This method is only recommended for developers and advanced users. An easier way to install ARTIQ is via the Anaconda packages (see :ref:`Installing ARTIQ <install-from-conda>`).
Preparing the build environment for the core device
These steps are required to generate gateware bitstream (``.bit``) files, build the MiSoC BIOS and ARTIQ runtime, and flash FPGA boards. If the board is already flashed, you may skip those steps and go directly to `Installing the host-side software`.
* Install the FPGA vendor tools (i.e. Xilinx ISE and/or Vivado):
* Get Xilinx tools from ISE can build gateware bitstreams both for boards using the Spartan-6 (Pipistrello) and 7-series devices (KC705), while Vivado supports only boards using 7-series devices.
* The Pipistrello is supported by Webpack, the KC705 is not.
* During the Xilinx toolchain installation, uncheck ``Install cable drivers`` (they are not required as we use better and open source alternatives).
* Install Migen: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone
$ cd migen
$ python3.5 develop --user
The options ``develop`` and ``--user`` are for to install Migen in ``~/.local/lib/python3.5``.
* Install the required flash proxy gateware bitstreams:
The purpose of the flash proxy gateware bitstream is to give programming software fast JTAG access to the flash connected to the FPGA.
Then move both files ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_xc6slx45.bit`` and ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_xc7k325t.bit`` to ``~/.migen``, ``/usr/local/share/migen``, or ``/usr/share/migen``.
*:ref:`Download and install OpenOCD <install-openocd>`.
If you have any trouble during ARTIQ setup about ``pygit2`` installation,
refer to the section dealing with
:ref:`installing the host-side software <installing-the-host-side-software>`.
* Build the gateware bitstream, BIOS and runtime by running:
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ export PATH=/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin:$PATH
..note:: Make sure that ``/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin`` is first in your ``PATH``, so that the ``clang`` command you just built is found instead of the system one, if any.
* For Pipistrello::
$ python3.5 -m artiq.gateware.targets.pipistrello
* For KC705::
$ python3.5 -m artiq.gateware.targets.kc705 -H nist_qc1 # or nist_qc2
..note:: The `-t` option specifies the board your are targeting. Available options are ``kc705`` and ``pipistrello``.
* Check that the board boots by running a serial terminal program (you may need to press its FPGA reconfiguration button or power-cycle it to load the gateware bitstream that was newly written into the flash): ::
$ flterm /dev/ttyUSB1
Booting from flash...
Loading xxxxx bytes from flash...
Executing booted program.
ARTIQ runtime built <date/time>
..note:: flterm is part of MiSoC. If you installed MiSoC with `` develop --user``, the flterm launcher is in ``~/.local/bin``.
The communication parameters are 115200 8-N-1. Ensure that your user has access
to the serial device (``sudo adduser $USER dialout`` assuming standard setup).