import ast import operator from fractions import Fraction from import * from artiq.language.core import int64, round64 _ast_unops = { ast.Invert: operator.inv, ast.Not: operator.not_, ast.UAdd: operator.pos, ast.USub: operator.neg } _ast_binops = { ast.Add: operator.add, ast.Sub: operator.sub, ast.Mult: operator.mul, ast.Div: operator.truediv, ast.FloorDiv: operator.floordiv, ast.Mod: operator.mod, ast.Pow: operator.pow, ast.LShift: operator.lshift, ast.RShift: operator.rshift, ast.BitOr: operator.or_, ast.BitXor: operator.xor, ast.BitAnd: operator.and_ } _ast_cmpops = { ast.Eq: operator.eq, ast.NotEq:, ast.Lt:, ast.LtE: operator.le, ast.Gt:, ast.GtE: } _ast_boolops = { ast.Or: lambda x, y: x or y, ast.And: lambda x, y: x and y } class _ConstantFolder(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) try: operand = eval_constant(node.operand) except NotConstant: return node try: op = _ast_unops[type(node.op)] except KeyError: return node try: result = value_to_ast(op(operand)) except: return node return ast.copy_location(result, node) def visit_BinOp(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) try: left, right = eval_constant(node.left), eval_constant(node.right) except NotConstant: return node try: op = _ast_binops[type(node.op)] except KeyError: return node try: result = value_to_ast(op(left, right)) except: return node return ast.copy_location(result, node) def visit_Compare(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) try: operands = [eval_constant(node.left)] except NotConstant: operands = [node.left] ops = [] for op, right_ast in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): try: right = eval_constant(right_ast) except NotConstant: right = right_ast if (not isinstance(operands[-1], ast.AST) and not isinstance(right, ast.AST)): left = operands.pop() operands.append(_ast_cmpops[type(op)](left, right)) else: ops.append(op) operands.append(right_ast) operands = [operand if isinstance(operand, ast.AST) else ast.copy_location(value_to_ast(operand), node) for operand in operands] if len(operands) == 1: return operands[0] else: node.left = operands[0] node.right = operands[1:] node.ops = ops return node def visit_BoolOp(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) new_values = [] for value in node.values: try: value_c = eval_constant(value) except NotConstant: new_values.append(value) else: if new_values and not isinstance(new_values[-1], ast.AST): op = _ast_boolops[type(node.op)] new_values[-1] = op(new_values[-1], value_c) else: new_values.append(value_c) new_values = [v if isinstance(v, ast.AST) else value_to_ast(v) for v in new_values] if len(new_values) > 1: node.values = new_values return node else: return new_values[0] def visit_Call(self, node): self.generic_visit(node) fn = constant_ops = { "int": int, "int64": int64, "round": round, "round64": round64, "Fraction": Fraction } if fn in constant_ops: args = [] for arg in node.args: try: args.append(eval_constant(arg)) except NotConstant: return node result = value_to_ast(constant_ops[fn](*args)) return ast.copy_location(result, node) else: return node def fold_constants(node): _ConstantFolder().visit(node)