import re from functools import partial from typing import List, Tuple from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets from import LayoutWidget class FuzzySelectWidget(LayoutWidget): """Widget to select from a list of pre-defined choices by typing in a substring match (cf. Ctrl+P "Quick Open"/"Goto anything" functions in editors/IDEs). """ #: Raised when the selection process is aborted by the user (Esc, loss of #: focus, etc.). aborted = QtCore.pyqtSignal() #: Raised when an entry has been selected, giving the label of the user #: choice and any additional QEvent.modifiers() (e.g. Ctrl key pressed). finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int) def __init__(self, choices: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [], entry_count_limit: int = 10, *args): """ :param choices: The choices the user can select from, given as tuples of labels to display and an additional weight added to the fuzzy-matching score. :param entry_count_limit: Maximum number of entries to show. """ super().__init__(*args) self.entry_count_limit = entry_count_limit assert entry_count_limit >= 2, ("Need to allow at least two entries " + "to show the ' not shown' hint") self.line_edit = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self) self.layout.addWidget(self.line_edit) line_edit_focus_filter = _FocusEventFilter(self.line_edit) line_edit_focus_filter.focus_gained.connect(self._activate) line_edit_focus_filter.focus_lost.connect(self._line_edit_focus_lost) self.line_edit.installEventFilter(line_edit_focus_filter) self.line_edit.textChanged.connect(self._update_menu) escape_filter = _EscapeKeyFilter(self) escape_filter.escape_pressed.connect(self.abort) self.line_edit.installEventFilter(escape_filter) = None self.update_when_text_changed = True self.menu_typing_filter = None self.line_edit_up_down_filter = None self.abort_when_menu_hidden = False self.abort_when_line_edit_unfocussed = True self.set_choices(choices) def set_choices(self, choices: List[Tuple[str, int]]) -> None: """Update the list of choices available to the user.""" # Keep sorted in the right order for when the query is empty. self.choices = sorted(choices, key=lambda a: (a[1], a[0])) if self._update_menu() def _activate(self): self.update_when_text_changed = True if not # Show menu after initial layout is complete. QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self._update_menu) def _ensure_menu(self): if return = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) # Display menu with search results beneath line edit. menu_pos = self.line_edit.mapToGlobal(self.line_edit.pos()) menu_pos.setY(menu_pos.y() + self.line_edit.height()) def _menu_hidden(self): if self.abort_when_menu_hidden: self.abort_when_menu_hidden = False self.abort() def _line_edit_focus_lost(self): if self.abort_when_line_edit_unfocussed: self.abort() def _update_menu(self): if not self.update_when_text_changed: return filtered_choices = self._filter_choices() if not filtered_choices: # No matches, don't display menu at all. if self.abort_when_menu_hidden = False = None self.abort_when_line_edit_unfocussed = True self.line_edit.setFocus() return # Truncate the list, leaving room for the " not shown" entry. num_omitted = 0 if len(filtered_choices) > self.entry_count_limit: num_omitted = len(filtered_choices) - (self.entry_count_limit - 1) filtered_choices = filtered_choices[:self.entry_count_limit - 1] # We are going to end up with a menu shown and the line edit losing # focus. self.abort_when_line_edit_unfocussed = False if # Hide menu temporarily to avoid re-layouting on every added item. self.abort_when_menu_hidden = False self._ensure_menu() first_action = None last_action = None for choice in filtered_choices: action = QtWidgets.QAction(choice, action.triggered.connect(partial(self._finish, action, choice)) action.modifiers = 0 if not first_action: first_action = action last_action = action if num_omitted > 0: action = QtWidgets.QAction("<{} not shown>".format(num_omitted), action.setEnabled(False) if self.menu_typing_filter: self.menu_typing_filter = _NonUpDownKeyFilter(, self.line_edit) if self.line_edit_up_down_filter: self.line_edit.removeEventFilter(self.line_edit_up_down_filter) self.line_edit_up_down_filter = _UpDownKeyFilter( self.line_edit,, first_action, last_action) self.line_edit.installEventFilter(self.line_edit_up_down_filter) self.abort_when_menu_hidden = True if first_action: else: self.line_edit.setFocus() def _filter_choices(self): """Return a filtered and ranked list of choices based on the current user input. For a choice not to be filtered out, it needs to contain the entered characters in order. Entries are further sorted by the length of the match (i.e. preferring matches where the entered string occurrs without interruptions), then the position of the match, and finally lexicographically. """ query = self.line_edit.text() if not query: return [label for label, _ in self.choices] # Find all "substring" matches of the given query in the labels, # allowing any number of characters between each query character. # Sort first by length of match (short matches preferred), to which the # set weight is also applied, then by location (early in the label # preferred), and at last alphabetically. # TODO: More SublimeText-like heuristics taking capital letters and # punctuation into account. Also, requiring the matches to be in order # seems to be a bit annoying in practice. # `re` seems to be the fastest way of doing this in CPython, even with # all the (non-greedy) wildcards. suggestions = [] pattern_str = ".*?".join(map(re.escape, query)) pattern = re.compile(pattern_str, flags=re.IGNORECASE) for label, weight in self.choices: matches = [] # Manually loop over shortest matches at each position; # re.finditer() only returns non-overlapping matches. pos = 0 while True: r =, pos=pos) if not r: break start, stop = r.span() matches.append((stop - start - weight, start, label)) pos = start + 1 if matches: suggestions.append(min(matches)) return [x for _, _, x in sorted(suggestions)] def _close(self): if = None self.update_when_text_changed = False self.line_edit.clear() def abort(self): self._close() self.aborted.emit() def _finish(self, action, name): self._close() self.finished.emit(name, action.modifiers) class _FocusEventFilter(QtCore.QObject): """Emits signals when focus is gained/lost.""" focus_gained = QtCore.pyqtSignal() focus_lost = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FocusIn: self.focus_gained.emit() elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FocusOut: self.focus_lost.emit() return False class _EscapeKeyFilter(QtCore.QObject): """Emits a signal if the Escape key is pressed.""" escape_pressed = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress: if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape: self.escape_pressed.emit() return False class _UpDownKeyFilter(QtCore.QObject): """Handles focussing the menu when pressing up/down in the line edit.""" def __init__(self, parent, menu, first_item, last_item): super().__init__(parent) = menu self.first_item = first_item self.last_item = last_item def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress: if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: return True if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: return True return False class _NonUpDownKeyFilter(QtCore.QObject): """Forwards input while the menu is focussed to the line edit.""" def __init__(self, parent, target): super().__init__(parent) = target def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress: k = event.key() if k in (QtCore.Qt.Key_Return, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter): action = obj.activeAction() if action is not None: action.modifiers = event.modifiers() return False if (k != QtCore.Qt.Key_Down and k != QtCore.Qt.Key_Up and k != QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter and k != QtCore.Qt.Key_Return): QtWidgets.QApplication.sendEvent(, event) return True return False