from functools import reduce from operator import and_ from migen import * from migen.genlib.resetsync import AsyncResetSynchronizer from migen.genlib.cdc import BlindTransfer from misoc.interconnect.csr import * from artiq.gateware.rtio import cri from artiq.gateware.rtio import rtlink from import * from artiq.gateware.rtio.sed.core import * from artiq.gateware.rtio.input_collector import * class Core(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, tsc, channels, lane_count=8, fifo_depth=128): self.cri = cri.Interface() self.reset = CSR() self.reset_phy = CSR() self.async_error = CSR(3) self.collision_channel = CSRStatus(16) self.busy_channel = CSRStatus(16) self.sequence_error_channel = CSRStatus(16) # Clocking/Reset # Create rio and rio_phy domains based on sys # with reset controlled by CSR. # # The `rio` CD contains logic that is reset with `core.reset()`. # That's state that could unduly affect subsequent experiments, # i.e. input overflows caused by input gates left open, FIFO events far # in the future blocking the experiment, pending RTIO or # wishbone bus transactions, etc. # The `rio_phy` CD contains state that is maintained across # `core.reset()`, i.e. TTL output state, OE, DDS state. cmd_reset = Signal(reset=1) cmd_reset_phy = Signal(reset=1) self.sync += [ cmd_reset.eq(, cmd_reset_phy.eq( ] self.clock_domains.cd_rio = ClockDomain() self.clock_domains.cd_rio_phy = ClockDomain() self.comb += [ self.cd_rio.clk.eq(ClockSignal()), self.cd_rio.rst.eq(cmd_reset), self.cd_rio_phy.clk.eq(ClockSignal()), self.cd_rio_phy.rst.eq(cmd_reset_phy) ] # TSC chan_fine_ts_width = max(max(rtlink.get_fine_ts_width(channel.interface.o) for channel in channels), max(rtlink.get_fine_ts_width(channel.interface.i) for channel in channels)) assert tsc.glbl_fine_ts_width >= chan_fine_ts_width # Outputs/Inputs quash_channels = [n for n, c in enumerate(channels) if isinstance(c, LogChannel)] outputs = SED(channels, tsc.glbl_fine_ts_width, quash_channels=quash_channels, lane_count=lane_count, fifo_depth=fifo_depth, interface=self.cri) self.submodules += outputs self.comb += outputs.coarse_timestamp.eq(tsc.coarse_ts) self.sync += outputs.minimum_coarse_timestamp.eq(tsc.coarse_ts + 16) inputs = InputCollector(tsc, channels, quash_channels=quash_channels, interface=self.cri) self.submodules += inputs # Asychronous output errors o_collision_sync = BlindTransfer("rio", "sys", data_width=16) o_busy_sync = BlindTransfer("rio", "sys", data_width=16) self.submodules += o_collision_sync, o_busy_sync o_collision = Signal() o_busy = Signal() o_sequence_error = Signal() self.sync += [ If(, If(self.async_error.r[0], o_collision.eq(0)), If(self.async_error.r[1], o_busy.eq(0)), If(self.async_error.r[2], o_sequence_error.eq(0)), ), If(o_collision_sync.o, o_collision.eq(1), If(~o_collision, self.collision_channel.status.eq(o_collision_sync.data_o) ) ), If(o_busy_sync.o, o_busy.eq(1), If(~o_busy, self.busy_channel.status.eq(o_busy_sync.data_o) ) ), If(outputs.sequence_error, o_sequence_error.eq(1), If(~o_sequence_error, self.sequence_error_channel.status.eq(outputs.sequence_error_channel) ) ) ] self.comb += self.async_error.w.eq(Cat(o_collision, o_busy, o_sequence_error)) self.comb += [ o_collision_sync.i.eq(outputs.collision), o_collision_sync.data_i.eq(outputs.collision_channel), o_busy_sync.i.eq(outputs.busy), o_busy_sync.data_i.eq(outputs.busy_channel) ]