runtime/eh_artiq: support exception allocation
The backtrace is now nested, and should be used together with the stack pointer array to construct the full backtrace for each exception. We now allocate exception objects in a stack, but their names are still not allocated. This is fine for exceptions raised in the driver or artiq code, but we will have to implement allocation for names of exceptions raised in RPC calls. The compiler should also emit code to store the exception names once they catch it, to prepare for later reraising.
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,8 +90,7 @@ pub unsafe fn find_eh_action(
lsda: *const u8,
context: &EHContext<'_>,
foreign_exception: bool,
name: *const u8,
len: usize,
id: u32,
) -> Result<EHAction, ()> {
if lsda.is_null() {
return Ok(EHAction::None);
@ -164,19 +163,11 @@ pub unsafe fn find_eh_action(
let clause_ptr = *(catch_type as *const *const CSlice<u8>);
let clause_ptr = *(catch_type as *const *const u32);
if clause_ptr.is_null() {
return Ok(EHAction::Catch(lpad));
let clause_name_ptr = (*clause_ptr).as_ptr();
let clause_name_len = (*clause_ptr).len();
if (clause_name_ptr == core::ptr::null() ||
clause_name_ptr == name ||
// somehow their name pointers might differ, but the content is the
// same
core::slice::from_raw_parts(clause_name_ptr, clause_name_len) ==
core::slice::from_raw_parts(name, len))
if *clause_ptr == id {
return Ok(EHAction::Catch(lpad));
} else if ar_filter < 0 {
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use core::fmt;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::str::Utf8Error;
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec, string::String, collections::BTreeMap, rc::Rc};
use log::{info, warn, error};
use cslice::CSlice;
use num_derive::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ pub enum Error {
pub type Result<T> = core::result::Result<T, Error>;
@ -51,7 +50,6 @@ impl fmt::Display for Error {
Error::UnexpectedPattern => write!(f, "unexpected pattern"),
Error::UnrecognizedPacket => write!(f, "unrecognized packet"),
Error::BufferExhausted => write!(f, "buffer exhausted"),
Error::Utf8Error(error) => write!(f, "UTF-8 error: {}", error),
@ -122,11 +120,6 @@ async fn read_bytes(stream: &TcpStream, max_length: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
async fn read_string(stream: &TcpStream, max_length: usize) -> Result<String> {
let bytes = read_bytes(stream, max_length).await?;
Ok(String::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|err| Error::Utf8Error(err.utf8_error()))?)
const RETRY_LIMIT: usize = 100;
async fn fast_send(sender: &mut Sender<'_, kernel::Message>, content: kernel::Message) {
@ -156,6 +149,16 @@ async fn fast_recv(receiver: &mut Receiver<'_, kernel::Message>) -> kernel::Mess
async fn write_exception_string(stream: &TcpStream, s: CSlice<'static, u8>) -> Result<()> {
if s.len() == usize::MAX {
write_i32(stream, -1).await?;
write_i32(stream, s.as_ptr() as i32).await?
} else {
write_chunk(stream, s.as_ref()).await?;
async fn handle_run_kernel(stream: Option<&TcpStream>, control: &Rc<RefCell<kernel::Control>>) -> Result<()> {
loop {
@ -204,17 +207,17 @@ async fn handle_run_kernel(stream: Option<&TcpStream>, control: &Rc<RefCell<kern
kernel::Message::RpcRecvRequest(_) => (),
other => panic!("expected (ignored) root value slot from kernel CPU, not {:?}", other),
let name = read_string(stream, 16384).await?;
let message = read_string(stream, 16384).await?;
let id = read_i32(stream).await? as u32;
let message = read_i32(stream).await? as u32;
let param = [read_i64(stream).await?,
let file = read_string(stream, 16384).await?;
let file = read_i32(stream).await? as u32;
let line = read_i32(stream).await?;
let column = read_i32(stream).await?;
let function = read_string(stream, 16384).await?;
let function = read_i32(stream).await? as u32;
control.tx.async_send(kernel::Message::RpcRecvReply(Err(kernel::RPCException {
name, message, param, file, line, column, function
id, message, param, file, line, column, function
_ => {
@ -231,29 +234,39 @@ async fn handle_run_kernel(stream: Option<&TcpStream>, control: &Rc<RefCell<kern
kernel::Message::KernelException(exception, backtrace, async_errors) => {
kernel::Message::KernelException(exceptions, stack_pointers, backtrace, async_errors) => {
match stream {
Some(stream) => {
// only send the exception data to host if there is host,
// i.e. not idle/startup kernel.
write_header(stream, Reply::KernelException).await?;
write_chunk(stream, exception.message.as_ref()).await?;
write_i64(stream, exception.param[0] as i64).await?;
write_i64(stream, exception.param[1] as i64).await?;
write_i64(stream, exception.param[2] as i64).await?;
write_chunk(stream, exception.file.as_ref()).await?;
write_i32(stream, exception.line as i32).await?;
write_i32(stream, exception.column as i32).await?;
write_chunk(stream, exception.function.as_ref()).await?;
write_i32(stream, exceptions.len() as i32).await?;
for exception in exceptions.iter() {
let exception = exception.as_ref().unwrap();
write_i32(stream, as i32).await?;
write_exception_string(stream, exception.message).await?;
write_i64(stream, exception.param[0] as i64).await?;
write_i64(stream, exception.param[1] as i64).await?;
write_i64(stream, exception.param[2] as i64).await?;
write_exception_string(stream, exception.file).await?;
write_i32(stream, exception.line as i32).await?;
write_i32(stream, exception.column as i32).await?;
write_exception_string(stream, exception.function).await?;
for sp in stack_pointers.iter() {
write_i32(stream, sp.stack_pointer as i32).await?;
write_i32(stream, sp.initial_backtrace_size as i32).await?;
write_i32(stream, sp.current_backtrace_size as i32).await?;
write_i32(stream, backtrace.len() as i32).await?;
for &addr in backtrace {
for &(addr, sp) in backtrace {
write_i32(stream, addr as i32).await?;
write_i32(stream, sp as i32).await?;
write_i8(stream, async_errors as i8).await?;
None => {
error!("Uncaught kernel exception: {:?}", exception);
error!("Uncaught kernel exceptions: {:?}", exceptions);
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ use core::mem;
use cslice::CSlice;
use unwind as uw;
use libc::{c_int, c_void, uintptr_t};
use log::trace;
use log::{trace, error};
use crate::kernel::KERNEL_IMAGE;
use dwarf::eh::{self, EHAction, EHContext};
@ -26,10 +27,12 @@ const EXCEPTION_CLASS: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class = 0x4d_4c_42_53_41_52_54_51;
#[cfg(target_arch = "arm")]
const UNWIND_DATA_REG: (i32, i32) = (0, 1); // R0, R1
// Note: CSlice within an exception may not be actual cslice, they may be strings that exist only
// in the host. If the length == usize:MAX, the pointer is actually a string key in the host.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Exception<'a> {
pub name: CSlice<'a, u8>,
pub id: u32,
pub file: CSlice<'a, u8>,
pub line: u32,
pub column: u32,
@ -42,25 +45,79 @@ fn str_err(_: core::str::Utf8Error) -> core::fmt::Error {
impl<'a> core::fmt::Debug for Exception<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Exception {} from {} in {}:{}:{}, message: {}",
self.line, self.column,
fn exception_str<'a>(s: &'a CSlice<'a, u8>) -> Result<&'a str, core::str::Utf8Error> {
if s.len() == usize::MAX {
Ok("<host string>")
} else {
impl<'a> core::fmt::Debug for Exception<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Exception {} from {} in {}:{}:{}, message: {}",
self.line, self.column,
const MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS: usize = 10;
const MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE: usize = 128;
struct ExceptionInfo {
uw_exception: uw::_Unwind_Exception,
exception: Option<Exception<'static>>,
backtrace: [usize; MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE],
backtrace_size: usize
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct StackPointerBacktrace {
pub stack_pointer: usize,
pub initial_backtrace_size: usize,
pub current_backtrace_size: usize,
struct ExceptionBuffer {
// we need n _Unwind_Exception, because each will have their own private data
uw_exceptions: [uw::_Unwind_Exception; MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS],
exceptions: [Option<Exception<'static>>; MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS + 1],
exception_stack: [isize; MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS + 1],
// nested exceptions will share the backtrace buffer, treated as a tree
// backtrace contains a tuple of IP and SP
backtrace: [(usize, usize); MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE],
backtrace_size: usize,
// stack pointers are stored to reconstruct backtrace for each exception
stack_pointers: [StackPointerBacktrace; MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS + 1],
// current allocated nested exceptions
exception_count: usize,
static mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER: ExceptionBuffer = ExceptionBuffer {
uw_exceptions: [uw::_Unwind_Exception {
exception_class: EXCEPTION_CLASS,
exception_cleanup: cleanup,
private: [0; uw::unwinder_private_data_size],
exceptions: [None; MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS + 1],
exception_stack: [-1; MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS + 1],
backtrace: [(0, 0); MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE],
backtrace_size: 0,
stack_pointers: [StackPointerBacktrace {
stack_pointer: 0,
initial_backtrace_size: 0,
current_backtrace_size: 0
exception_count: 0
pub unsafe extern fn reset_exception_buffer() {
trace!("reset exception buffer");
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.uw_exceptions = [uw::_Unwind_Exception {
exception_class: EXCEPTION_CLASS,
exception_cleanup: cleanup,
private: [0; uw::unwinder_private_data_size],
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.backtrace_size = 0;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count = 0;
type _Unwind_Stop_Fn = extern "C" fn(version: c_int,
@ -81,8 +138,7 @@ extern {
unsafe fn find_eh_action(
context: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,
foreign_exception: bool,
name: *const u8,
len: usize,
id: u32,
) -> Result<EHAction, ()> {
let lsda = uw::_Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData(context) as *const u8;
let mut ip_before_instr: c_int = 0;
@ -95,7 +151,7 @@ unsafe fn find_eh_action(
get_text_start: &|| uw::_Unwind_GetTextRelBase(context),
get_data_start: &|| uw::_Unwind_GetDataRelBase(context),
eh::find_eh_action(lsda, &eh_context, foreign_exception, name, len)
eh::find_eh_action(lsda, &eh_context, foreign_exception, id)
pub unsafe fn artiq_personality(_state: uw::_Unwind_State,
@ -119,19 +175,15 @@ pub unsafe fn artiq_personality(_state: uw::_Unwind_State,
let exception_class = (*exception_object).exception_class;
let foreign_exception = exception_class != EXCEPTION_CLASS;
assert!(!foreign_exception, "we do not expect foreign exceptions");
let exception_info = &mut *(exception_object as *mut ExceptionInfo);
let index = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count - 1];
assert!(index != -1);
let exception = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions[index as usize].as_ref().unwrap();
let (name_ptr, len) = if foreign_exception || exception_info.exception.is_none() {
(core::ptr::null(), 0)
} else {
let name = (exception_info.exception.unwrap()).name;
(name.as_ptr(), name.len())
let eh_action = match find_eh_action(context, foreign_exception, name_ptr, len) {
let id =;
let eh_action = match find_eh_action(context, foreign_exception, id) {
Ok(action) => action,
Err(_) => return uw::_URC_FAILURE,
let exception = &exception_info.exception.unwrap();
match eh_action {
EHAction::None => return continue_unwind(exception_object, context),
EHAction::Cleanup(lpad) |
@ -165,99 +217,219 @@ pub unsafe fn artiq_personality(_state: uw::_Unwind_State,
extern fn cleanup(_unwind_code: uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code,
uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception) {
unsafe {
let exception_info = &mut *(uw_exception as *mut ExceptionInfo);
pub unsafe extern fn raise(exception: *const Exception) -> ! {
use cslice::AsCSlice;
exception_info.exception = None;
let count = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count;
let stack = &mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack;
let diff = exception as isize - EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions.as_ptr() as isize;
if 0 <= diff && diff <= (mem::size_of::<Option<Exception>>() * MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS) as isize {
let index = diff / (mem::size_of::<Option<Exception>>() as isize);
trace!("reraise at {}", index);
let mut found = false;
for i in 0..=MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS + 1 {
if found {
if stack[i] == -1 {
stack[i - 1] = index;
assert!(i == count);
} else {
stack[i - 1] = stack[i];
} else {
if stack[i] == index {
found = true;
let _result = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.uw_exceptions[stack[count - 1] as usize],
stop_fn, core::ptr::null_mut());
} else {
trace!("raising exception at level {}", count);
let exception = &*exception;
for (i, slot) in EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions.iter_mut().enumerate() {
// we should always be able to find a slot
if slot.is_none() {
*slot = Some(
*mem::transmute::<*const Exception, *const Exception<'static>>
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[count] = i as isize;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.uw_exceptions[i].private =
[0; uw::unwinder_private_data_size];
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[i] = StackPointerBacktrace {
stack_pointer: 0,
initial_backtrace_size: EXCEPTION_BUFFER.backtrace_size,
current_backtrace_size: 0,
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count += 1;
let _result = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.uw_exceptions[i],
stop_fn, core::ptr::null_mut());
} else {
error!("too many nested exceptions");
// TODO: better reporting?
let exception = Exception {
id: get_exception_id("runtimeerror"),
file: file!().as_c_slice(),
line: line!(),
column: column!(),
function: "__artiq_raise".as_c_slice(),
message: "too many nested exceptions".as_c_slice(),
param: [0, 0, 0]
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions[MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS] = Some(mem::transmute(exception));
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[MAX_INFLIGHT_EXCEPTIONS] = Default::default();
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count += 1;
static mut INFLIGHT: ExceptionInfo = ExceptionInfo {
uw_exception: uw::_Unwind_Exception {
exception_class: EXCEPTION_CLASS,
exception_cleanup: cleanup,
private: [0; uw::unwinder_private_data_size],
exception: None,
backtrace: [0; MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE],
backtrace_size: 0
pub unsafe extern fn raise(exception: *const Exception) -> ! {
// FIXME: unsound transmute
// This would cause stack memory corruption.
trace!("raising exception");
INFLIGHT.backtrace_size = 0;
INFLIGHT.exception = Some(mem::transmute::<Exception, Exception<'static>>(*exception));
let _result = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(&mut INFLIGHT.uw_exception,
uncaught_exception, core::ptr::null_mut());
pub unsafe extern fn resume() -> ! {
assert!(EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count != 0);
let i = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count - 1];
assert!(i != -1);
let _result = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.uw_exceptions[i as usize],
stop_fn, core::ptr::null_mut());
extern fn uncaught_exception(_version: c_int,
actions: i32,
_uw_exception_class: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class,
uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception,
context: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,
_stop_parameter: *mut c_void)
-> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code {
unsafe {
trace!("uncaught exception");
let exception_info = &mut *(uw_exception as *mut ExceptionInfo);
pub unsafe extern fn end_catch() {
let mut count = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count;
assert!(count != 0);
// we remove all exceptions with SP <= current exception SP
// i.e. the outer exception escapes the finally block
let index = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[count - 1] as usize;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[count - 1] = -1;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions[index] = None;
let outer_sp = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers
count -= 1;
for i in (0..count).rev() {
let index = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[i];
assert!(index != -1);
let index = index as usize;
let sp = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[index].stack_pointer;
if sp >= outer_sp {
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions[index] = None;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[i] = -1;
count -= 1;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count = count;
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.backtrace_size = if count > 0 {
let index = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[count - 1];
assert!(index != -1);
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[index as usize].current_backtrace_size
} else {
if exception_info.backtrace_size < exception_info.backtrace.len() {
extern fn cleanup(_unwind_code: uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code,
_uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception) {
fn uncaught_exception() -> ! {
unsafe {
// dump way to reorder the stack
for i in 0..EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count {
if EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[i] != i as isize {
// find the correct index
let index = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack
.position(|v| *v == i as isize).unwrap();
let a = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[index];
let b = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[i];
assert!(a != -1 && b != -1);
core::mem::swap(&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[index],
&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[i]);
core::mem::swap(&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions[a as usize],
&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exceptions[b as usize]);
core::mem::swap(&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[a as usize],
&mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[b as usize]);
unsafe {
// stop function which would be executed when we unwind each frame
extern fn stop_fn(_version: c_int,
actions: i32,
_uw_exception_class: uw::_Unwind_Exception_Class,
_uw_exception: *mut uw::_Unwind_Exception,
context: *mut uw::_Unwind_Context,
_stop_parameter: *mut c_void) -> uw::_Unwind_Reason_Code {
unsafe {
let load_addr = KERNEL_IMAGE.as_ref().unwrap().get_load_addr();
let backtrace_size = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.backtrace_size;
// we try to remove unrelated backtrace here to save some buffer size
if backtrace_size < MAX_BACKTRACE_SIZE {
let ip = uw::_Unwind_GetIP(context);
trace!("SP: {:X}, backtrace_size: {}", uw::_Unwind_GetGR(context, uw::UNWIND_SP_REG), exception_info.backtrace_size);
exception_info.backtrace[exception_info.backtrace_size] = ip;
exception_info.backtrace_size += 1;
if ip >= load_addr {
let ip = ip - load_addr;
let sp = uw::_Unwind_GetGR(context, uw::UNWIND_SP_REG);
trace!("SP: {:X}, backtrace_size: {}", sp, backtrace_size);
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.backtrace[backtrace_size] = (ip, sp);
EXCEPTION_BUFFER.backtrace_size += 1;
let last_index = EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_stack[EXCEPTION_BUFFER.exception_count - 1];
assert!(last_index != -1);
let sp_info = &mut EXCEPTION_BUFFER.stack_pointers[last_index as usize];
sp_info.stack_pointer = sp;
sp_info.current_backtrace_size = backtrace_size + 1;
} else {
trace!("backtrace size exceeded");
if actions as u32 & uw::_US_END_OF_STACK as u32 != 0 {
} else {
pub unsafe extern fn reraise() -> ! {
use cslice::AsCSlice;
static EXCEPTION_ID_LOOKUP: [(&str, u32); 6] = [
("runtimeerror", 0),
("RTIOUnderflow", 1),
("RTIOOverflow", 2),
("RTIODestinationUnreachable", 3),
("DMAError", 4),
("I2CError", 5),
// Reraise is basically cxa_rethrow, which calls _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow,
// which for EHABI would always call _Unwind_RaiseException.
match INFLIGHT.exception {
Some(ex) => {
// we cannot call raise directly as that would corrupt the backtrace
INFLIGHT.exception = Some(mem::transmute::<Exception, Exception<'static>>(ex));
let _result = _Unwind_ForcedUnwind(&mut INFLIGHT.uw_exception,
uncaught_exception, core::ptr::null_mut());
None => {
raise(&Exception {
name: "0:artiq.coredevice.exceptions.RuntimeError".as_c_slice(),
file: file!().as_c_slice(),
line: line!(),
column: column!(),
function: "__artiq_reraise".as_c_slice(),
message: "No active exception to reraise".as_c_slice(),
param: [0, 0, 0]
pub fn get_exception_id(name: &str) -> u32 {
for (n, id) in EXCEPTION_ID_LOOKUP.iter() {
if *n == name {
return *id
unimplemented!("unallocated internal exception id")
macro_rules! artiq_raise {
($name:expr, $message:expr, $param0:expr, $param1:expr, $param2:expr) => ({
use cslice::AsCSlice;
let name_id = $crate::eh_artiq::get_exception_id($name);
let exn = $crate::eh_artiq::Exception {
name: concat!("0:artiq.coredevice.exceptions.", $name).as_c_slice(),
id: name_id,
file: file!().as_c_slice(),
line: line!(),
column: column!(),
@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ pub fn resolve(required: &[u8]) -> Option<u32> {
api!(_Unwind_Resume = unwind::_Unwind_Resume),
api!(__artiq_personality = eh_artiq::artiq_personality),
api!(__artiq_raise = eh_artiq::raise),
api!(__artiq_reraise = eh_artiq::reraise),
api!(__artiq_resume = eh_artiq::resume),
api!(__artiq_end_catch = eh_artiq::end_catch),
// Implementations for LLVM math intrinsics
@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ pub extern "C" fn main_core1() {
info!("kernel starting");
if let Some(kernel) = loaded_kernel.take() {
unsafe {
KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1 = Some(core1_rx);
KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0 = Some(core1_tx);
KERNEL_IMAGE = &kernel as *const KernelImage;
@ -201,24 +202,13 @@ pub extern "C" fn main_core1() {
/// Called by eh_artiq
pub fn terminate(exception: &'static eh_artiq::Exception<'static>, backtrace: &'static mut [usize]) -> ! {
let load_addr = unsafe {
let mut cursor = 0;
// The address in the backtrace is relocated, so we have to convert it back to the address in
// the original python script, and remove those Rust function backtrace.
for i in 0..backtrace.len() {
if backtrace[i] >= load_addr {
backtrace[cursor] = backtrace[i] - load_addr;
cursor += 1;
pub fn terminate(exceptions: &'static [Option<eh_artiq::Exception<'static>>],
stack_pointers: &'static [eh_artiq::StackPointerBacktrace],
backtrace: &'static mut [(usize, usize)]) -> ! {
let core1_tx = unsafe { KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.as_mut().unwrap() };
let errors = unsafe { get_async_errors() };
core1_tx.send(Message::KernelException(exception, &backtrace[..cursor], errors));
core1_tx.send(Message::KernelException(exceptions, stack_pointers, backtrace, errors));
loop {}
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ mod cache;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RPCException {
pub name: String,
pub message: String,
pub id: u32,
pub message: u32,
pub param: [i64; 3],
pub file: String,
pub file: u32,
pub line: i32,
pub column: i32,
pub function: String
pub function: u32
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ pub enum Message {
KernelException(&'static eh_artiq::Exception<'static>, &'static [usize], u8),
KernelException(&'static [Option<eh_artiq::Exception<'static>>],
&'static [eh_artiq::StackPointerBacktrace],
&'static [(usize, usize)],
RpcSend { is_async: bool, data: Vec<u8> },
RpcRecvRequest(*mut ()),
RpcRecvReply(Result<usize, RPCException>),
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ static CHANNEL_SEM: Semaphore = Semaphore::new(0, 1);
static mut KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1: Option<sync_channel::Receiver<'static, Message>> = None;
static mut KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0: Option<sync_channel::Sender<'static, Message>> = None;
static mut KERNEL_IMAGE: *const core1::KernelImage = ptr::null();
pub static mut KERNEL_IMAGE: *const core1::KernelImage = ptr::null();
static INIT_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//! Kernel-side RPC API
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use cslice::{CSlice, AsCSlice};
use cslice::CSlice;
use crate::eh_artiq;
use crate::rpc::send_args;
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ pub extern fn rpc_recv(slot: *mut ()) -> usize {
Message::RpcRecvReply(Ok(alloc_size)) => alloc_size,
Message::RpcRecvReply(Err(exception)) => unsafe {
eh_artiq::raise(&eh_artiq::Exception {
file: exception.file.as_bytes().as_c_slice(),
file: CSlice::new(exception.file as *const u8, usize::MAX),
line: exception.line as u32,
column: exception.column as u32,
function: exception.function.as_bytes().as_c_slice(),
message: exception.message.as_bytes().as_c_slice(),
function: CSlice::new(exception.function as *const u8, usize::MAX),
message: CSlice::new(exception.message as *const u8, usize::MAX),
param: exception.param
Reference in New Issue
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