import logging import asyncio import sys import string import shlex import os import subprocess from functools import partial from itertools import count from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from artiq.protocols.pipe_ipc import AsyncioParentComm from artiq.protocols.logging import LogParser from artiq.protocols import pyon from import QDockWidgetCloseDetect logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AppletIPCServer(AsyncioParentComm): def __init__(self, datasets_sub): AsyncioParentComm.__init__(self) self.datasets_sub = datasets_sub self.datasets = set() def write_pyon(self, obj): self.write(pyon.encode(obj).encode() + b"\n") async def read_pyon(self): line = await self.readline() return pyon.decode(line.decode()) def _synthesize_init(self, data): struct = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k in self.datasets} return {"action": "init", "struct": struct} def _on_mod(self, mod): if mod["action"] == "init": mod = self._synthesize_init(mod["struct"]) else: if mod["path"]: if mod["path"][0] not in self.datasets: return elif mod["action"] in {"setitem", "delitem"}: if mod["key"] not in self.datasets: return self.write_pyon({"action": "mod", "mod": mod}) async def serve(self, embed_cb, fix_initial_size_cb): self.datasets_sub.notify_cbs.append(self._on_mod) try: while True: obj = await self.read_pyon() try: action = obj["action"] if action == "embed": embed_cb(obj["win_id"]) self.write_pyon({"action": "embed_done"}) elif action == "fix_initial_size": fix_initial_size_cb() elif action == "subscribe": self.datasets = obj["datasets"] if self.datasets_sub.model is not None: mod = self._synthesize_init( self.datasets_sub.model.backing_store) self.write_pyon({"action": "mod", "mod": mod}) else: raise ValueError("unknown action in applet message") except: logger.warning("error processing applet message", exc_info=True) self.write_pyon({"action": "error"}) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except: logger.error("error processing data from applet, " "server stopped", exc_info=True) finally: self.datasets_sub.notify_cbs.remove(self._on_mod) def start(self, embed_cb, fix_initial_size_cb): self.server_task = asyncio.ensure_future( self.serve(embed_cb, fix_initial_size_cb)) async def stop(self): self.server_task.cancel() await asyncio.wait([self.server_task]) class _AppletDock(QDockWidgetCloseDetect): def __init__(self, datasets_sub, uid, name, spec): QDockWidgetCloseDetect.__init__(self, "Applet: " + name) self.setObjectName("applet" + str(uid)) qfm = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font()) self.setMinimumSize(20*qfm.averageCharWidth(), 5*qfm.lineSpacing()) self.resize(40*qfm.averageCharWidth(), 10*qfm.lineSpacing()) self.datasets_sub = datasets_sub self.applet_name = name self.spec = spec self.starting_stopping = False def rename(self, name): self.applet_name = name self.setWindowTitle("Applet: " + name) def _get_log_source(self): return "applet({})".format(self.applet_name) async def start_process(self, args, stdin): if self.starting_stopping: return self.starting_stopping = True try: self.ipc = AppletIPCServer(self.datasets_sub) env = os.environ.copy() env["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1" env["ARTIQ_APPLET_EMBED"] = self.ipc.get_address() try: await self.ipc.create_subprocess( *args, stdin=None if stdin is None else subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, start_new_session=True) except: logger.warning("Applet %s failed to start", self.applet_name, exc_info=True) if stdin is not None: self.ipc.process.stdin.write(stdin.encode()) self.ipc.process.stdin.write_eof() asyncio.ensure_future( LogParser(self._get_log_source).stream_task( self.ipc.process.stdout)) asyncio.ensure_future( LogParser(self._get_log_source).stream_task( self.ipc.process.stderr)) self.ipc.start(self.embed, self.fix_initial_size) finally: self.starting_stopping = False async def start(self): if self.spec["ty"] == "command": command_tpl = string.Template(self.spec["command"]) python = sys.executable.replace("\\", "\\\\") command = command_tpl.safe_substitute( python=python, artiq_applet=python + " -m artiq.applets." ) logger.debug("starting command %s for %s", command, self.applet_name) await self.start_process(shlex.split(command), None) elif self.spec["ty"] == "code": await self.start_process([sys.executable], self.spec["code"]) else: raise ValueError def embed(self, win_id): logger.debug("capturing window 0x%x for %s", win_id, self.applet_name) self.embed_window = QtGui.QWindow.fromWinId(win_id) self.embed_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget.createWindowContainer( self.embed_window) self.setWidget(self.embed_widget) # HACK: This function would not be needed if Qt window embedding # worked correctly. def fix_initial_size(self): self.embed_window.resize(self.embed_widget.size()) async def terminate(self, delete_self=True): if self.starting_stopping: return self.starting_stopping = True if hasattr(self, "ipc"): await self.ipc.stop() self.ipc.write_pyon({"action": "terminate"}) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.ipc.process.wait(), 2.0) except: logger.warning("Applet %s failed to exit, killing", self.applet_name) try: self.ipc.process.kill() except ProcessLookupError: pass await self.ipc.process.wait() del self.ipc if hasattr(self, "embed_widget"): self.embed_widget.deleteLater() del self.embed_widget self.starting_stopping = False if delete_self: self.deleteLater() async def restart(self): await self.terminate(False) await self.start() _templates = [ ("Big number", "${artiq_applet}big_number " "NUMBER_DATASET"), ("Histogram", "${artiq_applet}plot_hist " "COUNTS_DATASET " "--x BIN_BOUNDARIES_DATASET"), ("XY", "${artiq_applet}plot_xy " "Y_DATASET --x X_DATASET " "--error ERROR_DATASET --fit FIT_DATASET"), ("XY + Histogram", "${artiq_applet}plot_xy_hist " "X_DATASET " "HIST_BIN_BOUNDARIES_DATASET " "HISTS_COUNTS_DATASET"), ("Image", "${artiq_applet}image IMG_DATASET"), ] # Based on: # class _AutoCompleteEdit(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): def __init__(self, parent, completer): QtWidgets.QLineEdit.__init__(self, parent) self._completer = completer self._completer.setWidget(self) self._completer.activated.connect(self._insert_completion) def _insert_completion(self, completion): parents = self._completer.completionPrefix() idx = max(parents.rfind("."), parents.rfind("/")) if idx >= 0: parents = parents[:idx+1] completion = parents + completion text = self.text() cursor = self.cursorPosition() word_start = cursor - 1 while word_start >= 0 and text[word_start] != " ": word_start -= 1 word_start += 1 word_end = cursor while word_end < len(text) and text[word_end] != " ": word_end += 1 self.setText(text[:word_start] + completion + text[word_end:]) self.setCursorPosition(word_start + len(completion)) def _update_completer_popup_items(self, completion_prefix): self._completer.setCompletionPrefix(completion_prefix) self._completer.popup().setCurrentIndex( self._completer.completionModel().index(0, 0)) def _text_before_cursor(self): text = self.text() text_before_cursor = "" i = self.cursorPosition() - 1 while i >= 0 and text[i] != " ": text_before_cursor = text[i] + text_before_cursor i -= 1 return text_before_cursor def keyPressEvent(self, event): QtWidgets.QLineEdit.keyPressEvent(self, event) completion_prefix = self._text_before_cursor() if completion_prefix != self._completer.completionPrefix(): self._update_completer_popup_items(completion_prefix) if completion_prefix: self._completer.complete() else: self._completer.popup().hide() class _CompleterDelegate(QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate): def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): completer = QtWidgets.QCompleter() completer.splitPath = lambda path: path.replace("/", ".").split(".") completer.setModelSorting( QtWidgets.QCompleter.CaseSensitivelySortedModel) completer.setCompletionRole(QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole) if hasattr(self, "model"): # "TODO: Optimize updates in the source model" # - Qt (qcompleter.cpp), never ceasing to disappoint. # HACK: # In the meantime, block dataChanged signals from the model. # dataChanged never changes the content of the QCompleter in our # case, but causes unnecessary flickering and trashing of the user # selection when datasets are modified due to Qt's naive handler. # Doing this is of course convoluted due to Qt's arrogance # about private fields and not letting users knows what # slots are connected to signals, but thanks to the complicated # model system there is a short dirty hack in this particular case. nodatachanged_model = QtCore.QIdentityProxyModel() nodatachanged_model.setSourceModel(self.model) completer.setModel(nodatachanged_model) nodatachanged_model.dataChanged.disconnect() return _AutoCompleteEdit(parent, completer) def set_model(self, model): self.model = model class AppletsDock(QtWidgets.QDockWidget): def __init__(self, main_window, datasets_sub): QtWidgets.QDockWidget.__init__(self, "Applets") self.setObjectName("Applets") self.setFeatures(QtWidgets.QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable | QtWidgets.QDockWidget.DockWidgetFloatable) self.main_window = main_window self.datasets_sub = datasets_sub self.dock_to_item = dict() self.applet_uids = set() self.table = QtWidgets.QTreeWidget() self.table.setColumnCount(3) self.table.setHeaderLabels(["Enable", "Name", "Command"]) self.table.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) self.table.header().setStretchLastSection(True) self.table.header().setSectionResizeMode( QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) self.table.setTextElideMode(QtCore.Qt.ElideNone) self.table.setDragEnabled(True) self.table.viewport().setAcceptDrops(True) self.table.setDropIndicatorShown(True) self.table.setDragDropMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.InternalMove) self.setWidget(self.table) completer_delegate = _CompleterDelegate() self.table.setItemDelegateForColumn(2, completer_delegate) datasets_sub.add_setmodel_callback(completer_delegate.set_model) self.table.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ActionsContextMenu) new_action = QtWidgets.QAction("New applet", self.table) new_action.triggered.connect(partial(self.new_with_parent, self.table.addAction(new_action) templates_menu = QtWidgets.QMenu() for name, template in _templates: spec = {"ty": "command", "command": template} action = QtWidgets.QAction(name, self.table) action.triggered.connect(partial( self.new_with_parent,, spec=spec)) templates_menu.addAction(action) restart_action = QtWidgets.QAction("New applet from template", self.table) restart_action.setMenu(templates_menu) self.table.addAction(restart_action) restart_action = QtWidgets.QAction("Restart selected applet or group", self.table) restart_action.setShortcut("CTRL+R") restart_action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut) restart_action.triggered.connect(self.restart) self.table.addAction(restart_action) delete_action = QtWidgets.QAction("Delete selected applet or group", self.table) delete_action.setShortcut("DELETE") delete_action.setShortcutContext(QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut) delete_action.triggered.connect(self.delete) self.table.addAction(delete_action) new_group_action = QtWidgets.QAction("New group", self.table) new_group_action.triggered.connect(partial(self.new_with_parent, self.new_group)) self.table.addAction(new_group_action) self.table.itemChanged.connect(self.item_changed) def get_spec(self, item): if item.applet_spec_ty == "command": return {"ty": "command", "command": item.text(2)} elif item.applet_spec_ty == "code": return {"ty": "code", "code": item.applet_code} else: raise ValueError def set_spec(self, item, spec): self.table.itemChanged.disconnect() try: item.applet_spec_ty = spec["ty"] if spec["ty"] == "command": item.setText(2, spec["command"]) item.setIcon(2, QtGui.QIcon()) if hasattr(item, "applet_code"): del item.applet_code elif spec["ty"] == "code": item.setText(2, "(code)") item.setIcon(2, QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_FileIcon)) item.applet_code = spec["code"] else: raise ValueError dock = item.applet_dock if dock is not None: dock.spec = spec finally: self.table.itemChanged.connect(self.item_changed) def create(self, uid, name, spec): dock = _AppletDock(self.datasets_sub, uid, name, spec) self.main_window.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock) dock.setFloating(True) asyncio.ensure_future(dock.start()) dock.sigClosed.connect(partial(self.on_dock_closed, dock)) return dock def item_changed(self, item, column): if item.ty == "applet": if column == 0: if item.checkState(0) == QtCore.Qt.Checked: name = item.text(1) spec = self.get_spec(item) dock = self.create(item.applet_uid, name, spec) item.applet_dock = dock if item.applet_geometry is not None: dock.restoreGeometry(item.applet_geometry) # geometry is now handled by main window state item.applet_geometry = None self.dock_to_item[dock] = item else: dock = item.applet_dock if dock is not None: # This calls self.on_dock_closed dock.close() elif column == 1 or column == 2: new_value = item.text(column) dock = item.applet_dock if dock is not None: if column == 1: dock.rename(new_value) else: self.set_spec( item, {"ty": "command", "command": new_value}) elif item.ty == "group": # To Qt's credit, it already does everything for us here. pass else: raise ValueError def on_dock_closed(self, dock): item = self.dock_to_item[dock] item.applet_dock = None item.applet_geometry = dock.saveGeometry() asyncio.ensure_future(dock.terminate()) del self.dock_to_item[dock] item.setCheckState(0, QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) def get_untitled(self): existing_names = set() def walk(wi): for i in range(wi.childCount()): cwi = wi.child(i) existing_names.add(cwi.text(1)) walk(cwi) walk(self.table.invisibleRootItem()) i = 1 name = "untitled" while name in existing_names: i += 1 name = "untitled " + str(i) return name def new(self, uid=None, name=None, spec=None, parent=None): if uid is None: uid = next(i for i in count() if i not in self.applet_uids) if spec is None: spec = {"ty": "command", "command": ""} assert uid not in self.applet_uids, uid self.applet_uids.add(uid) if name is None: name = self.get_untitled() item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(["", name, ""]) item.ty = "applet" item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemNeverHasChildren | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setCheckState(0, QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) item.applet_uid = uid item.applet_dock = None item.applet_geometry = None item.setIcon(0, QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_ComputerIcon)) self.set_spec(item, spec) if parent is None: self.table.addTopLevelItem(item) else: parent.addChild(item) return item def new_group(self, name=None, parent=None): if name is None: name = self.get_untitled() item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(["", name]) item.ty = "group" item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsAutoTristate | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) item.setIcon(0, QtWidgets.QStyle.SP_DirIcon)) if parent is None: self.table.addTopLevelItem(item) else: parent.addChild(item) return item def new_with_parent(self, cb, **kwargs): parent = None selection = self.table.selectedItems() if selection: parent = selection[0] if parent.ty == "applet": parent = parent.parent() if parent is not None: parent.setExpanded(True) cb(parent=parent, **kwargs) def restart(self): selection = self.table.selectedItems() if selection: item = selection[0] def walk(wi): if wi.ty == "applet": dock = wi.applet_dock if dock is not None: asyncio.ensure_future(dock.restart()) elif wi.ty == "group": for i in range(wi.childCount()): walk(wi.child(i)) else: raise ValueError walk(item) def delete(self): selection = self.table.selectedItems() if selection: item = selection[0] def recursive_delete(wi): if wi.ty == "applet": dock = wi.applet_dock if dock is not None: # This calls self.on_dock_closed dock.close() self.applet_uids.remove(wi.applet_uid) elif wi.ty == "group": for i in range(wi.childCount()): recursive_delete(wi.child(i)) else: raise ValueError recursive_delete(item) parent = item.parent() if parent is None: parent = self.table.invisibleRootItem() parent.removeChild(item) async def stop(self): async def walk(wi): for row in range(wi.childCount()): cwi = wi.child(row) if cwi.ty == "applet": dock = cwi.applet_dock if dock is not None: await dock.terminate() elif cwi.ty == "group": await walk(cwi) else: raise ValueError await walk(self.table.invisibleRootItem()) def save_state_item(self, wi): state = [] for row in range(wi.childCount()): cwi = wi.child(row) if cwi.ty == "applet": uid = cwi.applet_uid enabled = cwi.checkState(0) == QtCore.Qt.Checked name = cwi.text(1) spec = self.get_spec(cwi) geometry = cwi.applet_geometry if geometry is not None: geometry = bytes(geometry) state.append(("applet", uid, enabled, name, spec, geometry)) elif cwi.ty == "group": name = cwi.text(1) expanded = cwi.isExpanded() state_child = self.save_state_item(cwi) state.append(("group", name, expanded, state_child)) else: raise ValueError return state def save_state(self): return self.save_state_item(self.table.invisibleRootItem()) def restore_state_item(self, state, parent): for wis in state: if wis[0] == "applet": _, uid, enabled, name, spec, geometry = wis if spec["ty"] not in {"command", "code"}: raise ValueError("Invalid applet spec type: " + str(spec["ty"])) item =, name, spec, parent=parent) if geometry is not None: geometry = QtCore.QByteArray(geometry) item.applet_geometry = geometry if enabled: item.setCheckState(0, QtCore.Qt.Checked) elif wis[0] == "group": _, name, expanded, state_child = wis item = self.new_group(name, parent=parent) item.setExpanded(expanded) self.restore_state_item(state_child, item) else: raise ValueError("Invalid item state: " + str(wis[0])) def restore_state(self, state): self.restore_state_item(state, None)