# RUN: %python -m artiq.compiler.testbench.jit %s # RUN: %python %s assert 1 < 2 and not (2 < 1) assert 2 > 1 and not (1 > 2) assert 1 == 1 and not (1 == 2) assert 1 != 2 and not (1 != 1) assert 1 <= 1 and 1 <= 2 and not (2 <= 1) assert 1 >= 1 and 2 >= 1 and not (1 >= 2) assert 1 is 1 and not (1 is 2) assert 1 is not 2 and not (1 is not 1) x, y = [1], [1] assert x is x and x is not y #ARTIQ#assert range(10) is range(10) and range(10) is not range(11) lst = [1, 2, 3] assert 1 in lst and 0 not in lst assert 1 in range(10) and 11 not in range(10) and -1 not in range(10)