import unittest from migen import * from artiq.gateware.rtio.phy.edge_counter import * CONFIG_COUNT_RISING = 0b0001 CONFIG_COUNT_FALLING = 0b0010 CONFIG_SEND_COUNT_EVENT = 0b0100 CONFIG_RESET_TO_ZERO = 0b1000 class TimeoutError(Exception): pass class Testbench: def __init__(self, counter_width=32): self.input = Signal() self.dut = SimpleEdgeCounter(self.input, counter_width=counter_width) self.fragment = self.dut.get_fragment() cd = ClockDomain("rio") self.fragment.clock_domains.append(cd) self.rio_rst = cd.rst def write_config(self, config): bus = self.dut.rtlink.o yield yield bus.stb.eq(1) yield yield bus.stb.eq(0) yield def read_event(self, timeout): bus = self.dut.rtlink.i for _ in range(timeout): if (yield bus.stb): break yield else: raise TimeoutError return (yield def fetch_count(self, zero=False): c = CONFIG_SEND_COUNT_EVENT if zero: c |= CONFIG_RESET_TO_ZERO yield from self.write_config(c) return (yield from self.read_event(1)) def toggle_input(self): yield self.input.eq(1) yield yield self.input.eq(0) yield def reset_rio(self): yield self.rio_rst.eq(1) yield yield self.rio_rst.eq(0) yield def run(self, gen): run_simulation(self.fragment, gen, clocks={n: 5 for n in ["sys", "rio", "rio_phy"]}) class TestEdgeCounter(unittest.TestCase): def test_init(self): tb = Testbench() def gen(): # No counts initially... self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count()), 0) # ...nor any sensitivity. yield from tb.toggle_input() self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count()), 0) def test_sensitivity(self): tb = Testbench() def gen(sensitivity_config, expected_rising, expected_falling): yield from tb.write_config(sensitivity_config) yield tb.input.eq(1) yield self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count(zero=True)), expected_rising) yield from tb.write_config(sensitivity_config) yield tb.input.eq(0) yield self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count()), expected_falling) yield with self.assertRaises(TimeoutError): # Make sure there are no more suprious events. yield from tb.read_event(10), 1, 0)), 0, 1)) | CONFIG_COUNT_FALLING, 1, 1)) def test_reset(self): tb = Testbench() def gen(): # Generate one count. yield from tb.write_config(CONFIG_COUNT_RISING) yield from tb.toggle_input() self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count()), 1) # Make sure it is gone after an RTIO reset, and the counter isn't # sensitive anymore. yield from tb.write_config(CONFIG_COUNT_RISING) yield from tb.reset_rio() yield from tb.toggle_input() self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count()), 0) def test_saturation(self): for width in range(3, 5): tb = Testbench(counter_width=width) def gen(): yield from tb.write_config(CONFIG_COUNT_RISING) for _ in range(2**width + 1): yield from tb.toggle_input() self.assertEqual((yield from tb.fetch_count()), 2**width - 1)