from migen.fhdl.std import * from import * from migen.genlib.cdc import BusSynchronizer, MultiReg class Monitor(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, channels): chan_probes = [c.probes for c in channels] max_chan_probes = max(len(cp) for cp in chan_probes) max_probe_len = max(flen(p) for cp in chan_probes for p in cp) self.chan_sel = CSRStorage(bits_for(len(chan_probes)-1)) self.probe_sel = CSRStorage(bits_for(max_chan_probes-1)) self.value_update = CSR() self.value = CSRStatus(max_probe_len) # # # chan_probes_sys = [] for cp in chan_probes: cp_sys = [] for p in cp: vs = BusSynchronizer(flen(p), "rio", "rsys") self.submodules += vs self.comb += vs.i.eq(p) cp_sys.append(vs.o) cp_sys += [0]*(max_chan_probes-len(cp)) chan_probes_sys.append(Array(cp_sys)[]) self.sync += If(, self.value.status.eq( Array(chan_probes_sys)[])) class Injector(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, channels): chan_overrides = [c.overrides for c in channels] max_chan_overrides = max(len(co) for co in chan_overrides) max_override_len = max(flen(o) for co in chan_overrides for o in co) self.chan_sel = CSRStorage(bits_for(len(chan_overrides)-1)) self.override_sel = CSRStorage(bits_for(max_chan_overrides-1)) self.value = CSR(max_override_len) # # # chan_overrides_sys = [] for n_channel, co in enumerate(chan_overrides): co_sys = [] for n_override, o in enumerate(co): # We do the clock domain transfer with a simple double-latch. # Software has to ensure proper timing of any strobe signal etc. # to avoid problematic glitches. o_sys = self.specials += MultiReg(o_sys, o, "rio") self.sync += If( & ( == n_channel) & ( == n_override), o_sys.eq(self.value.r)) co_sys.append(o_sys) co_sys += [0]*(max_chan_overrides-len(co)) chan_overrides_sys.append(Array(co_sys)[]) self.comb += self.value.w.eq( Array(chan_overrides_sys)[]) class MonInj(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, channels): self.submodules.mon = Monitor(channels) self.submodules.inj = Injector(channels)