import sys import builtins import linecache import tokenize import logging import importlib.machinery as im from artiq.experiment import kernel, portable __all__ = ["install_hook"] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) cache = dict() im_exec_module = None linecache_getlines = None def hook_exec_module(self, module): im_exec_module(self, module) if (hasattr(module, "__file__") # Heuristic to determine if the module may contain ARTIQ kernels. # This breaks if kernel is not imported the usual way. and ((getattr(module, "kernel", None) is kernel) or (getattr(module, "portable", None) is portable))): fn = module.__file__ try: with as fp: lines = fp.readlines() if lines and not lines[-1].endswith("\n"): lines[-1] += "\n" cache[fn] = lines except: logger.warning("failed to add '%s' to cache", fn, exc_info=True) else: logger.debug("added '%s' to cache", fn) def hook_getlines(filename, module_globals=None): if filename in cache: return cache[filename] else: return linecache_getlines(filename, module_globals) def install_hook(): global im_exec_module, linecache_getlines im_exec_module = im.SourceFileLoader.exec_module im.SourceFileLoader.exec_module = hook_exec_module linecache_getlines = linecache.getlines linecache.getlines = hook_getlines logger.debug("hook installed")