use libboard_zynq::i2c; use log::info; use crate::pl::csr; // Only the bare minimum registers. Bits/IO connections equivalent between IC types. struct Registers { // PCA9539 equivalent register names in comments iodira: u8, // Configuration Port 0 iodirb: u8, // Configuration Port 1 gpioa: u8, // Output Port 0 gpiob: u8, // Output Port 1 } //IO expanders pins const IODIR_OUT_SFP_TX_DISABLE: u8 = 0x02; const IODIR_OUT_SFP_LED: u8 = 0x40; #[cfg(hw_rev = "v1.0")] const IODIR_OUT_SFP0_LED: u8 = 0x40; #[cfg(hw_rev = "v1.1")] const IODIR_OUT_SFP0_LED: u8 = 0x80; //IO expander port direction const IODIR0: [u8; 2] = [ 0xFF & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_TX_DISABLE & !IODIR_OUT_SFP0_LED, 0xFF & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_TX_DISABLE & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_LED, ]; const IODIR1: [u8; 2] = [ 0xFF & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_TX_DISABLE & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_LED, 0xFF & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_TX_DISABLE & !IODIR_OUT_SFP_LED, ]; pub struct IoExpander { address: u8, virtual_led_mapping: &'static [(u8, u8, u8)], iodir: [u8; 2], out_current: [u8; 2], out_target: [u8; 2], registers: Registers, } impl IoExpander { pub fn new(i2c: &mut i2c::I2c, index: u8) -> Result { #[cfg(hw_rev = "v1.0")] const VIRTUAL_LED_MAPPING0: [(u8, u8, u8); 2] = [(0, 0, 6), (1, 1, 6)]; #[cfg(hw_rev = "v1.1")] const VIRTUAL_LED_MAPPING0: [(u8, u8, u8); 2] = [(0, 0, 7), (1, 1, 6)]; const VIRTUAL_LED_MAPPING1: [(u8, u8, u8); 2] = [(2, 0, 6), (3, 1, 6)]; // Both expanders on SHARED I2C bus let mut io_expander = match index { 0 => IoExpander { address: 0x40, virtual_led_mapping: &VIRTUAL_LED_MAPPING0, iodir: IODIR0, out_current: [0; 2], out_target: [0; 2], registers: Registers { iodira: 0x00, iodirb: 0x01, gpioa: 0x12, gpiob: 0x13, }, }, 1 => IoExpander { address: 0x42, virtual_led_mapping: &VIRTUAL_LED_MAPPING1, iodir: IODIR1, out_current: [0; 2], out_target: [0; 2], registers: Registers { iodira: 0x00, iodirb: 0x01, gpioa: 0x12, gpiob: 0x13, }, }, _ => return Err("incorrect I/O expander index"), }; if !io_expander.check_ack(i2c)? { info!( "MCP23017 io expander {} not found. Checking for PCA9539.", index ); io_expander.address += 0xa8; // translate to PCA9539 addresses (see schematic) io_expander.registers = Registers { iodira: 0x06, iodirb: 0x07, gpioa: 0x02, gpiob: 0x03, }; if !io_expander.check_ack(i2c)? { return Err("Neither MCP23017 nor PCA9539 io expander found."); }; } Ok(io_expander) } fn select(&self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c) -> Result<(), &'static str> { i2c.pca954x_select(0x70, None)?; i2c.pca954x_select(0x71, Some(3))?; Ok(()) } fn write(&self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c, addr: u8, value: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> { i2c.start()?; i2c.write(self.address)?; i2c.write(addr)?; i2c.write(value)?; i2c.stop()?; Ok(()) } fn check_ack(&self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c) -> Result { // Check for ack from io expander; i2c.start()?; let ack = i2c.write(self.address)?; i2c.stop()?; Ok(ack) } fn update_iodir(&self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c) -> Result<(), &'static str> { self.write(i2c, self.registers.iodira, self.iodir[0])?; self.write(i2c, self.registers.iodirb, self.iodir[1])?; Ok(()) } pub fn init(&mut self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c) -> Result<(), &'static str> {; self.update_iodir(i2c)?; self.out_current[0] = 0x00; self.write(i2c, self.registers.gpioa, 0x00)?; self.out_current[1] = 0x00; self.write(i2c, self.registers.gpiob, 0x00)?; Ok(()) } pub fn set_oe(&mut self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c, port: u8, outputs: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> { self.iodir[port as usize] &= !outputs; self.update_iodir(i2c)?; Ok(()) } pub fn set(&mut self, port: u8, bit: u8, high: bool) { if high { self.out_target[port as usize] |= 1 << bit; } else { self.out_target[port as usize] &= !(1 << bit); } } pub fn service(&mut self, i2c: &mut i2c::I2c) -> Result<(), &'static str> { #[cfg(has_virtual_leds)] for (led, port, bit) in self.virtual_led_mapping.iter() { let level = unsafe { csr::virtual_leds::status_read() >> led & 1 }; self.set(*port, *bit, level != 0); } if self.out_target != self.out_current {; if self.out_target[0] != self.out_current[0] { self.write(i2c, self.registers.gpioa, self.out_target[0])?; self.out_current[0] = self.out_target[0]; } if self.out_target[1] != self.out_current[1] { self.write(i2c, self.registers.gpiob, self.out_target[1])?; self.out_current[1] = self.out_target[1]; } } Ok(()) } }