#![no_std] #![no_main] #![feature(alloc_error_handler, try_trait, never_type, panic_info_message)] #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate core_io; extern crate cslice; extern crate embedded_hal; extern crate io; extern crate ksupport; extern crate libboard_artiq; extern crate libboard_zynq; extern crate libcortex_a9; extern crate libregister; extern crate libsupport_zynq; extern crate unwind; extern crate alloc; use analyzer::Analyzer; use dma::Manager as DmaManager; use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayUs; #[cfg(has_grabber)] use libboard_artiq::grabber; #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] use libboard_artiq::io_expander; #[cfg(has_si5324)] use libboard_artiq::si5324; #[cfg(has_si549)] use libboard_artiq::si549; use libboard_artiq::{drtio_routing, drtioaux, drtioaux_proto::{MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE, SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE}, identifier_read, logger, pl::csr}; #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] use libboard_zynq::error_led::ErrorLED; use libboard_zynq::{i2c::I2c, print, println, time::Milliseconds, timer::GlobalTimer}; use libcortex_a9::{l2c::enable_l2_cache, regs::MPIDR}; use libregister::RegisterR; use libsupport_zynq::{exception_vectors, ram}; use routing::Router; use subkernel::Manager as KernelManager; mod analyzer; mod dma; mod repeater; mod routing; mod subkernel; // linker symbols extern "C" { static __exceptions_start: u32; } fn drtiosat_reset(reset: bool) { unsafe { csr::drtiosat::reset_write(if reset { 1 } else { 0 }); } } fn drtiosat_reset_phy(reset: bool) { unsafe { csr::drtiosat::reset_phy_write(if reset { 1 } else { 0 }); } } fn drtiosat_link_rx_up() -> bool { unsafe { csr::drtiosat::rx_up_read() == 1 } } fn drtiosat_tsc_loaded() -> bool { unsafe { let tsc_loaded = csr::drtiosat::tsc_loaded_read() == 1; if tsc_loaded { csr::drtiosat::tsc_loaded_write(1); } tsc_loaded } } fn drtiosat_async_ready() { unsafe { csr::drtiosat::async_messages_ready_write(1); } } #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] macro_rules! forward { ($routing_table:expr, $destination:expr, $rank:expr, $repeaters:expr, $packet:expr, $timer:expr) => {{ let hop = $routing_table.0[$destination as usize][$rank as usize]; if hop != 0 { let repno = (hop - 1) as usize; if repno < $repeaters.len() { if $packet.expects_response() { return $repeaters[repno].aux_forward($packet, $timer); } else { return $repeaters[repno].aux_send($packet); } } else { return Err(drtioaux::Error::RoutingError); } } }}; } #[cfg(not(has_drtio_routing))] macro_rules! forward { ($routing_table:expr, $destination:expr, $rank:expr, $repeaters:expr, $packet:expr, $timer:expr) => {}; } fn process_aux_packet( _repeaters: &mut [repeater::Repeater], _routing_table: &mut drtio_routing::RoutingTable, rank: &mut u8, self_destination: &mut u8, packet: drtioaux::Packet, timer: &mut GlobalTimer, i2c: &mut I2c, dma_manager: &mut DmaManager, analyzer: &mut Analyzer, kernel_manager: &mut KernelManager, router: &mut Router, ) -> Result<(), drtioaux::Error> { // In the code below, *_chan_sel_write takes an u8 if there are fewer than 256 channels, // and u16 otherwise; hence the `as _` conversion. match packet { drtioaux::Packet::EchoRequest => drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::EchoReply), drtioaux::Packet::ResetRequest => { info!("resetting RTIO"); drtiosat_reset(true); timer.delay_us(100); drtiosat_reset(false); for rep in _repeaters.iter() { if let Err(e) = rep.rtio_reset(timer) { error!("failed to issue RTIO reset ({:?})", e); } } drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::ResetAck) } drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest { destination } => { #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] let hop = _routing_table.0[destination as usize][*rank as usize]; #[cfg(not(has_drtio_routing))] let hop = 0; if hop == 0 { *self_destination = destination; let errors; unsafe { errors = csr::drtiosat::rtio_error_read(); } if errors & 1 != 0 { let channel; unsafe { channel = csr::drtiosat::sequence_error_channel_read(); csr::drtiosat::rtio_error_write(1); } drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationSequenceErrorReply { channel })?; } else if errors & 2 != 0 { let channel; unsafe { channel = csr::drtiosat::collision_channel_read(); csr::drtiosat::rtio_error_write(2); } drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationCollisionReply { channel })?; } else if errors & 4 != 0 { let channel; unsafe { channel = csr::drtiosat::busy_channel_read(); csr::drtiosat::rtio_error_write(4); } drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationBusyReply { channel })?; } else { drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationOkReply)?; } } #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] { if hop != 0 { let hop = hop as usize; if hop <= csr::DRTIOREP.len() { let repno = hop - 1; match _repeaters[repno].aux_forward( &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest { destination: destination, }, timer, ) { Ok(()) => (), Err(drtioaux::Error::LinkDown) => { drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply)? } Err(e) => { drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply)?; error!("aux error when handling destination status request: {:?}", e); } } } else { drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply)?; } } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath { destination, hops } => { _routing_table.0[destination as usize] = hops; for rep in _repeaters.iter() { if let Err(e) = rep.set_path(destination, &hops, timer) { error!("failed to set path ({:?})", e); } } drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck) } #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank { rank: new_rank } => { *rank = new_rank; drtio_routing::interconnect_enable_all(_routing_table, new_rank); let rep_rank = new_rank + 1; for rep in _repeaters.iter() { if let Err(e) = rep.set_rank(rep_rank, timer) { error!("failed to set rank ({:?})", e); } } info!("rank: {}", rank); info!("routing table: {}", _routing_table); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck) } #[cfg(not(has_drtio_routing))] drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath { destination: _, hops: _, } => drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck), #[cfg(not(has_drtio_routing))] drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank { rank: _ } => drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck), drtioaux::Packet::RoutingRetrievePackets => { let packet = router .get_upstream_packet() .or(Some(drtioaux::Packet::RoutingNoPackets)) .unwrap(); drtioaux::send(0, &packet) } drtioaux::Packet::MonitorRequest { destination: _destination, channel, probe, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let value; #[cfg(has_rtio_moninj)] unsafe { csr::rtio_moninj::mon_chan_sel_write(channel as _); csr::rtio_moninj::mon_probe_sel_write(probe); csr::rtio_moninj::mon_value_update_write(1); value = csr::rtio_moninj::mon_value_read() as u64; } #[cfg(not(has_rtio_moninj))] { value = 0; } let reply = drtioaux::Packet::MonitorReply { value: value }; drtioaux::send(0, &reply) } drtioaux::Packet::InjectionRequest { destination: _destination, channel, overrd, value, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); #[cfg(has_rtio_moninj)] unsafe { csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _); csr::rtio_moninj::inj_override_sel_write(overrd); csr::rtio_moninj::inj_value_write(value); } Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusRequest { destination: _destination, channel, overrd, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let value; #[cfg(has_rtio_moninj)] unsafe { csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _); csr::rtio_moninj::inj_override_sel_write(overrd); value = csr::rtio_moninj::inj_value_read(); } #[cfg(not(has_rtio_moninj))] { value = 0; } drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusReply { value: value }) } drtioaux::Packet::I2cStartRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let succeeded = i2c.start().is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }) } drtioaux::Packet::I2cRestartRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let succeeded = i2c.restart().is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }) } drtioaux::Packet::I2cStopRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let succeeded = i2c.stop().is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }) } drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, data, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); match i2c.write(data) { Ok(ack) => drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: true, ack: ack, }, ), Err(_) => drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: false, ack: false, }, ), } } drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, ack, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); match i2c.read(ack) { Ok(data) => drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data, }, ), Err(_) => drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0xff, }, ), } } drtioaux::Packet::I2cSwitchSelectRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, address, mask, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let ch = match mask { //decode from mainline, PCA9548-centric API 0x00 => None, 0x01 => Some(0), 0x02 => Some(1), 0x04 => Some(2), 0x08 => Some(3), 0x10 => Some(4), 0x20 => Some(5), 0x40 => Some(6), 0x80 => Some(7), _ => return drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: false }), }; let succeeded = i2c.pca954x_select(address, ch).is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded }) } drtioaux::Packet::SpiSetConfigRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, flags: _flags, length: _length, div: _div, cs: _cs, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); // todo: reimplement when/if SPI is available //let succeeded = spi::set_config(busno, flags, length, div, cs).is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: false }) } drtioaux::Packet::SpiWriteRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, data: _data, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); // todo: reimplement when/if SPI is available //let succeeded = spi::write(busno, data).is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: false }) } drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadRequest { destination: _destination, busno: _busno, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); // todo: reimplement when/if SPI is available // match spi::read(busno) { // Ok(data) => drtioaux::send(0, // &drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }), // Err(_) => drtioaux::send(0, // &drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0 }) // } drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0, }, ) } drtioaux::Packet::AnalyzerHeaderRequest { destination: _destination, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let header = analyzer.get_header(); drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::AnalyzerHeader { total_byte_count: header.total_byte_count, sent_bytes: header.sent_bytes, overflow_occurred: header.error, }, ) } drtioaux::Packet::AnalyzerDataRequest { destination: _destination, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let mut data_slice: [u8; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] = [0; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE]; let meta = analyzer.get_data(&mut data_slice); drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::AnalyzerData { last: meta.last, length: meta.len, data: data_slice, }, ) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaAddTraceRequest { source, destination, id, status, length, trace, } => { forward!(_routing_table, destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); *self_destination = destination; let succeeded = dma_manager.add(source, id, status, &trace, length as usize).is_ok(); router.send( drtioaux::Packet::DmaAddTraceReply { source: *self_destination, destination: source, id: id, succeeded: succeeded, }, _routing_table, *rank, *self_destination, ) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaAddTraceReply { source, destination: _destination, id, succeeded, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); dma_manager.ack_upload( kernel_manager, source, id, succeeded, router, *rank, *self_destination, _routing_table, ); Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaRemoveTraceRequest { source, destination: _destination, id, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let succeeded = dma_manager.erase(source, id).is_ok(); router.send( drtioaux::Packet::DmaRemoveTraceReply { destination: source, succeeded: succeeded, }, _routing_table, *rank, *self_destination, ) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaRemoveTraceReply { destination: _destination, succeeded: _, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackRequest { source, destination: _destination, id, timestamp, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let succeeded = if !kernel_manager.running() { dma_manager.playback(source, id, timestamp).is_ok() } else { false }; router.send( drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackReply { destination: source, succeeded: succeeded, }, _routing_table, *rank, *self_destination, ) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackReply { destination: _destination, succeeded, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); if !succeeded { kernel_manager.ddma_nack(); } Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackStatus { source: _, destination: _destination, id, error, channel, timestamp, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); dma_manager.remote_finished(kernel_manager, id, error, channel, timestamp); Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelAddDataRequest { destination, id, status, length, data, } => { forward!(_routing_table, destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); *self_destination = destination; let succeeded = kernel_manager.add(id, status, &data, length as usize).is_ok(); drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelAddDataReply { succeeded: succeeded }) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelLoadRunRequest { source, destination: _destination, id, run, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let mut succeeded = kernel_manager.load(id).is_ok(); // allow preloading a kernel with delayed run if run { if dma_manager.running() { // cannot run kernel while DDMA is running succeeded = false; } else { succeeded |= kernel_manager.run(source, id).is_ok(); } } router.send( drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelLoadRunReply { destination: source, succeeded: succeeded, }, _routing_table, *rank, *self_destination, ) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelLoadRunReply { destination: _destination, succeeded, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); // received if local subkernel started another, remote subkernel kernel_manager.subkernel_load_run_reply(succeeded); Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelFinished { destination: _destination, id, with_exception, exception_src, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); kernel_manager.remote_subkernel_finished(id, with_exception, exception_src); Ok(()) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelExceptionRequest { destination: _destination, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); let mut data_slice: [u8; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] = [0; SAT_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE]; let meta = kernel_manager.exception_get_slice(&mut data_slice); drtioaux::send( 0, &drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelException { last: meta.status.is_last(), length: meta.len, data: data_slice, }, ) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessage { source, destination: _destination, id, status, length, data, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); kernel_manager.message_handle_incoming(status, id, length as usize, &data); router.send( drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessageAck { destination: source }, _routing_table, *rank, *self_destination, ) } drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessageAck { destination: _destination, } => { forward!(_routing_table, _destination, *rank, _repeaters, &packet, timer); if kernel_manager.message_ack_slice() { let mut data_slice: [u8; MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE] = [0; MASTER_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE]; if let Some(meta) = kernel_manager.message_get_slice(&mut data_slice) { // route and not send immediately as ACKs are not a beginning of a transaction router.route( drtioaux::Packet::SubkernelMessage { source: *self_destination, destination: meta.destination, id: kernel_manager.get_current_id().unwrap(), status: meta.status, length: meta.len as u16, data: data_slice, }, _routing_table, *rank, *self_destination, ); } else { error!("Error receiving message slice"); } } Ok(()) } p => { warn!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", p); Ok(()) } } } fn process_aux_packets( repeaters: &mut [repeater::Repeater], routing_table: &mut drtio_routing::RoutingTable, rank: &mut u8, self_destination: &mut u8, timer: &mut GlobalTimer, i2c: &mut I2c, dma_manager: &mut DmaManager, analyzer: &mut Analyzer, kernel_manager: &mut KernelManager, router: &mut Router, ) { let result = drtioaux::recv(0).and_then(|packet| { if let Some(packet) = packet.or_else(|| router.get_local_packet()) { process_aux_packet( repeaters, routing_table, rank, self_destination, packet, timer, i2c, dma_manager, analyzer, kernel_manager, router, ) } else { Ok(()) } }); if let Err(e) = result { warn!("aux packet error ({:?})", e); } } fn drtiosat_process_errors() { let errors; unsafe { errors = csr::drtiosat::protocol_error_read(); } if errors & 1 != 0 { error!("received packet of an unknown type"); } if errors & 2 != 0 { error!("received truncated packet"); } if errors & 4 != 0 { let destination; unsafe { destination = csr::drtiosat::buffer_space_timeout_dest_read(); } error!( "timeout attempting to get buffer space from CRI, destination=0x{:02x}", destination ) } if errors & 8 != 0 { let channel; let timestamp_event; let timestamp_counter; unsafe { channel = csr::drtiosat::underflow_channel_read(); timestamp_event = csr::drtiosat::underflow_timestamp_event_read() as i64; timestamp_counter = csr::drtiosat::underflow_timestamp_counter_read() as i64; } error!( "write underflow, channel={}, timestamp={}, counter={}, slack={}", channel, timestamp_event, timestamp_counter, timestamp_event - timestamp_counter ); } if errors & 16 != 0 { error!("write overflow"); } unsafe { csr::drtiosat::protocol_error_write(errors); } } fn hardware_tick(ts: &mut u64, timer: &mut GlobalTimer) { let now = timer.get_time(); let mut ts_ms = Milliseconds(*ts); if now > ts_ms { ts_ms = now + Milliseconds(200); *ts = ts_ms.0; #[cfg(has_grabber)] grabber::tick(); } } #[cfg(all(has_si5324, rtio_frequency = "125.0"))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: si5324::FrequencySettings = si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs: 5, nc1_ls: 8, n2_hs: 7, n2_ls: 360, n31: 63, n32: 63, bwsel: 4, crystal_as_ckin2: true, }; #[cfg(all(has_si5324, rtio_frequency = "100.0"))] const SI5324_SETTINGS: si5324::FrequencySettings = si5324::FrequencySettings { n1_hs: 5, nc1_ls: 10, n2_hs: 10, n2_ls: 250, n31: 50, n32: 50, bwsel: 4, crystal_as_ckin2: true, }; #[cfg(all(has_si549, rtio_frequency = "125.0"))] const SI549_SETTINGS: si549::FrequencySetting = si549::FrequencySetting { main: si549::DividerConfig { hsdiv: 0x058, lsdiv: 0, fbdiv: 0x04815791F25, }, helper: si549::DividerConfig { // 125Mhz*32767/32768 hsdiv: 0x058, lsdiv: 0, fbdiv: 0x04814E8F442, }, }; #[cfg(all(has_si549, rtio_frequency = "100.0"))] pub const SI549_SETTINGS: si549::FrequencySetting = si549::FrequencySetting { main: si549::DividerConfig { hsdiv: 0x06C, lsdiv: 0, fbdiv: 0x046C5F49797, }, helper: si549::DividerConfig { // 100Mhz*32767/32768 hsdiv: 0x06C, lsdiv: 0, fbdiv: 0x046C5670BBD, }, }; static mut LOG_BUFFER: [u8; 1 << 17] = [0; 1 << 17]; #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn main_core0() -> i32 { unsafe { exception_vectors::set_vector_table(&__exceptions_start as *const u32 as u32); } enable_l2_cache(0x8); let mut timer = GlobalTimer::start(); let buffer_logger = unsafe { logger::BufferLogger::new(&mut LOG_BUFFER[..]) }; buffer_logger.set_uart_log_level(log::LevelFilter::Info); buffer_logger.register(); log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Info); info!("ARTIQ satellite manager starting..."); info!("gateware ident {}", identifier_read(&mut [0; 64])); ram::init_alloc_core0(); ksupport::i2c::init(); let mut i2c = unsafe { (ksupport::i2c::I2C_BUS).as_mut().unwrap() }; #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] let (mut io_expander0, mut io_expander1); #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] { io_expander0 = io_expander::IoExpander::new(&mut i2c, 0).unwrap(); io_expander1 = io_expander::IoExpander::new(&mut i2c, 1).unwrap(); io_expander0 .init(&mut i2c) .expect("I2C I/O expander #0 initialization failed"); io_expander1 .init(&mut i2c) .expect("I2C I/O expander #1 initialization failed"); // Drive CLK_SEL to true #[cfg(has_si549)] io_expander0.set(1, 7, true); // Drive TX_DISABLE to false on SFP0..3 io_expander0.set(0, 1, false); io_expander1.set(0, 1, false); io_expander0.set(1, 1, false); io_expander1.set(1, 1, false); io_expander0.service(&mut i2c).unwrap(); io_expander1.service(&mut i2c).unwrap(); } #[cfg(has_si5324)] si5324::setup(&mut i2c, &SI5324_SETTINGS, si5324::Input::Ckin1, &mut timer).expect("cannot initialize Si5324"); #[cfg(has_si549)] si549::main_setup(&mut timer, &SI549_SETTINGS).expect("cannot initialize main Si549"); timer.delay_us(100_000); info!("Switching SYS clocks..."); unsafe { csr::gt_drtio::stable_clkin_write(1); } timer.delay_us(50_000); // wait for CPLL/QPLL/MMCM lock let clk = unsafe { csr::sys_crg::current_clock_read() }; if clk == 1 { info!("SYS CLK switched successfully"); } else { panic!("SYS CLK did not switch"); } unsafe { csr::gt_drtio::txenable_write(0xffffffffu32 as _); } #[cfg(has_si549)] si549::helper_setup(&mut timer, &SI549_SETTINGS).expect("cannot initialize helper Si549"); #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] let mut repeaters = [repeater::Repeater::default(); csr::DRTIOREP.len()]; #[cfg(not(has_drtio_routing))] let mut repeaters = [repeater::Repeater::default(); 0]; for i in 0..repeaters.len() { repeaters[i] = repeater::Repeater::new(i as u8); } let mut routing_table = drtio_routing::RoutingTable::default_empty(); let mut rank = 1; let mut destination = 1; let mut hardware_tick_ts = 0; let mut control = ksupport::kernel::Control::start(); loop { let mut router = Router::new(); while !drtiosat_link_rx_up() { drtiosat_process_errors(); #[allow(unused_mut)] for mut rep in repeaters.iter_mut() { rep.service(&routing_table, rank, destination, &mut router, &mut timer); } #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] { io_expander0 .service(&mut i2c) .expect("I2C I/O expander #0 service failed"); io_expander1 .service(&mut i2c) .expect("I2C I/O expander #1 service failed"); } hardware_tick(&mut hardware_tick_ts, &mut timer); } info!("uplink is up, switching to recovered clock"); #[cfg(has_siphaser)] { si5324::siphaser::select_recovered_clock(&mut i2c, true, &mut timer).expect("failed to switch clocks"); si5324::siphaser::calibrate_skew(&mut timer).expect("failed to calibrate skew"); } #[cfg(has_wrpll)] si549::wrpll::select_recovered_clock(true, &mut timer); // Various managers created here, so when link is dropped, all DMA traces // are cleared out for a clean slate on subsequent connections, // without a manual intervention. let mut dma_manager = DmaManager::new(); let mut analyzer = Analyzer::new(); let mut kernel_manager = KernelManager::new(&mut control); drtioaux::reset(0); drtiosat_reset(false); drtiosat_reset_phy(false); while drtiosat_link_rx_up() { drtiosat_process_errors(); process_aux_packets( &mut repeaters, &mut routing_table, &mut rank, &mut destination, &mut timer, &mut i2c, &mut dma_manager, &mut analyzer, &mut kernel_manager, &mut router, ); #[allow(unused_mut)] for mut rep in repeaters.iter_mut() { rep.service(&routing_table, rank, destination, &mut router, &mut timer); } #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] { io_expander0 .service(&mut i2c) .expect("I2C I/O expander #0 service failed"); io_expander1 .service(&mut i2c) .expect("I2C I/O expander #1 service failed"); } hardware_tick(&mut hardware_tick_ts, &mut timer); if drtiosat_tsc_loaded() { info!("TSC loaded from uplink"); for rep in repeaters.iter() { if let Err(e) = rep.sync_tsc(&mut timer) { error!("failed to sync TSC ({:?})", e); } } if let Err(e) = drtioaux::send(0, &drtioaux::Packet::TSCAck) { error!("aux packet error: {:?}", e); } } if let Some(status) = dma_manager.check_state() { info!( "playback done, error: {}, channel: {}, timestamp: {}", status.error, status.channel, status.timestamp ); router.route( drtioaux::Packet::DmaPlaybackStatus { source: destination, destination: status.source, id: status.id, error: status.error, channel: status.channel, timestamp: status.timestamp, }, &routing_table, rank, destination, ); } kernel_manager.process_kern_requests( &mut router, &routing_table, rank, destination, &mut dma_manager, &timer, ); #[cfg(has_drtio_routing)] if let Some((repno, packet)) = router.get_downstream_packet() { if let Err(e) = repeaters[repno].aux_send(&packet) { warn!("[REP#{}] Error when sending packet to satellite ({:?})", repno, e) } } if router.any_upstream_waiting() { drtiosat_async_ready(); } } drtiosat_reset_phy(true); drtiosat_reset(true); drtiosat_tsc_loaded(); info!("uplink is down, switching to local oscillator clock"); #[cfg(has_siphaser)] si5324::siphaser::select_recovered_clock(&mut i2c, false, &mut timer).expect("failed to switch clocks"); #[cfg(has_wrpll)] si549::wrpll::select_recovered_clock(false, &mut timer); } } extern "C" { static mut __stack1_start: u32; } static mut PANICKED: [bool; 2] = [false; 2]; #[no_mangle] pub extern "C" fn exception(_vect: u32, _regs: *const u32, pc: u32, ea: u32) { fn hexdump(addr: u32) { let addr = (addr - addr % 4) as *const u32; let mut ptr = addr; println!("@ {:08p}", ptr); for _ in 0..4 { print!("+{:04x}: ", ptr as usize - addr as usize); print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); print!("{:08x} ", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); print!("{:08x}\n", unsafe { *ptr }); ptr = ptr.wrapping_offset(1); } } hexdump(pc); hexdump(ea); panic!("exception at PC 0x{:x}, EA 0x{:x}", pc, ea) } #[no_mangle] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/{38281,51647} #[panic_handler] pub fn panic_fmt(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! { let id = MPIDR.read().cpu_id() as usize; print!("Core {} ", id); unsafe { if PANICKED[id] { println!("nested panic!"); loop {} } PANICKED[id] = true; } print!("panic at "); if let Some(location) = info.location() { print!("{}:{}:{}", location.file(), location.line(), location.column()); } else { print!("unknown location"); } if let Some(message) = info.message() { println!(": {}", message); } else { println!(""); } #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] { let mut err_led = ErrorLED::error_led(); err_led.toggle(true); } loop {} }