// See also: file:///usr/share/doc/python/html/reference/grammar.html?highlight=grammar // See also: https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4/blob/master/python3/Python3.g4 // See also: file:///usr/share/doc/python/html/reference/compound_stmts.html#function-definitions // See also: https://greentreesnakes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/nodes.html#keyword use std::iter::FromIterator; use crate::ast::{self, Constant}; use crate::fstring::parse_located_fstring; use crate::function::{ArgumentList, parse_args, parse_params}; use crate::error::LexicalError; use crate::error::LexicalErrorType; use crate::lexer; use crate::config_comment_helper::*; use lalrpop_util::ParseError; grammar; // This is a hack to reduce the amount of lalrpop tables generated: // For each public entry point, a full parse table is generated. // By having only a single pub function, we reduce this to one. pub Top: ast::Mod = { StartModule => ast::Mod::Module { body, type_ignores: vec![] }, StartInteractive => ast::Mod::Interactive { body }, StartExpression ("\n")* => ast::Mod::Expression { body: Box::new(body) }, }; Program: ast::Suite = { => { lines.into_iter().flatten().collect() }, }; // A file line either has a declaration, or an empty newline: FileLine: ast::Suite = { Statement, "\n" => vec![], }; Suite: ast::Suite = { SimpleStatement, "\n" Indent Dedent => s.into_iter().flatten().collect(), }; Statement: ast::Suite = { SimpleStatement, => vec![s], }; SimpleStatement: ast::Suite = { ";"? "\n" =>? { let mut statements = vec![s1]; statements.extend(s2.into_iter().map(|e| e.1)); handle_small_stmt(&mut statements, nac3com_above, nac3com_end, com_loc)?; Ok(statements) } }; SmallStatement: ast::Stmt = { ExpressionStatement, PassStatement, DelStatement, FlowStatement, ImportStatement, GlobalStatement, NonlocalStatement, AssertStatement, }; PassStatement: ast::Stmt = { "pass" => { ast::Stmt { location, custom: (), node: ast::StmtKind::Pass { config_comment: vec![] }, } }, }; DelStatement: ast::Stmt = { "del" => { ast::Stmt { location, custom: (), node: ast::StmtKind::Delete { targets, config_comment: vec![] }, } }, }; ExpressionStatement: ast::Stmt = { => { // Just an expression, no assignment: if suffix.is_empty() { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Expr { value: Box::new(expression), config_comment: vec![] } } } else { let mut targets = vec![expression]; let mut values = suffix; while values.len() > 1 { targets.push(values.remove(0)); } let value = Box::new(values.into_iter().next().unwrap()); ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Assign { targets, value, type_comment: None, config_comment: vec![] }, } } }, => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::AugAssign { target: Box::new(target), op, value: Box::new(rhs), config_comment: vec![], }, } }, ":" => { let simple = matches!(target.node, ast::ExprKind::Name { .. }); ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::AnnAssign { target: Box::new(target), annotation: Box::new(annotation), value: rhs.map(Box::new), simple, config_comment: vec![], }, } }, }; AssignSuffix: ast::Expr = { "=" => e }; TestListOrYieldExpr: ast::Expr = { TestList, YieldExpr } #[inline] TestOrStarExprList: ast::Expr = { // as far as I can tell, these were the same TestList }; TestOrStarNamedExprList: ast::Expr = { GenericList }; TestOrStarExpr: ast::Expr = { Test, StarExpr, }; TestOrStarNamedExpr: ast::Expr = { NamedExpressionTest, StarExpr, }; AugAssign: ast::Operator = { "+=" => ast::Operator::Add, "-=" => ast::Operator::Sub, "*=" => ast::Operator::Mult, "@=" => ast::Operator::MatMult, "/=" => ast::Operator::Div, "%=" => ast::Operator::Mod, "&=" => ast::Operator::BitAnd, "|=" => ast::Operator::BitOr, "^=" => ast::Operator::BitXor, "<<=" => ast::Operator::LShift, ">>=" => ast::Operator::RShift, "**=" => ast::Operator::Pow, "//=" => ast::Operator::FloorDiv, }; FlowStatement: ast::Stmt = { "break" => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Break { config_comment: vec![] }, } }, "continue" => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Continue { config_comment: vec![] }, } }, "return" => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Return { value: value.map(Box::new), config_comment: vec![] }, } }, => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Expr { value: Box::new(expression), config_comment: vec![] }, } }, RaiseStatement, }; RaiseStatement: ast::Stmt = { "raise" => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Raise { exc: None, cause: None, config_comment: vec![] }, } }, "raise" => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Raise { exc: Some(Box::new(t)), cause: c.map(|x| Box::new(x.1)), config_comment: vec![] }, } }, }; ImportStatement: ast::Stmt = { "import" >> => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Import { names, config_comment: vec![] }, } }, "from" "import" => { let (level, module) = source; ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::ImportFrom { level, module: module.map(|s| s.into()), names, config_comment: vec![] }, } }, }; ImportFromLocation: (usize, Option) = { => { (dots.iter().sum(), Some(name)) }, => { (dots.iter().sum(), None) }, }; ImportDots: usize = { "..." => 3, "." => 1, }; ImportAsNames: Vec = { >> => i, "(" >> ","? ")" => i, "*" => { // Star import all vec![ast::Alias { name: "*".into(), asname: None }] }, }; #[inline] ImportAsAlias: ast::Alias = { => ast::Alias { name: name.into(), asname: a.map(|a| a.1) }, }; // A name like abc or abc.def.ghi DottedName: String = { => n.into(), => { let lock = ast::get_str_ref_lock(); let mut r = ast::get_str_from_ref(&lock, n).to_string(); for x in n2 { r.push_str("."); r.push_str(&ast::get_str_from_ref(&lock, x.1)); } r }, }; GlobalStatement: ast::Stmt = { "global" > => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Global { names, config_comment: vec![] } } }, }; NonlocalStatement: ast::Stmt = { "nonlocal" > => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Nonlocal { names, config_comment: vec![] } } }, }; AssertStatement: ast::Stmt = { "assert" => { ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Assert { test: Box::new(test), msg: msg.map(|e| Box::new(e.1)), config_comment: vec![], } } }, }; CompoundStatement: ast::Stmt = { IfStatement, WhileStatement, ForStatement, TryStatement, WithStatement, FuncDef, ClassDef, }; IfStatement: ast::Stmt = { "if" ":" =>? { // Determine last else: let mut last = s3.map(|s| s.2).unwrap_or_default(); // handle elif: for i in s2.into_iter().rev() { let x = ast::Stmt { custom: (), location: i.0, node: ast::StmtKind::If { test: Box::new(i.2), body: i.4, orelse: last, config_comment: vec![] }, }; last = vec![x]; } Ok(ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::If { test: Box::new(test), body, orelse: last, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } }) }, }; WhileStatement: ast::Stmt = { "while" ":" =>? { let orelse = s2.map(|s| s.2).unwrap_or_default(); Ok(ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::While { test: Box::new(test), body, orelse, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? }, }) }, }; ForStatement: ast::Stmt = { "for" "in" ":" =>? { let orelse = s2.map(|s| s.2).unwrap_or_default(); let target = Box::new(target); let iter = Box::new(iter); let type_comment = None; let node = if is_async.is_some() { ast::StmtKind::AsyncFor { target, iter, body, orelse, type_comment, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } } else { ast::StmtKind::For { target, iter, body, orelse, type_comment, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } }; Ok(ast::Stmt::new(location, node)) }, }; TryStatement: ast::Stmt = { "try" ":" =>? { let orelse = else_suite.map(|s| s.2).unwrap_or_default(); let finalbody = finally.map(|s| s.2).unwrap_or_default(); Ok(ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Try { body, handlers, orelse, finalbody, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? }, }) }, "try" ":" =>? { let handlers = vec![]; let orelse = vec![]; let finalbody = finally.2; Ok(ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::Try { body, handlers, orelse, finalbody, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? }, }) }, }; ExceptClause: ast::Excepthandler = { "except" ":" => { ast::Excepthandler::new( location, ast::ExcepthandlerKind::ExceptHandler { type_: typ.map(Box::new), name: None, body, }, ) }, "except" ":" => { ast::Excepthandler::new( location, ast::ExcepthandlerKind::ExceptHandler { type_: Some(Box::new(x.0)), name: Some(x.2), body, }, ) }, }; WithStatement: ast::Stmt = { "with" > ":" =>? { let type_comment = None; let node = if is_async.is_some() { ast::StmtKind::AsyncWith { items, body, type_comment, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } } else { ast::StmtKind::With { items, body, type_comment, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } }; Ok(ast::Stmt::new(location, node)) }, }; WithItem: ast::Withitem = { => { let optional_vars = n.map(|val| Box::new(val.1)); let context_expr = Box::new(context_expr); ast::Withitem { context_expr, optional_vars } }, }; FuncDef: ast::Stmt = { "def" " Test)?> ":" =>? { let args = Box::new(args); let returns = r.map(|x| Box::new(x.1)); let type_comment = None; let node = if is_async.is_some() { ast::StmtKind::AsyncFunctionDef { name, args, body, decorator_list, returns, type_comment, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } } else { ast::StmtKind::FunctionDef { name, args, body, decorator_list, returns, type_comment, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? } }; Ok(ast::Stmt::new(location, node)) }, }; Parameters: ast::Arguments = { "(" )?> ")" => { a.unwrap_or_else(|| ast::Arguments { posonlyargs: vec![], args: vec![], vararg: None, kwonlyargs: vec![], kw_defaults: vec![], kwarg: None, defaults: vec![] }) } }; // Note that this is a macro which is used once for function defs, and // once for lambda defs. ParameterList: ast::Arguments = { > )?> ","? =>? { let (posonlyargs, args, defaults) = parse_params(param1)?; // Now gather rest of parameters: let (vararg, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg) = args2.map_or((None, vec![], vec![], None), |x| x.1); Ok(ast::Arguments { posonlyargs, args, kwonlyargs, vararg, kwarg, defaults, kw_defaults, }) }, > )> ","? =>? { let (posonlyargs, args, defaults) = parse_params(param1)?; // Now gather rest of parameters: let vararg = None; let kwonlyargs = vec![]; let kw_defaults = vec![]; let kwarg = kw.1; Ok(ast::Arguments { posonlyargs, args, kwonlyargs, vararg, kwarg, defaults, kw_defaults, }) }, > ","? => { let (vararg, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg) = params; ast::Arguments { posonlyargs: vec![], args: vec![], kwonlyargs, vararg, kwarg, defaults: vec![], kw_defaults, } }, > ","? => { ast::Arguments { posonlyargs: vec![], args: vec![], kwonlyargs: vec![], vararg: None, kwarg, defaults: vec![], kw_defaults: vec![], } }, }; // Use inline here to make sure the "," is not creating an ambiguity. #[inline] ParameterDefs: (Vec<(ast::Arg, Option)>, Vec<(ast::Arg, Option)>) = { >> => { (vec![], args) }, >> "," "/" )*> => { (pos_args, args.into_iter().map(|e| e.1).collect()) }, }; ParameterDef: (ast::Arg, Option) = { => (i, None), "=" => (i, Some(e)), }; UntypedParameter: ast::Arg = { => ast::Arg::new( location, ast::ArgData { arg, annotation: None, type_comment: None }, ), }; TypedParameter: ast::Arg = { => { let annotation = a.map(|x| Box::new(x.1)); ast::Arg::new(location, ast::ArgData { arg, annotation, type_comment: None }) }, }; // Use inline here to make sure the "," is not creating an ambiguity. // TODO: figure out another grammar that makes this inline no longer required. #[inline] ParameterListStarArgs: (Option>, Vec, Vec>>, Option>) = { "*" )*> )?> => { // Extract keyword arguments: let mut kwonlyargs = vec![]; let mut kw_defaults = vec![]; for (name, value) in kw.into_iter().map(|x| x.1) { kwonlyargs.push(name); kw_defaults.push(value.map(Box::new)); } let kwarg = kwarg.map(|n| n.1).flatten(); let va = va.map(Box::new); (va, kwonlyargs, kw_defaults, kwarg) } }; KwargParameter: Option> = { "**" => { kwarg.map(Box::new) } }; ClassDef: ast::Stmt = { "class" ":" =>? { let (bases, keywords) = match a { Some((_, arg, _)) => (arg.args, arg.keywords), None => (vec![], vec![]), }; Ok(ast::Stmt { custom: (), location, node: ast::StmtKind::ClassDef { name, bases, keywords, body, decorator_list, config_comment: make_config_comment(location, stmt_loc, nac3com_above, nac3com_end)? }, }) }, }; // Decorators: Decorator: ast::Expr = { "@" "\n" => { p }, }; YieldExpr: ast::Expr = { "yield" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Yield { value: value.map(Box::new) } }, "yield" "from" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::YieldFrom { value: Box::new(e) } }, }; Test: ast::Expr = { => { if let Some(c) = condition { ast::Expr { location: c.0, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::IfExp { test: Box::new(c.2), body: Box::new(expr), orelse: Box::new(c.4), } } } else { expr } }, LambdaDef, }; NamedExpressionTest: ast::Expr = { ?> ":" => { let p = p.unwrap_or_else(|| { ast::Arguments { posonlyargs: vec![], args: vec![], vararg: None, kwonlyargs: vec![], kw_defaults: vec![], kwarg: None, defaults: vec![] } }); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Lambda { args: Box::new(p), body: Box::new(body) } } } } OrTest: ast::Expr = { => { if e2.is_empty() { e1 } else { let mut values = vec![e1]; values.extend(e2.into_iter().map(|e| e.1)); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BoolOp { op: ast::Boolop::Or, values } } } }, }; AndTest: ast::Expr = { => { if e2.is_empty() { e1 } else { let mut values = vec![e1]; values.extend(e2.into_iter().map(|e| e.1)); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BoolOp { op: ast::Boolop::And, values } } } }, }; NotTest: ast::Expr = { "not" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::UnaryOp { operand: Box::new(e), op: ast::Unaryop::Not } }, Comparison, }; Comparison: ast::Expr = { => { let (ops, comparators) = comparisons.into_iter().unzip(); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Compare { left: Box::new(left), ops, comparators } } }, Expression, }; CompOp: ast::Cmpop = { "==" => ast::Cmpop::Eq, "!=" => ast::Cmpop::NotEq, "<" => ast::Cmpop::Lt, "<=" => ast::Cmpop::LtE, ">" => ast::Cmpop::Gt, ">=" => ast::Cmpop::GtE, "in" => ast::Cmpop::In, "not" "in" => ast::Cmpop::NotIn, "is" => ast::Cmpop::Is, "is" "not" => ast::Cmpop::IsNot, }; Expression: ast::Expr = { "|" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(e1), op: ast::Operator::BitOr, right: Box::new(e2) } }, XorExpression, }; XorExpression: ast::Expr = { "^" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(e1), op: ast::Operator::BitXor, right: Box::new(e2) } }, AndExpression, }; AndExpression: ast::Expr = { "&" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(e1), op: ast::Operator::BitAnd, right: Box::new(e2) } }, ShiftExpression, }; ShiftExpression: ast::Expr = { => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(e1), op, right: Box::new(e2) } }, ArithmaticExpression, }; ShiftOp: ast::Operator = { "<<" => ast::Operator::LShift, ">>" => ast::Operator::RShift, }; ArithmaticExpression: ast::Expr = { => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(a), op, right: Box::new(b) } }, Term, }; AddOp: ast::Operator = { "+" => ast::Operator::Add, "-" => ast::Operator::Sub, }; Term: ast::Expr = { => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(a), op, right: Box::new(b) } }, Factor, }; MulOp: ast::Operator = { "*" => ast::Operator::Mult, "/" => ast::Operator::Div, "//" => ast::Operator::FloorDiv, "%" => ast::Operator::Mod, "@" => ast::Operator::MatMult, }; Factor: ast::Expr = { => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: { match (&op, &e.node) { (ast::Unaryop::USub, ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: Constant::Int(val), kind }) => { ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: if let Some(val) = val { Constant::Int(Some(-val)) } else { Constant::Int(None) }, kind: kind.clone() } } _ => ast::ExprKind::UnaryOp { operand: Box::new(e), op } } } }, Power, }; UnaryOp: ast::Unaryop = { "+" => ast::Unaryop::UAdd, "-" => ast::Unaryop::USub, "~" => ast::Unaryop::Invert, }; Power: ast::Expr = { => { match e2 { None => e, Some((location, _, b)) => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::BinOp { left: Box::new(e), op: ast::Operator::Pow, right: Box::new(b) } }, } } }; AtomExpr: ast::Expr = { => { if is_await.is_some() { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Await { value: Box::new(atom) } } } else { atom } } } AtomExpr2: ast::Expr = { Atom, "(" ")" => { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Call { func: Box::new(f), args: a.args, keywords: a.keywords } } }, "[" "]" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Subscript { value: Box::new(e), slice: Box::new(s), ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load } }, "." => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Attribute { value: Box::new(e), attr, ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load } }, }; SubscriptList: ast::Expr = { ","? => { if s2.is_empty() { s1 } else { let mut dims = vec![s1]; for x in s2 { dims.push(x.1) } ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Tuple { elts: dims, ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load }, } } } }; Subscript: ast::Expr = { Test, ":" => { let lower = e1.map(Box::new); let upper = e2.map(Box::new); let step = e3.flatten().map(Box::new); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Slice { lower, upper, step } } } }; SliceOp: Option = { ":" => e, } Atom: ast::Expr = { =>? { let values = s.into_iter().map(|(loc, (value, is_fstring))| { if is_fstring { parse_located_fstring(&value, loc) } else { Ok(ast::Expr::new( loc, ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: value.into(), kind: None }, )) } }); let values = values.collect::, _>>()?; Ok(if values.len() > 1 { ast::Expr::new(location, ast::ExprKind::JoinedStr { values }) } else { values.into_iter().next().unwrap() }) }, => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Constant { value, kind: None } }, => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Name { id: name, ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load } }, "[" "]" => { let elts = e.unwrap_or_default(); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::List { elts, ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load } } }, "[" "]" => { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::ListComp { elt: Box::new(elt), generators } } }, "(" ")" => { elements.unwrap_or(ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Tuple { elts: Vec::new(), ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load } }) }, "(" ")" => e, "(" ")" => { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::GeneratorExp { elt: Box::new(elt), generators } } }, "{" "}" => { let (keys, values) = e.unwrap_or_default(); ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Dict { keys, values } } }, "{" "}" => { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::DictComp { key: Box::new(e1.0), value: Box::new(e1.1), generators, } } }, "{" "}" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Set { elts } }, "{" "}" => { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::SetComp { elt: Box::new(elt), generators } } }, "True" => ast::Expr::new(location, ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: true.into(), kind: None }), "False" => ast::Expr::new(location, ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: false.into(), kind: None }), "None" => ast::Expr::new(location, ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: ast::Constant::None, kind: None }), "..." => ast::Expr::new(location, ast::ExprKind::Constant { value: ast::Constant::Ellipsis, kind: None }), }; ListLiteralValues: Vec = { > ","? => e, }; DictLiteralValues: (Vec>>, Vec) = { > ","? => elements.into_iter().unzip(), }; DictEntry: (ast::Expr, ast::Expr) = { ":" => (e1, e2), }; DictElement: (Option>, ast::Expr) = { => (Some(Box::new(e.0)), e.1), "**" => (None, e), }; SetLiteralValues: Vec = { > ","? => e1 }; ExpressionOrStarExpression = { Expression, StarExpr }; ExpressionList: ast::Expr = { GenericList }; ExpressionList2: Vec = { > ","? => elements, }; // A test list is one of: // - a list of expressions // - a single expression // - a single expression followed by a trailing comma #[inline] TestList: ast::Expr = { GenericList }; GenericList: ast::Expr = { > => { if elts.len() == 1 && trailing_comma.is_none() { elts.into_iter().next().unwrap() } else { ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Tuple { elts, ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load } } } } } // Test StarExpr: ast::Expr = { "*" => ast::Expr { location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::Starred { value: Box::new(e), ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load }, } }; // Comprehensions: CompFor: Vec = => c; SingleForComprehension: ast::Comprehension = { "for" "in" => { let is_async = is_async.is_some(); ast::Comprehension { target: Box::new(target), iter: Box::new(iter), ifs, is_async } } }; ExpressionNoCond: ast::Expr = OrTest; ComprehensionIf: ast::Expr = "if" => c; ArgumentList: ArgumentList = { > =>? { let arg_list = parse_args(e)?; Ok(arg_list) } }; FunctionArgument: (Option<(ast::Location, Option)>, ast::Expr) = { => { let expr = match c { Some(c) => ast::Expr { location: e.location, custom: (), node: ast::ExprKind::GeneratorExp { elt: Box::new(e), generators: c, } }, None => e, }; (None, expr) }, "=" => (Some((location, Some(i.into()))), e), "*" => { let expr = ast::Expr::new( location, ast::ExprKind::Starred { value: Box::new(e), ctx: ast::ExprContext::Load }, ); (None, expr) }, "**" => (Some((location, None)), e), }; #[inline] Comma: Vec = { ",")*> => { let mut items = items; items.extend(last); items } }; #[inline] OneOrMore: Vec = { => { let mut items = vec![i1]; items.extend(i2.into_iter().map(|e| e.1)); items } }; Constant: ast::Constant = { => ast::Constant::Bytes(b.into_iter().flatten().collect()), => ast::Constant::Int(value), => ast::Constant::Float(value), => ast::Constant::Complex { real: s.0, imag: s.1 }, }; Bytes: Vec = { => { s.into_iter().flatten().collect::>() }, }; Identifier: ast::StrRef = => s; // Hook external lexer: extern { type Location = ast::Location; type Error = LexicalError; enum lexer::Tok { Indent => lexer::Tok::Indent, Dedent => lexer::Tok::Dedent, StartModule => lexer::Tok::StartModule, StartInteractive => lexer::Tok::StartInteractive, StartExpression => lexer::Tok::StartExpression, "+" => lexer::Tok::Plus, "-" => lexer::Tok::Minus, "~" => lexer::Tok::Tilde, ":" => lexer::Tok::Colon, "." => lexer::Tok::Dot, "..." => lexer::Tok::Ellipsis, "," => lexer::Tok::Comma, "*" => lexer::Tok::Star, "**" => lexer::Tok::DoubleStar, "&" => lexer::Tok::Amper, "@" => lexer::Tok::At, "%" => lexer::Tok::Percent, "//" => lexer::Tok::DoubleSlash, "^" => lexer::Tok::CircumFlex, "|" => lexer::Tok::Vbar, "<<" => lexer::Tok::LeftShift, ">>" => lexer::Tok::RightShift, "/" => lexer::Tok::Slash, "(" => lexer::Tok::Lpar, ")" => lexer::Tok::Rpar, "[" => lexer::Tok::Lsqb, "]" => lexer::Tok::Rsqb, "{" => lexer::Tok::Lbrace, "}" => lexer::Tok::Rbrace, "=" => lexer::Tok::Equal, "+=" => lexer::Tok::PlusEqual, "-=" => lexer::Tok::MinusEqual, "*=" => lexer::Tok::StarEqual, "@=" => lexer::Tok::AtEqual, "/=" => lexer::Tok::SlashEqual, "%=" => lexer::Tok::PercentEqual, "&=" => lexer::Tok::AmperEqual, "|=" => lexer::Tok::VbarEqual, "^=" => lexer::Tok::CircumflexEqual, "<<=" => lexer::Tok::LeftShiftEqual, ">>=" => lexer::Tok::RightShiftEqual, "**=" => lexer::Tok::DoubleStarEqual, "//=" => lexer::Tok::DoubleSlashEqual, ":=" => lexer::Tok::ColonEqual, "==" => lexer::Tok::EqEqual, "!=" => lexer::Tok::NotEqual, "<" => lexer::Tok::Less, "<=" => lexer::Tok::LessEqual, ">" => lexer::Tok::Greater, ">=" => lexer::Tok::GreaterEqual, "->" => lexer::Tok::Rarrow, "and" => lexer::Tok::And, "as" => lexer::Tok::As, "assert" => lexer::Tok::Assert, "async" => lexer::Tok::Async, "await" => lexer::Tok::Await, "break" => lexer::Tok::Break, "class" => lexer::Tok::Class, "continue" => lexer::Tok::Continue, "def" => lexer::Tok::Def, "del" => lexer::Tok::Del, "elif" => lexer::Tok::Elif, "else" => lexer::Tok::Else, "except" => lexer::Tok::Except, "finally" => lexer::Tok::Finally, "for" => lexer::Tok::For, "from" => lexer::Tok::From, "global" => lexer::Tok::Global, "if" => lexer::Tok::If, "in" => lexer::Tok::In, "is" => lexer::Tok::Is, "import" => lexer::Tok::Import, "from" => lexer::Tok::From, "lambda" => lexer::Tok::Lambda, "nonlocal" => lexer::Tok::Nonlocal, "not" => lexer::Tok::Not, "or" => lexer::Tok::Or, "pass" => lexer::Tok::Pass, "raise" => lexer::Tok::Raise, "return" => lexer::Tok::Return, "try" => lexer::Tok::Try, "while" => lexer::Tok::While, "with" => lexer::Tok::With, "yield" => lexer::Tok::Yield, "True" => lexer::Tok::True, "False" => lexer::Tok::False, "None" => lexer::Tok::None, int => lexer::Tok::Int { value: > }, float => lexer::Tok::Float { value: }, complex => lexer::Tok::Complex { real: , imag: }, string => lexer::Tok::String { value: , is_fstring: }, bytes => lexer::Tok::Bytes { value: > }, name => lexer::Tok::Name { name: }, config_comment => lexer::Tok::ConfigComment { content: }, "\n" => lexer::Tok::Newline, ";" => lexer::Tok::Semi, } }