from migen import * from artiq.gateware import ad9_dds from artiq.gateware.rtio.phy.wishbone import RT2WB class AD9914(Module): def __init__(self, pads, nchannels, onehot=False, **kwargs): self.submodules._ll = ClockDomainsRenamer("rio_phy")( ad9_dds.AD9_DDS(pads, **kwargs)) self.submodules._rt2wb = RT2WB(len(pads.a)+1, self._ll.bus, write_only=True) self.rtlink = self._rt2wb.rtlink self.probes = [Signal(32) for i in range(nchannels)] # # # # buffer the current address/data on the rtlink output current_address = current_data = += If(self.rtlink.o.stb, current_address.eq(self.rtlink.o.address), current_data.eq( # keep track of the currently selected channel(s) current_sel = Signal(len(current_data)-1) += If(current_address == 2**len(pads.a) + 1, current_sel.eq(current_data[1:])) # strip reset def selected(c): if onehot: return current_sel[c] else: return current_sel == c # keep track of frequency tuning words, before they are FUDed ftws = [Signal(32) for i in range(nchannels)] for c, ftw in enumerate(ftws): if len(pads.d) == 8: self.sync.rio_phy += \ If(selected(c), [ If(current_address == 0x11+i, ftw[i*8:(i+1)*8].eq(current_data)) for i in range(4)]) elif len(pads.d) == 16: self.sync.rio_phy += \ If(selected(c), [ If(current_address == 0x11+2*i, ftw[i*16:(i+1)*16].eq(current_data)) for i in range(2)]) else: raise NotImplementedError # FTW to probe on FUD self.sync.rio_phy += If(current_address == 2**len(pads.a), [ If(selected(c), probe.eq(ftw)) for c, (probe, ftw) in enumerate(zip(self.probes, ftws))])