These are the top-level commands used to run and manage ARTIQ experiments. Not all of the ARTIQ front-end is described here (many additional useful commands are presented in this manual in :doc:`utilities`) but these together comprise the main points of access for using ARTIQ as a system.
.. Note that ARTIQ frontend has no docstrings and the ..automodule directives display nothing; they are there to make :mod: references function correctly, since sphinx-argparse does not support links to ..argparse directives in the same way.
ARTIQ session manager. Automatically runs the master, dashboard and local controller manager on the current machine. The latter requires the ``artiq-comtools`` package to be installed.
ARTIQ controller manager. Supplied in the separate package ``artiq-comtools``, which is included with a standard ARTIQ installation but can also be `installed standalone <>`_, with the intention of making it easier to run controllers and controller managers on machines where a full ARTIQ installation may not be necessary or convenient.