n2_ls : 19972, n31 : 4993, n32 : 4565, bwsel : 4, crystal_ref: true }; // 150MHz output, from crystal #[cfg(all(not(si5324_sayma_ref), rtio_frequency = "150.0", not(si5324_ext_ref)))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings = board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs : 9, nc1_ls : 4, n2_hs : 10, n2_ls : 33732, n31 : 9370, n32 : 7139, bwsel : 3, crystal_ref: true }; // 100MHz output, from crystal. Also used as reference for Sayma HMC830. #[cfg(any(si5324_sayma_ref, all(rtio_frequency = "100.0", not(si5324_ext_ref))))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings = board_artiq::si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs : 9, nc1_ls : 6, n2_hs : 10, n2_ls : 33732, n31 : 9370, n32 : 7139, bwsel : 3, crystal_ref: true }; board_artiq::si5324::setup(&SI5324_SETTINGS, board_artiq::si5324::Input::Ckin2).expect("cannot initialize Si5324"); } #[cfg(has_grabber)] fn grabber_thread(io: sched::Io) { loop { board_artiq::grabber::tick(); io.sleep(200).unwrap(); } } #[cfg(has_ethmac)] fn startup_ethernet() { let hardware_addr; match config::read_str("mac", |r| r.map(|s| s.parse())) { Ok(Ok(addr)) => { hardware_addr = addr; info!("using MAC address {}", hardware_addr); } _ => { #[cfg(soc_platform = "kasli")] { hardware_addr = EthernetAddress([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21]); } #[cfg(soc_platform = "sayma_amc")] { hardware_addr = EthernetAddress([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11]); } #[cfg(soc_platform = "kc705")] { hardware_addr = EthernetAddress([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]); } warn!("using default MAC address {}; consider changing it", hardware_addr); } } let protocol_addr; match config::read_str("ip", |r| r.map(|s| s.parse())) { Ok(Ok(addr)) => { protocol_addr = addr; info!("using IP address {}", protocol_addr); } _ => { #[cfg(soc_platform = "kasli")] { protocol_addr = IpAddress::v4(192, 168, 1, 70); } #[cfg(soc_platform = "sayma_amc")] { protocol_addr = IpAddress::v4(192, 168, 1, 60); } #[cfg(soc_platform = "kc705")] { protocol_addr = IpAddress::v4(192, 168, 1, 50); } info!("using default IP address {}", protocol_addr); } } let mut net_device = unsafe { ethmac::EthernetDevice::new() }; net_device.reset_phy_if_any(); let net_device = { use smoltcp::time::Instant; use smoltcp::wire::PrettyPrinter; use smoltcp::wire::EthernetFrame; fn net_trace_writer(timestamp: Instant, printer: PrettyPrinter>) { print!("\x1b[37m[{:6}.{:03}s]\n{}\x1b[0m\n", timestamp.secs(), timestamp.millis(), printer) } fn net_trace_silent(_timestamp: Instant, _printer: PrettyPrinter>) {} let net_trace_fn: fn(Instant, PrettyPrinter>); match config::read_str("net_trace", |r| r.map(|s| s == "1")) { Ok(true) => net_trace_fn = net_trace_writer, _ => net_trace_fn = net_trace_silent } smoltcp::phy::EthernetTracer::new(net_device, net_trace_fn) }; let neighbor_cache = smoltcp::iface::NeighborCache::new(alloc::btree_map::BTreeMap::new()); let mut interface = smoltcp::iface::EthernetInterfaceBuilder::new(net_device) .neighbor_cache(neighbor_cache) .ethernet_addr(hardware_addr) .ip_addrs([IpCidr::new(protocol_addr, 0)]) .finalize(); #[cfg(has_drtio)] let drtio_routing_table = urc::Urc::new(RefCell::new( drtio_routing::config_routing_table(csr::DRTIO.len()))); #[cfg(not(has_drtio))] let drtio_routing_table = urc::Urc::new(RefCell::new( drtio_routing::RoutingTable::default_empty())); let up_destinations = urc::Urc::new(RefCell::new( [false; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT])); #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] drtio_routing::interconnect_disable_all(); let aux_mutex = sched::Mutex::new(); let mut scheduler = sched::Scheduler::new(); let io = scheduler.io(); rtio_mgt::startup(&io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations); io.spawn(4096, mgmt::thread); { let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone(); let drtio_routing_table = drtio_routing_table.clone(); let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone(); io.spawn(16384, move |io| { session::thread(io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations) }); } #[cfg(any(has_rtio_moninj, has_drtio))] { let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone(); let drtio_routing_table = drtio_routing_table.clone(); io.spawn(4096, move |io| { moninj::thread(io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table) }); } #[cfg(has_rtio_analyzer)] io.spawn(4096, analyzer::thread); #[cfg(has_grabber)] io.spawn(4096, grabber_thread); let mut net_stats = ethmac::EthernetStatistics::new(); loop { scheduler.run(); { let sockets = &mut *scheduler.sockets().borrow_mut(); loop { let timestamp = smoltcp::time::Instant::from_millis(clock::get_ms() as i64); match interface.poll(sockets, timestamp) { Ok(true) => (), Ok(false) => break, Err(smoltcp::Error::Unrecognized) => (), Err(err) => debug!("network error: {}", err) } } } if let Some(_net_stats_diff) = net_stats.update() { debug!("ethernet mac:{}", ethmac::EthernetStatistics::new()); } } } #[global_allocator] static mut ALLOC: alloc_list::ListAlloc = alloc_list::EMPTY; static mut LOG_BUFFER: [u8; 1<<17] = [0; 1<<17]; #[no_mangle] pub extern fn main() -> i32 { unsafe { extern { static mut _fheap: u8; static mut _eheap: u8; } ALLOC.add_range(&mut _fheap, &mut _eheap); logger_artiq::BufferLogger::new(&mut LOG_BUFFER[..]).register(startup); 0 } } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn exception(vect: u32, _regs: *const u32, pc: u32, ea: u32) { let vect = irq::Exception::try_from(vect).expect("unknown exception"); match vect { irq::Exception::Interrupt => while irq::pending_mask() != 0 { match () { #[cfg(has_timer1)] () if irq::is_pending(csr::TIMER1_INTERRUPT) => profiler::sample(pc as usize), _ => panic!("spurious irq {}", irq::pending_mask().trailing_zeros()) } }, _ => { fn hexdump(addr: u32) { let addr = (addr - addr % 4) as *const u32; let mut ptr = addr; println!("@ {:08p}", ptr); for _ in 0..4 { print!("+{:04x}: ", ptr as usize - addr as usize); print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); print!("{:08x}\n", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); } } hexdump(pc); hexdump(ea); panic!("exception {:?} at PC 0x{:x}, EA 0x{:x}", vect, pc, ea) } } } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn abort() { println!("aborted"); loop {} } #[no_mangle] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/{38281,51647} #[lang = "oom"] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/51540 pub fn oom(layout: core::alloc::Layout) -> ! { panic!("heap view: {}\ncannot allocate layout: {:?}", unsafe { &ALLOC }, layout) } #[no_mangle] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/{38281,51647} #[panic_implementation] pub fn panic_impl(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { irq::set_ie(false); if let Some(location) = info.location() { print!("panic at {}:{}:{}", location.file(), location.line(), location.column()); } else { print!("panic at unknown location"); } if let Some(message) = info.message() { println!("{}", message); } else { println!(""); } println!("backtrace for software version {}:", csr::CONFIG_IDENTIFIER_STR); let _ = unwind_backtrace::backtrace(|ip| { // Backtrace gives us the return address, i.e. the address after the delay slot, // but we're interested in the call instruction. println!("{:#08x}", ip - 2 * 4); }); if config::read_str("panic_reset", |r| r == Ok("1")) { println!("restarting..."); unsafe { boot::reset() } } else { println!("halting."); println!("use `artiq_coreconfig write -s panic_reset 1` to restart instead"); loop {} } }