use slab::Slab; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use nac3parser::ast::{Location, StrRef}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum LifetimeKind { Static, NonLocal, Unknown, PreciseLocal, ImpreciseLocal, } impl std::ops::BitAnd for LifetimeKind { type Output = Self; fn bitand(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output { use LifetimeKind::*; match (self, rhs) { (x, y) if x == y => x, (PreciseLocal, ImpreciseLocal) | (ImpreciseLocal, PreciseLocal) => ImpreciseLocal, (Static, NonLocal) | (NonLocal, Static) => NonLocal, _ => Unknown, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct LifetimeId(usize); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct BasicBlockId(usize); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum LifetimeIR { VarAssign { var: StrRef, lifetime: LifetimeId }, VarAccess { var: StrRef }, FieldAssign { obj: LifetimeId, field: StrRef, new: LifetimeId }, FieldAccess { obj: LifetimeId, field: StrRef }, CreateLifetime { kind: LifetimeKind }, PassedToFunc { param_lifetimes: Vec }, UnifyLifetimes { lifetimes: Vec }, Branch { targets: Vec }, Return { val: Option }, } pub struct LifetimeIRBuilder { irs: Vec>, basic_blocks: Vec>, current_block: BasicBlockId, } impl LifetimeIRBuilder { pub fn new() -> Self { LifetimeIRBuilder { irs: vec![None], basic_blocks: vec![vec![]], current_block: BasicBlockId(0), } } pub fn print_ir(&self) -> String { let mut lines = vec![]; for (i, bb) in self.basic_blocks.iter().enumerate() { if bb.is_empty() { continue; } lines.push(format!("{}:", i)); for ir in bb.iter() { if let Some((inst, loc)) = &self.irs[*ir] { lines.push(format!(" {}: {:?} ({})", *ir, inst, loc)); } } } lines.join("\n") } pub fn append_ir(&mut self, inst: LifetimeIR, loc: Location) -> LifetimeId { let id = self.irs.len(); self.irs.push(Some((inst, loc))); self.basic_blocks[self.current_block.0].push(id); LifetimeId(id) } pub fn append_block(&mut self) -> BasicBlockId { let id = self.basic_blocks.len(); self.basic_blocks.push(vec![]); BasicBlockId(id) } pub fn get_current_block(&self) -> BasicBlockId { self.current_block } pub fn position_at_end(&mut self, id: BasicBlockId) { self.current_block = id; } pub fn is_terminated(&self, id: BasicBlockId) -> bool { let bb = &self.basic_blocks[id.0]; if bb.is_empty() { false } else { matches!( self.irs[*bb.last().unwrap()], Some((LifetimeIR::Return { .. }, _)) | Some((LifetimeIR::Branch { .. }, _)) ) } } pub fn remove_empty_bb(&mut self) { let mut destination_mapping = HashMap::new(); let basic_blocks = &mut self.basic_blocks; let irs = &mut self.irs; for (i, bb) in basic_blocks.iter_mut().enumerate() { bb.retain(|&id| irs[id].is_some()); if bb.len() == 1 { let id = bb.pop().unwrap(); let ir = irs[id].take().unwrap(); match ir.0 { LifetimeIR::Branch { targets } => { destination_mapping.insert(i, targets); } _ => () } } } let mut buffer = HashSet::new(); for bb in basic_blocks.iter_mut() { if bb.is_empty() { continue; } if let LifetimeIR::Branch { targets } = &mut irs[*bb.last().unwrap()].as_mut().unwrap().0 { buffer.clear(); let mut updated = false; for target in targets.iter() { if let Some(dest) = destination_mapping.get(&target.0) { buffer.extend(dest.iter().cloned()); updated = true; } else { buffer.insert(*target); } } if updated { targets.clear(); targets.extend(buffer.iter().cloned()); } } } } pub fn analyze(&self) -> Result<(), String> { let mut analyzers = HashMap::new(); analyzers.insert(0, (0, true, LifetimeAnalyzer::new())); let mut worklist = vec![0]; while let Some(bb) = worklist.pop() { let (counter, updated, analyzer) = analyzers.get_mut(&bb).unwrap(); *counter += 1; if *counter > 100 { return Err(format!("infinite loop detected at basic block {}", bb)); } *updated = false; let mut analyzer = analyzer.clone(); let block = &self.basic_blocks[bb]; let ir_iter = block.iter().filter_map(|&id| { self.irs[id].as_ref().map(|(ir, loc)| (LifetimeId(id), ir, *loc)) }); if let Some(branch) = analyzer.analyze_basic_block(ir_iter)? { for &target in branch.iter() { if let Some((_, updated, successor)) = analyzers.get_mut(&target.0) { if successor.merge(&analyzer) && !*updated { // changed worklist.push(target.0); *updated = true; } } else { analyzers.insert(target.0, (0, true, analyzer.clone())); worklist.push(target.0); } } } } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct LifetimeStore { kind: LifetimeKind, fields: HashMap, lifetimes: HashSet, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct LifetimeAnalyzer<'a> { lifetime_to_id: HashMap, lifetime_stores: Slab>, variable_assignment: HashMap, } impl<'a> LifetimeAnalyzer<'a> { pub fn new() -> Self { let mut zelf = LifetimeAnalyzer { lifetime_to_id: HashMap::new(), lifetime_stores: Default::default(), variable_assignment: HashMap::new(), }; zelf.add_lifetime(LifetimeId(0), LifetimeKind::Unknown); zelf } pub fn merge(&mut self, other: &LifetimeAnalyzer) -> bool { let mut to_be_merged = other.lifetime_to_id.keys().cloned().collect::>(); let mut updated = false; let mut lifetime_merge_list = vec![]; for (&var_name, &lifetime) in other.variable_assignment.iter() { if let Some(&our_lifetime) = self.variable_assignment.get(&var_name) { if our_lifetime != lifetime { lifetime_merge_list.push((our_lifetime, lifetime)); } } else { self.variable_assignment.insert(var_name, lifetime); updated = true; } } while let Some(lifetime) = to_be_merged.pop() { let other_store_id = *other.lifetime_to_id.get(&lifetime).unwrap(); if let Some(&self_store_id) = self.lifetime_to_id.get(&lifetime) { let self_store = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(self_store_id).unwrap(); let other_store = other.lifetime_stores.get(other_store_id).unwrap(); let self_store = self_store.to_mut(); // merge them for (&field, &other_lifetime) in other_store.fields.iter() { if let Some(&self_lifetime) = self_store.fields.get(&field) { if self_lifetime != other_lifetime { lifetime_merge_list.push((self_lifetime, other_lifetime)); } } else { self_store.fields.insert(field, other_lifetime); updated = true; } } let zelf_lifetimes = &mut self_store.lifetimes; for &other_lifetime in other_store.lifetimes.iter() { if zelf_lifetimes.insert(other_lifetime) { lifetime_merge_list.push((lifetime, other_lifetime)); } } let result_kind = self_store.kind & other_store.kind; if self_store.kind != result_kind { self_store.kind = result_kind; } } else { let store = other.lifetime_stores.get(other_store_id).unwrap().as_ref().clone(); let store = self.lifetime_stores.insert(Cow::Owned(store)); self.lifetime_to_id.insert(lifetime, store); updated = true; } } for (a, b) in lifetime_merge_list.into_iter() { self.unify(a, b); } updated } pub fn add_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: LifetimeId, kind: LifetimeKind) { let id = self.lifetime_stores.insert(Cow::Owned(LifetimeStore { kind, fields: HashMap::new(), lifetimes: [lifetime].iter().cloned().collect(), })); let old_store_id = self.lifetime_to_id.insert(lifetime, id); if let Some(old_store_id) = old_store_id { let old_lifetime_store = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(old_store_id).unwrap().to_mut(); old_lifetime_store.lifetimes.remove(&lifetime); if old_lifetime_store.lifetimes.is_empty() { self.lifetime_stores.remove(old_store_id); } } } pub fn set_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: LifetimeId, to: LifetimeId) { let id = *self.lifetime_to_id.get(&to).unwrap(); let store = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(id).unwrap(); store.to_mut().lifetimes.insert(lifetime); let old_store_id = self.lifetime_to_id.insert(lifetime, id); if let Some(old_store_id) = old_store_id { let old_lifetime_store = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(old_store_id).unwrap().to_mut(); old_lifetime_store.lifetimes.remove(&lifetime); if old_lifetime_store.lifetimes.is_empty() { self.lifetime_stores.remove(old_store_id); } } } fn unify(&mut self, lhs: LifetimeId, rhs: LifetimeId) { use LifetimeKind::{ImpreciseLocal, PreciseLocal}; let lhs_id = *self.lifetime_to_id.get(&lhs).unwrap(); let rhs_id = *self.lifetime_to_id.get(&rhs).unwrap(); if lhs_id == rhs_id { return; } let lhs_store = self.lifetime_stores.get(lhs_id).unwrap(); let rhs_store = self.lifetime_stores.get(rhs_id).unwrap(); let all_lifetimes: HashSet<_> = lhs_store.lifetimes.union(&rhs_store.lifetimes).cloned().collect(); let result_kind = lhs_store.kind & rhs_store.kind; let fields = if matches!(result_kind, PreciseLocal | ImpreciseLocal) { let mut need_union = vec![]; let mut fields = lhs_store.fields.clone(); for (k, v) in rhs_store.fields.iter() { if let Some(old) = fields.insert(*k, *v) { need_union.push((old, *v)); } } drop(lhs_store); drop(rhs_store); for (lhs, rhs) in need_union { self.unify(lhs, rhs); } fields } else { Default::default() }; // unify them, slow for lifetime in all_lifetimes.iter() { self.lifetime_to_id.insert(*lifetime, lhs_id); } *self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(lhs_id).unwrap() = Cow::Owned(LifetimeStore { kind: result_kind, fields, lifetimes: all_lifetimes }); self.lifetime_stores.remove(rhs_id); } fn get_field_lifetime(&self, obj: LifetimeId, field: StrRef) -> LifetimeId { use LifetimeKind::*; let id = *self.lifetime_to_id.get(&obj).unwrap(); let store = &self.lifetime_stores.get(id).unwrap(); if let Some(lifetime) = store.fields.get(&field) { *lifetime } else if matches!(store.kind, PreciseLocal | ImpreciseLocal) { LifetimeId(0) } else { obj } } fn set_field_lifetime( &mut self, obj: LifetimeId, field: StrRef, field_lifetime: LifetimeId, ) -> Result<(), String> { use LifetimeKind::*; let obj_id = *self.lifetime_to_id.get(&obj).unwrap(); let field_id = *self.lifetime_to_id.get(&field_lifetime).unwrap(); let field_lifetime_kind = self.lifetime_stores.get(field_id).unwrap().kind; let obj_store = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(obj_id).unwrap(); if !matches!( (obj_store.kind, field_lifetime_kind), (PreciseLocal, _) | (ImpreciseLocal, _) | (_, Static) ) { return Err("field lifetime error".into()); } match obj_store.kind { // $elem means list elements PreciseLocal if field != "$elem".into() => { // strong update obj_store.to_mut().fields.insert(field, field_lifetime); } PreciseLocal | ImpreciseLocal => { // weak update let old_lifetime = obj_store .to_mut() .fields .get(&field) .copied(); if let Some(old_lifetime) = old_lifetime { self.unify(old_lifetime, field_lifetime); } else { obj_store.to_mut().fields.insert(field, field_lifetime); } } _ => (), } Ok(()) } fn get_lifetime_kind(&self, lifetime: LifetimeId) -> LifetimeKind { self.lifetime_stores.get(*self.lifetime_to_id.get(&lifetime).unwrap()).unwrap().kind } fn pass_function_params(&mut self, lifetimes: &[LifetimeId]) { use LifetimeKind::*; let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let mut worklist = vec![]; fn add_fields_to_worklist( visited: &mut HashSet, worklist: &mut Vec<(LifetimeId, bool)>, fields: &HashMap, ) { for (&name, &field) in fields.iter() { if visited.insert(field) { // not visited previously let name = name.to_string(); let mutable = !(name.starts_with("$elem") && name.len() != "$elem".len()); worklist.push((field, mutable)); } } } for lifetime in lifetimes.iter() { let lifetime = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(*self.lifetime_to_id.get(lifetime).unwrap()).unwrap(); add_fields_to_worklist(&mut visited, &mut worklist, &lifetime.fields); } while let Some((item, mutable)) = worklist.pop() { let lifetime = self.lifetime_stores.get_mut(*self.lifetime_to_id.get(&item).unwrap()).unwrap(); if matches!(lifetime.kind, Unknown | Static) { continue; } add_fields_to_worklist(&mut visited, &mut worklist, &lifetime.fields); if mutable { // we may assign values with static lifetime to function params lifetime.to_mut().kind = lifetime.kind & Static; } } } pub fn analyze_basic_block<'b, I: Iterator>( &mut self, instructions: I, ) -> Result, String> { use LifetimeIR::*; for (id, inst, loc) in instructions { match inst { VarAssign { var, lifetime } => { self.variable_assignment.insert(*var, *lifetime); } VarAccess { var } => { let lifetime = self.variable_assignment.get(var).cloned(); if let Some(lifetime) = lifetime { self.set_lifetime(id, lifetime); } else { // should be static lifetime self.add_lifetime(id, LifetimeKind::Static) } } FieldAssign { obj, field, new } => { self.set_field_lifetime(*obj, *field, *new) .map_err(|e| format!("{} in {}", e, loc))?; } FieldAccess { obj, field } => { let lifetime = self.get_field_lifetime(*obj, *field); self.set_lifetime(id, lifetime); } CreateLifetime { kind } => { if *kind == LifetimeKind::Unknown { self.set_lifetime(id, LifetimeId(0)); } else { self.add_lifetime(id, *kind); } } PassedToFunc { param_lifetimes } => { self.pass_function_params(param_lifetimes); } UnifyLifetimes { lifetimes } => { assert!(!lifetimes.is_empty()); let lhs = lifetimes[0]; for rhs in lifetimes[1..].iter() { self.unify(lhs, *rhs); } self.set_lifetime(id, lhs); } Return { val } => { if let Some(val) = val { let kind = self.get_lifetime_kind(*val); if !matches!(kind, LifetimeKind::Static | LifetimeKind::NonLocal) { return Err(format!("return value lifetime error in {}", loc)); } } return Ok(None); } Branch { targets } => return Ok(Some(targets)) } } Ok(None) } }