# This script installs ARTIQ using the conda packages built by the new Nix/Hydra system. # It needs to be run in the root (base) conda environment with "python install-artiq.py" # It supports Linux and Windows, but Linux users should consider using the higher-quality # Nix package manager instead of Conda. # EDIT THIS: # The name of the conda environment to create CONDA_ENV_NAME = "artiq" # The conda packages to download from hydra and install. # Each entry is ("hydra build name", "conda package name"). Hydra builds are: # * main: core ARTIQ packages, including controllers for third-party devices # * sinara-systems: firmware and gateware builds for generic Sinara systems CONDA_PACKAGES = [ ("main", "artiq"), ("main", "artiq-board-kc705-nist_clock"), ("main", "artiq-board-kasli-tester"), ("sinara-systems", "artiq-board-kasli-mitll") ] # Set to False if you have already set up conda channels ADD_CHANNELS = True # You should not need to modify the rest of the script below. import os import tempfile def run(command): r = os.system(command) if r != 0: raise SystemExit("command '{}' returned non-zero exit status: {}".format(command, r)) if ADD_CHANNELS: run("conda config --add channels m-labs") run("conda config --add channels conda-forge") run("conda install -y conda-build curl") # A questionable conda decision is to ignore dependencies when installing .tar.bz2's directly. # Work around it by creating a channel for our packages. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as channel_dir: print("Creating conda channel in {channel_dir}...".format(channel_dir=channel_dir)) previous_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(channel_dir) try: os.mkdir("noarch") # curl -OJL won't take the correct filename and it will save the output as "conda". # wget --content-disposition is better-behaved but wget cannot be used on Windows. # Amazingly, conda doesn't break when package files are renamed, so we can get away # by generating our own names that don't contain the version number. for hydra_build, package in CONDA_PACKAGES: run("curl https://nixbld.m-labs.hk/job/artiq/{hydra_build}/conda-{package}/latest/download-by-type/file/conda -L -o noarch/{package}.tar.bz2" .format(hydra_build=hydra_build, package=package)) run("conda index") # Creating the environment first with python 3.5 hits fewer bugs in conda's broken dependency solver. run("conda create -y -n {CONDA_ENV_NAME} python=3.5".format(CONDA_ENV_NAME=CONDA_ENV_NAME)) for _, package in CONDA_PACKAGES: # Do not activate the environment yet - otherwise "conda install" may not find the SSL module anymore on Windows. # Installing into the environment from the outside works around this conda bug. run("conda install -y -n {CONDA_ENV_NAME} -c {channel_dir} {package}" .format(CONDA_ENV_NAME=CONDA_ENV_NAME, channel_dir=channel_dir, package=package)) finally: os.chdir(previous_dir)