Support for DRTIO 100MHz #155
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The following configuration keys are available:
- ``ip``: IPv4 address.
- ``ip6``: IPv6 address.
- ``startup``: startup kernel in ELF format (as produced by ``artiq_compile``).
- ``rtioclk``: source of RTIO clock; valid values are ``external`` and ``internal``.
- ``rtio_clock``: source of RTIO clock; valid values are ``ext0_bypass`` and ``int_125``.
- ``boot``: SD card "boot.bin" file, for replacing the boot firmware/gateware. Write only.
Configurations can be read/written/removed via ``artiq_coremgmt``. Config erase is
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ class GenericStandalone(SoCCore):
platform.add_platform_command("create_clock -name clk_fpga_0 -period 8 [get_pins \"PS7/FCLKCLK[0]\"]")
platform.add_platform_command("set_input_jitter clk_fpga_0 0.24")
self.rustc_cfg["HAS_SI5324"] = None
self.rustc_cfg["SI5324_SOFT_RESET"] = None
self.rustc_cfg["has_si5324"] = None
self.rustc_cfg["si5324_soft_reset"] = None
self.crg = self.ps7 # HACK for eem_7series to find the clock
self.submodules.rtio_crg = RTIOCRG(self.platform)
@ -393,6 +393,9 @@ class GenericSatellite(SoCCore):
self.add_memory_group("drtioaux_mem", drtioaux_memory_group)
self.add_csr_group("drtiorep", drtiorep_csr_group)
self.rustc_cfg["has_si5324"] = None
self.rustc_cfg["si5324_soft_reset"] = None
if self.acpki:
self.rustc_cfg["ki_impl"] = "acp"
self.submodules.rtio = acpki.KernelInitiator(self.rtio_tsc,
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use crc;
use core_io::{ErrorKind as IoErrorKind, Error as IoError};
use core::slice;
use io::{proto::ProtoRead, proto::ProtoWrite, Cursor};
use libboard_zynq::{timer::GlobalTimer, time::Milliseconds};
use crate::mem::mem::DRTIOAUX_MEM;
@ -58,13 +57,14 @@ pub fn has_rx_error(linkno: u8) -> bool {
pub fn copy_work_buffer(src: *mut u32, dst: *mut u32, len: isize) {
pub fn copy_work_buffer(src: *mut u16, dst: *mut u16, len: isize) {
// AXI writes must be 4-byte aligned (drtio proto doesn't care for that),
// and AXI burst writes are not implemented yet in gateware
// and AXI burst reads/writes are not implemented yet in gateware
// thus the need for a work buffer for transmitting and copying it over
unsafe {
for i in 0..(len/4) {
for i in (0..(len/2)).step_by(2) {
*dst.offset(i) = *src.offset(i);
*dst.offset(i+1) = *src.offset(i+1);
@ -75,9 +75,12 @@ fn receive<F, T>(linkno: u8, f: F) -> Result<Option<T>, Error>
let linkidx = linkno as usize;
unsafe {
if (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_present_read)() == 1 {
let ptr = (DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].base + DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].size / 2) as *mut u8;
let ptr = (DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].base + DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].size / 2) as *mut u16;
let len = (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_length_read)() as usize;
let result = f(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut u8, len as usize));
// work buffer to accomodate axi burst reads
let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
copy_work_buffer(ptr, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, len as isize);
let result = f(&buf[0..len]);
} else {
@ -130,12 +133,12 @@ fn transmit<F>(linkno: u8, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
let linkno = linkno as usize;
unsafe {
while (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_tx_read)() != 0 {}
let ptr = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].base as *mut u32;
let ptr = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].base as *mut u16;
let len = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].size / 2;
// work buffer, works with unaligned mem access
let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let len = f(&mut buf[0..len])?;
copy_work_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32, ptr, len as isize);
copy_work_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, ptr, len as isize);
(DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_tx_length_write)(len as u16);
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use crc;
use core_io::{ErrorKind as IoErrorKind, Error as IoError};
use core::slice;
use void::Void;
use nb;
@ -43,9 +42,12 @@ async fn receive<F, T>(linkno: u8, f: F) -> Result<Option<T>, Error>
let linkidx = linkno as usize;
unsafe {
if (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_present_read)() == 1 {
let ptr = (DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].base + DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].size / 2) as *mut u8;
let ptr = (DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].base + DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].size / 2) as *mut u16;
let len = (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_length_read)() as usize;
let result = f(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut u8, len as usize));
// work buffer to accomodate axi burst reads
let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
copy_work_buffer(ptr, buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, len as isize);
let result = f(&buf[0..len]);
} else {
@ -104,12 +106,12 @@ async fn transmit<F>(linkno: u8, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
let linkno = linkno as usize;
unsafe {
let _ = block_async!(tx_ready(linkno)).await;
let ptr = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].base as *mut u32;
let ptr = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].base as *mut u16;
let len = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].size / 2;
// work buffer, works with unaligned mem access
let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024];
let len = f(&mut buf[0..len])?;
copy_work_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32, ptr, len as isize);
copy_work_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u16, ptr, len as isize);
(DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_tx_length_write)(len as u16);
@ -18,12 +18,9 @@ use libasync::{task, block_async};
use libsupport_zynq::ram;
use nb;
use void::Void;
use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;
use libconfig::Config;
use libcortex_a9::l2c::enable_l2_cache;
use libboard_artiq::{logger, identifier_read, init_gateware, pl};
use libboard_artiq::si5324;
mod proto_async;
mod comms;
@ -35,6 +32,7 @@ mod rtio;
#[path = ""]
mod rtio;
mod rtio_mgt;
mod rtio_clocking;
mod kernel;
mod moninj;
mod eh_artiq;
@ -44,65 +42,6 @@ mod analyzer;
mod irq;
mod i2c;
fn init_rtio(timer: &mut GlobalTimer, _cfg: &Config) {
let clock_sel =
if let Ok(rtioclk) = _cfg.read_str("rtioclk") {
match rtioclk.as_ref() {
"internal" => {
info!("using internal RTIO clock");
"external" => {
info!("using external RTIO clock");
other => {
warn!("RTIO clock specification '{}' not recognized", other);
info!("using internal RTIO clock");
} else {
info!("using internal RTIO clock (default)");
loop {
unsafe {
let locked = unsafe { pl::csr::rtio_crg::pll_locked_read() != 0 };
if locked {
info!("RTIO PLL locked");
} else {
warn!("RTIO PLL failed to lock, retrying...");
unsafe {
fn init_drtio(timer: &mut GlobalTimer)
unsafe {
timer.delay_ms(2); // wait for CPLL/QPLL lock
unsafe {
pl::csr::drtio_transceiver::txenable_write(0xffffffffu32 as _);
fn wait_for_async_rtio_error() -> nb::Result<(), Void> {
unsafe {
@ -136,19 +75,7 @@ async fn report_async_rtio_errors() {
// 125MHz output, from crystal, 7 Hz
const SI5324_SETTINGS: si5324::FrequencySettings
= si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 10,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 19972,
n31 : 4565,
n32 : 4565,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: true
static mut LOG_BUFFER: [u8; 1<<17] = [0; 1<<17];
@ -173,9 +100,6 @@ pub fn main_core0() {
info!("detected gateware: {}", identifier_read(&mut [0; 64]));
si5324::setup(unsafe { (&mut i2c::I2C_BUS).as_mut().unwrap() },
&SI5324_SETTINGS, si5324::Input::Ckin2, &mut timer).expect("cannot initialize Si5324");
let cfg = match Config::new() {
Ok(cfg) => cfg,
@ -185,10 +109,8 @@ pub fn main_core0() {
init_drtio(&mut timer);
rtio_clocking::init(&mut timer, &cfg);
init_rtio(&mut timer, &cfg);
comms::main(timer, cfg);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
use log::{info, warn};
use libboard_zynq::timer::GlobalTimer;
use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;
use libconfig::Config;
use libboard_artiq::pl;
use libboard_zynq::i2c::I2c;
use crate::i2c;
use libboard_artiq::si5324;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum RtioClock {
fn get_rtio_clock_cfg(cfg: &Config) -> RtioClock {
let mut res = RtioClock::Default;
if let Ok(clk) = cfg.read_str("rtio_clock") {
res = match clk.as_ref() {
"int_125" => RtioClock::Int_125,
"int_100" => RtioClock::Int_100,
"int_150" => RtioClock::Int_150,
"ext0_bypass" => RtioClock::Ext0_Bypass,
"ext0_bypass_125" => RtioClock::Ext0_Bypass,
"ext0_bypass_100" => RtioClock::Ext0_Bypass,
"ext0_synth0_10to125" => RtioClock::Ext0_Synth0_10to125,
"ext0_synth0_100to125" => RtioClock::Ext0_Synth0_100to125,
"ext0_synth0_125to125" => RtioClock::Ext0_Synth0_125to125,
_ => {
warn!("Unrecognised rtio_clock setting. Falling back to default.");
else {
warn!("error reading configuration. Falling back to default.");
if res == RtioClock::Default {
warn!("Using default configuration - internal 125MHz RTIO clock.");
return RtioClock::Int_125;
fn init_rtio(timer: &mut GlobalTimer, _clk: RtioClock) {
let clock_sel = match _clk {
RtioClock::Ext0_Bypass => {
info!("Using bypassed external clock");
RtioClock::Int_125 => {
info!("Using internal RTIO clock");
_ => {
warn!("rtio_clock setting '{:?}' is not supported. Using default internal RTIO clock instead", _clk);
loop {
unsafe {
let locked = unsafe { pl::csr::rtio_crg::pll_locked_read() != 0 };
if locked {
info!("RTIO PLL locked");
} else {
warn!("RTIO PLL failed to lock, retrying...");
unsafe {
fn init_drtio(timer: &mut GlobalTimer)
unsafe {
timer.delay_ms(2); // wait for CPLL/QPLL lock
unsafe {
pl::csr::drtio_transceiver::txenable_write(0xffffffffu32 as _);
fn setup_si5324(i2c: &mut I2c, timer: &mut GlobalTimer, clk: RtioClock) {
let si5324_settings = match clk {
RtioClock::Ext0_Synth0_10to125 => { // 125 MHz output from 10 MHz CLKINx reference, 504 Hz BW
info!("using 10MHz reference to make 125MHz RTIO clock with PLL");
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 10,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 300,
n31 : 6,
n32 : 6,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: false
RtioClock::Ext0_Synth0_100to125 => { // 125MHz output, from 100MHz CLKINx reference, 586 Hz loop bandwidth
info!("using 10MHz reference to make 125MHz RTIO clock with PLL");
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 10,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 260,
n31 : 52,
n32 : 52,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: false
RtioClock::Ext0_Synth0_125to125 => { // 125MHz output, from 125MHz CLKINx reference, 606 Hz loop bandwidth
info!("using 10MHz reference to make 125MHz RTIO clock with PLL");
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 5,
nc1_ls : 8,
n2_hs : 7,
n2_ls : 360,
n31 : 63,
n32 : 63,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: false
RtioClock::Int_150 => { // 150MHz output, from crystal
info!("using internal 150MHz RTIO clock");
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 9,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 33732,
n31 : 7139,
n32 : 7139,
bwsel : 3,
crystal_ref: true
RtioClock::Int_100 => { // 100MHz output, from crystal.
info!("using internal 100MHz RTIO clock");
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 9,
nc1_ls : 6,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 33732,
n31 : 7139,
n32 : 7139,
bwsel : 3,
crystal_ref: true
RtioClock::Int_125 => { // 125MHz output, from crystal, 7 Hz
info!("using internal 125MHz RTIO clock");
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 10,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 19972,
n31 : 4565,
n32 : 4565,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: true
_ => { // same setting as Int_125, but fallback to default
warn!("rtio_clock setting '{:?}' is unsupported. Falling back to default internal 125MHz RTIO clock.", clk);
si5324::FrequencySettings {
n1_hs : 10,
nc1_ls : 4,
n2_hs : 10,
n2_ls : 19972,
n31 : 4565,
n32 : 4565,
bwsel : 4,
crystal_ref: true
let si5324_ref_input = si5324::Input::Ckin2;
si5324::setup(i2c, &si5324_settings, si5324_ref_input, timer).expect("cannot initialize Si5324");
pub fn init(timer: &mut GlobalTimer, cfg: &Config) {
let clk = get_rtio_clock_cfg(cfg);
let i2c = unsafe { (&mut i2c::I2C_BUS).as_mut().unwrap() };
let si5324_ext_input = si5324::Input::Ckin2;
match clk {
RtioClock::Ext0_Bypass => si5324::bypass(i2c, si5324_ext_input, timer).expect("cannot bypass Si5324"),
_ => setup_si5324(i2c, timer, clk),
init_rtio(timer, clk);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user