--- name: Bug report about: Report a bug in ARTIQ --- # Bug Report ## One-Line Summary Short summary. ## Issue Details ### Steps to Reproduce 1. Step 1. 2. Step 2. 3. Step 3. ### Expected Behavior Behavior ### Actual (undesired) Behavior * Text description * Log message, tracebacks, screen shots where relevant ### Your System * Operating System: * ARTIQ version: (with recent versions of ARTIQ, run ``artiq_client --version``) * Version of the gateware and runtime loaded in the core device: (in the output of ``artiq_coremgmt -D .... log``) * If using Nix, version of nixpkgs (run ``nix-instantiate --eval -E '(import {}).lib.version'``): * If using Conda, output of `conda list`: * Hardware involved: