from collections import OrderedDict from inspect import isclass from artiq.protocols import pyon from artiq.language import units __all__ = ["NoDefault", "PYONValue", "BooleanValue", "EnumerationValue", "NumberValue", "StringValue", "HasEnvironment", "Experiment", "EnvExperiment"] class NoDefault: """Represents the absence of a default value.""" pass class DefaultMissing(Exception): """Raised by the ``default`` method of argument processors when no default value is available.""" pass class _SimpleArgProcessor: def __init__(self, default=NoDefault): # If default is a list, it means multiple defaults are specified, with # decreasing priority. if isinstance(default, list): raise NotImplementedError if default is not NoDefault: self.default_value = default def default(self): if not hasattr(self, "default_value"): raise DefaultMissing return self.default_value def process(self, x): return x def describe(self): d = {"ty": self.__class__.__name__} if hasattr(self, "default_value"): d["default"] = self.default_value return d class PYONValue(_SimpleArgProcessor): """An argument that can be any PYON-serializable value.""" def process(self, x): return pyon.decode(x) def describe(self): d = {"ty": self.__class__.__name__} if hasattr(self, "default_value"): d["default"] = pyon.encode(self.default_value) return d class BooleanValue(_SimpleArgProcessor): """A boolean argument.""" pass class EnumerationValue(_SimpleArgProcessor): """An argument that can take a string value among a predefined set of values. :param choices: A list of string representing the possible values of the argument. """ def __init__(self, choices, default=NoDefault): _SimpleArgProcessor.__init__(self, default) assert default is NoDefault or default in choices self.choices = choices def describe(self): d = _SimpleArgProcessor.describe(self) d["choices"] = self.choices return d class NumberValue(_SimpleArgProcessor): """An argument that can take a numerical value. If ndecimals = 0, scale = 1 and step is integer, then it returns an integer value. Otherwise, it returns a floating point value. The simplest way to represent an integer argument is ``NumberValue(step=1, ndecimals=0)``. When ``scale`` is not specified, and the unit is a common one (i.e. defined in ``artiq.language.units``), then the scale is obtained from the unit using a simple string match. For example, milliseconds (``"ms"``) units set the scale to 0.001. No unit (default) corresponds to a scale of 1.0. For arguments with uncommon or complex units, use both the unit parameter (a string for display) and the scale parameter (a numerical scale for experiments). For example, ``NumberValue(1, unit="xyz", scale=0.001)`` will display as 1 xyz in the GUI window because of the unit setting, and appear as the numerical value 0.001 in the code because of the scale setting. :param unit: A string representing the unit of the value. :param scale: A numerical scaling factor by which the displayed value is multiplied when referenced in the experiment. :param step: The step with which the value should be modified by up/down buttons in a UI. The default is the scale divided by 10. :param min: The minimum value of the argument. :param max: The maximum value of the argument. :param ndecimals: The number of decimals a UI should use. """ def __init__(self, default=NoDefault, unit="", scale=None, step=None, min=None, max=None, ndecimals=2): if scale is None: if unit == "": scale = 1.0 else: try: scale = getattr(units, unit) except AttributeError: raise KeyError("Unit {} is unknown, you must specify " "the scale manually".format(unit)) if step is None: step = scale/10.0 if default is not NoDefault: self.default_value = default self.unit = unit self.scale = scale self.step = step self.min = min self.max = max self.ndecimals = ndecimals def _is_int(self): return (self.ndecimals == 0 and int(self.step) == self.step and self.scale == 1) def default(self): if not hasattr(self, "default_value"): raise DefaultMissing if self._is_int(): return int(self.default_value) else: return float(self.default_value) def process(self, x): if self._is_int(): return int(x) else: return float(x) def describe(self): d = {"ty": self.__class__.__name__} if hasattr(self, "default_value"): d["default"] = self.default_value d["unit"] = self.unit d["scale"] = self.scale d["step"] = self.step d["min"] = self.min d["max"] = self.max d["ndecimals"] = self.ndecimals return d class StringValue(_SimpleArgProcessor): """A string argument.""" pass class TraceArgumentManager: def __init__(self): self.requested_args = OrderedDict() def get(self, key, processor, group): self.requested_args[key] = processor, group return None class ProcessArgumentManager: def __init__(self, unprocessed_arguments): self.unprocessed_arguments = unprocessed_arguments def get(self, key, processor, group): if key in self.unprocessed_arguments: r = processor.process(self.unprocessed_arguments[key]) else: r = processor.default() return r class HasEnvironment: """Provides methods to manage the environment of an experiment (arguments, devices, datasets).""" def __init__(self, managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs): self.children = [] if isinstance(managers_or_parent, tuple): self.__device_mgr = managers_or_parent[0] self.__dataset_mgr = managers_or_parent[1] self.__argument_mgr = managers_or_parent[2] else: self.__device_mgr = managers_or_parent.__device_mgr self.__dataset_mgr = managers_or_parent.__dataset_mgr self.__argument_mgr = managers_or_parent.__argument_mgr managers_or_parent.register_child(self) self.__in_build = True*args, **kwargs) self.__in_build = False def register_child(self, child): self.children.append(child) def build(self): """Should be implemented by the user to request arguments. Other initialization steps such as requesting devices may also be performed here. There are two situations where the requested devices are replaced by ``DummyDevice()`` and arguments are set to their defaults (or ``None``) instead: when the repository is scanned to build the list of available experiments and when the dataset browser ``artiq_browser`` is used to open or run the analysis stage of an experiment. Do not rely on being able to operate on devices or arguments in ``build()``. Datasets are read-only in this method. Leftover positional and keyword arguments from the constructor are forwarded to this method. This is intended for experiments that are only meant to be executed programmatically (not from the GUI).""" pass def get_argument(self, key, processor, group=None): """Retrieves and returns the value of an argument. This function should only be called from ``build``. :param key: Name of the argument. :param processor: A description of how to process the argument, such as instances of ``BooleanValue`` and ``NumberValue``. :param group: An optional string that defines what group the argument belongs to, for user interface purposes. """ if not self.__in_build: raise TypeError("get_argument() should only " "be called from build()") return self.__argument_mgr.get(key, processor, group) def setattr_argument(self, key, processor=None, group=None): """Sets an argument as attribute. The names of the argument and of the attribute are the same. The key is added to the instance's kernel invariants.""" setattr(self, key, self.get_argument(key, processor, group)) kernel_invariants = getattr(self, "kernel_invariants", set()) self.kernel_invariants = kernel_invariants | {key} def get_device_db(self): """Returns the full contents of the device database.""" return self.__device_mgr.get_device_db() def get_device(self, key): """Creates and returns a device driver.""" return self.__device_mgr.get(key) def setattr_device(self, key): """Sets a device driver as attribute. The names of the device driver and of the attribute are the same. The key is added to the instance's kernel invariants.""" setattr(self, key, self.get_device(key)) kernel_invariants = getattr(self, "kernel_invariants", set()) self.kernel_invariants = kernel_invariants | {key} def set_dataset(self, key, value, broadcast=False, persist=False, save=True): """Sets the contents and handling modes of a dataset. Datasets must be scalars (``bool``, ``int``, ``float`` or NumPy scalar) or NumPy arrays. :param broadcast: the data is sent in real-time to the master, which dispatches it. :param persist: the master should store the data on-disk. Implies broadcast. :param save: the data is saved into the local storage of the current run (archived as a HDF5 file). """ self.__dataset_mgr.set(key, value, broadcast, persist, save) def mutate_dataset(self, key, index, value): """Mutate an existing dataset at the given index (e.g. set a value at a given position in a NumPy array) If the dataset was created in broadcast mode, the modification is immediately transmitted. If the index is a tuple of integers, it is interpreted as ``slice(*index)``. If the index is a tuple of tuples, each sub-tuple is interpreted as ``slice(*sub_tuple)`` (multi-dimensional slicing).""" self.__dataset_mgr.mutate(key, index, value) def get_dataset(self, key, default=NoDefault): """Returns the contents of a dataset. The local storage is searched first, followed by the master storage (which contains the broadcasted datasets from all experiments) if the key was not found initially. If the dataset does not exist, returns the default value. If no default is provided, raises ``KeyError``. """ try: return self.__dataset_mgr.get(key) except KeyError: if default is NoDefault: raise else: return default def setattr_dataset(self, key, default=NoDefault): """Sets the contents of a dataset as attribute. The names of the dataset and of the attribute are the same.""" setattr(self, key, self.get_dataset(key, default)) class Experiment: """Base class for top-level experiments. Deriving from this class enables automatic experiment discovery in Python modules. """ def prepare(self): """Entry point for pre-computing data necessary for running the experiment. Doing such computations outside of ``run`` enables more efficient scheduling of multiple experiments that need to access the shared hardware during part of their execution. This method must not interact with the hardware. """ pass def run(self): """The main entry point of the experiment. This method must be overloaded by the user to implement the main control flow of the experiment. This method may interact with the hardware. The experiment may call the scheduler's ``pause`` method while in ``run``. """ raise NotImplementedError def analyze(self): """Entry point for analyzing the results of the experiment. This method may be overloaded by the user to implement the analysis phase of the experiment, for example fitting curves. Splitting this phase from ``run`` enables tweaking the analysis algorithm on pre-existing data, and CPU-bound analyses to be run overlapped with the next experiment in a pipelined manner. This method must not interact with the hardware. """ pass class EnvExperiment(Experiment, HasEnvironment): """Base class for top-level experiments that use the ``HasEnvironment`` environment manager. Most experiment should derive from this class.""" def prepare(self): """The default prepare method calls prepare for all children, in the order of instantiation.""" for child in self.children: child.prepare() def is_experiment(o): """Checks if a Python object is a top-level experiment class.""" return (isclass(o) and issubclass(o, Experiment) and o is not Experiment and o is not EnvExperiment)