import logging import os import tempfile import re logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RIDCounter: """Monotonically incrementing counter for RIDs (experiment run ids). A cache is used, but if necessary, the last used rid will be determined from the given results directory. """ def __init__(self, cache_filename="last_rid.pyon", results_dir="results"): self.cache_filename = cache_filename self.results_dir = results_dir self._next_rid = self._last_rid() + 1 logger.debug("Next RID is %d", self._next_rid) def get(self): rid = self._next_rid self._next_rid += 1 self._update_cache(rid) return rid def _last_rid(self): try: rid = self._last_rid_from_cache() except FileNotFoundError: logger.debug("Last RID cache not found, scanning results") rid = self._last_rid_from_results() self._update_cache(rid) return rid else: logger.debug("Using last RID from cache") return rid def _update_cache(self, rid): contents = str(rid) + "\n" directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(self.cache_filename)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", dir=directory, delete=False ) as f: f.write(contents) tmpname = os.replace(tmpname, self.cache_filename) def _last_rid_from_cache(self): with open(self.cache_filename, "r") as f: return int( def _last_rid_from_results(self): r = -1 try: day_folders = os.listdir(self.results_dir) except: return r day_folders = filter( lambda x: re.fullmatch("\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d", x), day_folders) for df in day_folders: day_path = os.path.join(self.results_dir, df) try: hm_folders = os.listdir(day_path) except: continue hm_folders = filter(lambda x: re.fullmatch("\\d\\d(-\\d\\d)?", x), hm_folders) for hmf in hm_folders: hm_path = os.path.join(day_path, hmf) try: h5files = os.listdir(hm_path) except: continue for x in h5files: m = re.fullmatch( "(\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d)-.*\\.h5", x) if m is None: continue rid = int( if rid > r: r = rid return r