#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e if [ -z "$OPENOCD_ZYNQ" ]; then echo "OPENOCD_ZYNQ environment variable must be set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$SZL" ]; then echo "SZL environment variable must be set" exit 1 fi target_host="rpi-4.m-labs.hk" impure=0 pure_dir="result" impure_dir="build" sshopts="" load_bitstream=1 board_host="" while getopts "h:id:o:l" opt; do case "$opt" in \?) exit 1 ;; h) target_host=$OPTARG ;; i) impure=1 ;; d) pure_dir=$OPTARG; impure_dir=$OPTARG; ;; o) sshopts=$OPTARG ;; l) load_bitstream=0 ;; b) board_host=$OPTARG ;; esac done target_folder="/tmp/zynq-$USER" load_bitstream_cmd="" echo "Creating $target_folder..." ssh $sshopts $target_host "mkdir -p $target_folder" echo "Copying files..." rsync -e "ssh $sshopts" -Lc $OPENOCD_ZYNQ/* $target_host:$target_folder rsync -e "ssh $sshopts" -Lc $SZL $target_host:$target_folder if [ $impure -eq 1 ]; then if [ $load_bitstream -eq 1 ]; then load_bitstream_cmd="-g build/gateware/top.bit" fi firmware="build/runtime.bin" else if [ $load_bitstream -eq 1 ]; then load_bitstream_cmd="-g $pure_dir/top.bit" fi firmware="$pure_dir/runtime.bin" fi echo "Programming board..." ssh $sshopts $target_host "cd $target_folder; openocd -f zc706.cfg -c'load_image szl.elf; resume 0; exit'" sleep 5 artiq_netboot $load_bitstream_cmd -f $firmware -b $board_host