#[repr(C)] pub struct TimestampedData { timestamp: i64, data: i32, } #[cfg(has_rtio)] mod imp { use core::ptr::{read_volatile, write_volatile}; use cslice::CSlice; use rtio::TimestampedData; use board_misoc::csr; use ::send; use ::recv; use kernel_proto::*; pub const RTIO_O_STATUS_WAIT: u8 = 1; pub const RTIO_O_STATUS_UNDERFLOW: u8 = 2; pub const RTIO_O_STATUS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE: u8 = 4; pub const RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_EVENT: u8 = 1; pub const RTIO_I_STATUS_OVERFLOW: u8 = 2; pub const RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS: u8 = 4; pub const RTIO_I_STATUS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE: u8 = 8; pub extern fn init() { send(&RtioInitRequest); } pub extern fn get_destination_status(destination: i32) -> bool { if 0 <= destination && destination <= 255 { send(&RtioDestinationStatusRequest { destination: destination as u8 }); recv!(&RtioDestinationStatusReply { up } => up) } else { false } } pub extern fn get_counter() -> i64 { unsafe { csr::rtio::counter_update_write(1); csr::rtio::counter_read() as i64 } } // writing the LSB of o_data (offset=0) triggers the RTIO write #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn rtio_o_data_write(offset: usize, data: u32) { write_volatile( csr::rtio::O_DATA_ADDR.offset((csr::rtio::O_DATA_SIZE - 1 - offset) as isize), data); } #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn rtio_i_data_read(offset: usize) -> u32 { read_volatile( csr::rtio::I_DATA_ADDR.offset((csr::rtio::I_DATA_SIZE - 1 - offset) as isize)) } #[inline(never)] unsafe fn process_exceptional_status(channel: i32, status: u8) { let timestamp = *(csr::rtio::NOW_HI_ADDR as *const i64); if status & RTIO_O_STATUS_WAIT != 0 { while csr::rtio::o_status_read() & RTIO_O_STATUS_WAIT != 0 {} } if status & RTIO_O_STATUS_UNDERFLOW != 0 { raise!("RTIOUnderflow", "RTIO underflow at {0} mu, channel {1}, slack {2} mu", timestamp, channel as i64, timestamp - get_counter()); } if status & RTIO_O_STATUS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE != 0 { raise!("RTIODestinationUnreachable", "RTIO destination unreachable, output, at {0} mu, channel {1}", timestamp, channel as i64, 0); } } pub extern fn output(target: i32, data: i32) { unsafe { csr::rtio::target_write(target as u32); // writing target clears o_data rtio_o_data_write(0, data as _); let status = csr::rtio::o_status_read(); if status != 0 { process_exceptional_status(target >> 8, status); } } } pub extern fn output_wide(target: i32, data: CSlice) { unsafe { csr::rtio::target_write(target as u32); // writing target clears o_data for i in (0..data.len()).rev() { rtio_o_data_write(i, data[i] as _) } let status = csr::rtio::o_status_read(); if status != 0 { process_exceptional_status(target >> 8, status); } } } pub extern fn input_timestamp(timeout: i64, channel: i32) -> i64 { unsafe { csr::rtio::target_write((channel as u32) << 8); csr::rtio::i_timeout_write(timeout as u64); let mut status = RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS; while status & RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS != 0 { status = csr::rtio::i_status_read(); } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_OVERFLOW != 0 { raise!("RTIOOverflow", "RTIO input overflow on channel {0}", channel as i64, 0, 0); } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_EVENT != 0 { return -1 } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE != 0 { raise!("RTIODestinationUnreachable", "RTIO destination unreachable, input, on channel {0}", channel as i64, 0, 0); } csr::rtio::i_timestamp_read() as i64 } } pub extern fn input_data(channel: i32) -> i32 { unsafe { csr::rtio::target_write((channel as u32) << 8); csr::rtio::i_timeout_write(0xffffffff_ffffffff); let mut status = RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS; while status & RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS != 0 { status = csr::rtio::i_status_read(); } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_OVERFLOW != 0 { raise!("RTIOOverflow", "RTIO input overflow on channel {0}", channel as i64, 0, 0); } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE != 0 { raise!("RTIODestinationUnreachable", "RTIO destination unreachable, input, on channel {0}", channel as i64, 0, 0); } rtio_i_data_read(0) as i32 } } pub extern fn input_timestamped_data(timeout: i64, channel: i32) -> TimestampedData { unsafe { csr::rtio::target_write((channel as u32) << 8); csr::rtio::i_timeout_write(timeout as u64); let mut status = RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS; while status & RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_STATUS != 0 { status = csr::rtio::i_status_read(); } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_OVERFLOW != 0 { raise!("RTIOOverflow", "RTIO input overflow on channel {0}", channel as i64, 0, 0); } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_WAIT_EVENT != 0 { return TimestampedData { timestamp: -1, data: 0 } } if status & RTIO_I_STATUS_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE != 0 { raise!("RTIODestinationUnreachable", "RTIO destination unreachable, input, on channel {0}", channel as i64, 0, 0); } TimestampedData { timestamp: csr::rtio::i_timestamp_read() as i64, data: rtio_i_data_read(0) as i32 } } } #[cfg(has_rtio_log)] pub fn log(data: &[u8]) { unsafe { csr::rtio::target_write(csr::CONFIG_RTIO_LOG_CHANNEL << 8); let mut word: u32 = 0; for i in 0..data.len() { word <<= 8; word |= data[i] as u32; if i % 4 == 3 { rtio_o_data_write(0, word); word = 0; } } if word != 0 { rtio_o_data_write(0, word); } } } #[cfg(not(has_rtio_log))] pub fn log(_data: &[u8]) { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio_log)") } } #[cfg(not(has_rtio))] mod imp { use cslice::CSlice; use rtio::TimestampedData; pub extern fn init() { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn get_destination_status(_destination: i32) -> bool { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn get_counter() -> i64 { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn output(_target: i32, _data: i32) { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn output_wide(_target: i32, _data: CSlice) { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn input_timestamp(_timeout: i64, _channel: i32) -> i64 { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn input_data(_channel: i32) -> i32 { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub extern fn input_timestamped_data(_timeout: i64, _channel: i32) -> TimestampedData { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } pub fn log(_data: &[u8]) { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } } pub use self::imp::*;