from inspect import getfullargspec, getmodule from functools import wraps from types import SimpleNamespace from numpy import int32, int64 from typing import Generic, TypeVar import nac3artiq __all__ = ["KernelInvariant", "extern", "kernel", "portable", "nac3", "ms", "us", "ns", "Core", "TTLOut", "parallel", "sequential"] import device_db core_arguments = device_db.device_db["core"]["arguments"] compiler = nac3artiq.NAC3(core_arguments["target"]) allow_module_registration = True registered_modules = set() T = TypeVar('T') class KernelInvariant(Generic[T]): pass def register_module_of(obj): assert allow_module_registration # Delay NAC3 analysis until all referenced variables are supposed to exist on the CPython side. registered_modules.add(getmodule(obj)) def extern(function): """Decorates a function declaration defined by the core device runtime.""" register_module_of(function) return function def kernel(function_or_method): """Decorates a function or method to be executed on the core device.""" register_module_of(function_or_method) argspec = getfullargspec(function_or_method) if argspec.args and argspec.args[0] == "self": @wraps(function_or_method) def run_on_core(self, *args, **kwargs): fake_method = SimpleNamespace(__self__=self, __name__=function_or_method.__name__), *args, **kwargs) else: @wraps(function_or_method) def run_on_core(*args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError("Kernel functions need explicit") return run_on_core def portable(function): """Decorates a function or method to be executed on the same device (host/core device) as the caller.""" register_module_of(function) return function def nac3(cls): """ Decorates a class to be analyzed by NAC3. All classes containing kernels or portable methods must use this decorator. """ register_module_of(cls) return cls ms = 1e-3 us = 1e-6 ns = 1e-9 @extern def rtio_init(): raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated") @extern def rtio_get_counter() -> int64: raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated") @extern def rtio_output(target: int32, data: int32): raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated") @extern def rtio_input_timestamp(timeout_mu: int64, channel: int32) -> int64: raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated") @extern def rtio_input_data(channel: int32) -> int32: raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated") @nac3 class Core: ref_period: KernelInvariant[float] def __init__(self): self.ref_period = core_arguments["ref_period"] def run(self, method, *args, **kwargs): global allow_module_registration if allow_module_registration: compiler.analyze_modules(registered_modules) allow_module_registration = False if hasattr(method, "__self__"): obj = method.__self__ name = method.__name__ else: obj = method name = "" compiler.compile_method_to_file(obj, name, args, "module.elf") @kernel def reset(self): rtio_init() at_mu(rtio_get_counter() + int64(125000)) @kernel def break_realtime(self): min_now = rtio_get_counter() + int64(125000) if now_mu() < min_now: at_mu(min_now) @portable def seconds_to_mu(self, seconds: float) -> int64: return int64(round(seconds/self.ref_period)) @portable def mu_to_seconds(self, mu: int64) -> float: return float(mu)*self.ref_period @kernel def delay(self, dt: float): delay_mu(self.seconds_to_mu(dt)) @nac3 class TTLOut: core: KernelInvariant[Core] channel: KernelInvariant[int32] target_o: KernelInvariant[int32] def __init__(self, core: Core, channel: int32): self.core = core = channel self.target_o = channel << 8 @kernel def output(self): pass @kernel def set_o(self, o: bool): rtio_output(self.target_o, 1 if o else 0) @kernel def on(self): self.set_o(True) @kernel def off(self): self.set_o(False) @kernel def pulse_mu(self, duration: int64): self.on() delay_mu(duration) @kernel def pulse(self, duration: float): self.on() self.core.delay(duration) @nac3 class KernelContextManager: @kernel def __enter__(self): pass @kernel def __exit__(self): pass parallel = KernelContextManager() sequential = KernelContextManager()