use super::*; use indoc::indoc; use itertools::Itertools; use std::collections::HashMap; use test_case::test_case; impl Unifier { /// Check whether two types are equal. fn eq(&mut self, a: Type, b: Type) -> bool { use TypeVarMeta::*; if a == b { return true; } let (ty_a, ty_b) = { let table = &mut self.unification_table; if table.unioned(a, b) { return true; } (table.probe_value(a).clone(), table.probe_value(b).clone()) }; match (&*ty_a, &*ty_b) { ( TypeEnum::TVar { meta: Generic, id: id1, .. }, TypeEnum::TVar { meta: Generic, id: id2, .. }, ) => id1 == id2, ( TypeEnum::TVar { meta: Sequence(map1), .. }, TypeEnum::TVar { meta: Sequence(map2), .. }, ) => self.map_eq(&map1.borrow(), &map2.borrow()), (TypeEnum::TTuple { ty: ty1 }, TypeEnum::TTuple { ty: ty2 }) => { ty1.len() == ty2.len() && ty1.iter().zip(ty2.iter()).all(|(t1, t2)| self.eq(*t1, *t2)) } (TypeEnum::TList { ty: ty1 }, TypeEnum::TList { ty: ty2 }) | (TypeEnum::TVirtual { ty: ty1 }, TypeEnum::TVirtual { ty: ty2 }) => { self.eq(*ty1, *ty2) } ( TypeEnum::TVar { meta: Record(fields1), .. }, TypeEnum::TVar { meta: Record(fields2), .. }, ) => self.map_eq(&fields1.borrow(), &fields2.borrow()), ( TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: id1, params: params1, .. }, TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: id2, params: params2, .. }, ) => id1 == id2 && self.map_eq(¶ms1.borrow(), ¶ms2.borrow()), // TCall and TFunc are not yet implemented _ => false, } } fn map_eq(&mut self, map1: &Mapping, map2: &Mapping) -> bool where K: std::hash::Hash + std::cmp::Eq + std::clone::Clone, { if map1.len() != map2.len() { return false; } for (k, v) in map1.iter() { if !map2.get(k).map(|v1| self.eq(*v, *v1)).unwrap_or(false) { return false; } } true } } struct TestEnvironment { pub unifier: Unifier, type_mapping: HashMap, } impl TestEnvironment { fn new() -> TestEnvironment { let mut unifier = Unifier::new(); let mut type_mapping = HashMap::new(); type_mapping.insert( "int".into(), unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: DefinitionId(0), fields: HashMap::new().into(), params: HashMap::new().into(), }), ); type_mapping.insert( "float".into(), unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: DefinitionId(1), fields: HashMap::new().into(), params: HashMap::new().into(), }), ); type_mapping.insert( "bool".into(), unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: DefinitionId(2), fields: HashMap::new().into(), params: HashMap::new().into(), }), ); let (v0, id) = unifier.get_fresh_var(); type_mapping.insert( "Foo".into(), unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: DefinitionId(3), fields: [("a".into(), v0)].iter().cloned().collect::>().into(), params: [(id, v0)].iter().cloned().collect::>().into(), }), ); TestEnvironment { unifier, type_mapping } } fn parse(&mut self, typ: &str, mapping: &Mapping) -> Type { let result = self.internal_parse(typ, mapping); assert!(result.1.is_empty()); result.0 } fn internal_parse<'a, 'b>( &'a mut self, typ: &'b str, mapping: &Mapping, ) -> (Type, &'b str) { // for testing only, so we can just panic when the input is malformed let end = typ.find(|c| ['[', ',', ']', '='].contains(&c)).unwrap_or_else(|| typ.len()); match &typ[..end] { "Tuple" => { let mut s = &typ[end..]; assert!(&s[0..1] == "["); let mut ty = Vec::new(); while &s[0..1] != "]" { let result = self.internal_parse(&s[1..], mapping); ty.push(result.0); s = result.1; } (self.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TTuple { ty }), &s[1..]) } "List" => { assert!(&typ[end..end + 1] == "["); let (ty, s) = self.internal_parse(&typ[end + 1..], mapping); assert!(&s[0..1] == "]"); (self.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty }), &s[1..]) } "Record" => { let mut s = &typ[end..]; assert!(&s[0..1] == "["); let mut fields = HashMap::new(); while &s[0..1] != "]" { let eq = s.find('=').unwrap(); let key = s[1..eq].to_string(); let result = self.internal_parse(&s[eq + 1..], mapping); fields.insert(key, result.0); s = result.1; } (self.unifier.add_record(fields), &s[1..]) } x => { let mut s = &typ[end..]; let ty = mapping.get(x).cloned().unwrap_or_else(|| { // mapping should be type variables, type_mapping should be concrete types // we should not resolve the type of type variables. let mut ty = *self.type_mapping.get(x).unwrap(); let te = self.unifier.get_ty(ty); if let TypeEnum::TObj { params, .. } = &*te.as_ref() { let params = params.borrow(); if !params.is_empty() { assert!(&s[0..1] == "["); let mut p = Vec::new(); while &s[0..1] != "]" { let result = self.internal_parse(&s[1..], mapping); p.push(result.0); s = result.1; } s = &s[1..]; ty = self .unifier .subst(ty, ¶ms.keys().cloned().zip(p.into_iter()).collect()) .unwrap_or(ty); } } ty }); (ty, s) } } } } #[test_case(2, &[("v1", "v2"), ("v2", "float")], &[("v1", "float"), ("v2", "float")] ; "simple variable" )] #[test_case(2, &[("v1", "List[v2]"), ("v1", "List[float]")], &[("v1", "List[float]"), ("v2", "float")] ; "list element" )] #[test_case(3, &[ ("v1", "Record[a=v3,b=v3]"), ("v2", "Record[b=float,c=v3]"), ("v1", "v2") ], &[ ("v1", "Record[a=float,b=float,c=float]"), ("v2", "Record[a=float,b=float,c=float]"), ("v3", "float") ] ; "record merge" )] #[test_case(3, &[ ("v1", "Record[a=float]"), ("v2", "Foo[v3]"), ("v1", "v2") ], &[ ("v1", "Foo[float]"), ("v3", "float") ] ; "record obj merge" )] /// Test cases for valid unifications. fn test_unify( variable_count: u32, unify_pairs: &[(&'static str, &'static str)], verify_pairs: &[(&'static str, &'static str)], ) { let unify_count = unify_pairs.len(); // test all permutations... for perm in unify_pairs.iter().permutations(unify_count) { let mut env = TestEnvironment::new(); let mut mapping = HashMap::new(); for i in 1..=variable_count { let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var(); mapping.insert(format!("v{}", i), v.0); } // unification may have side effect when we do type resolution, so freeze the types // before doing unification. let mut pairs = Vec::new(); for (a, b) in perm.iter() { let t1 = env.parse(a, &mapping); let t2 = env.parse(b, &mapping); pairs.push((t1, t2)); } for (t1, t2) in pairs { env.unifier.unify(t1, t2).unwrap(); } for (a, b) in verify_pairs.iter() { println!("{} = {}", a, b); let t1 = env.parse(a, &mapping); let t2 = env.parse(b, &mapping); assert!(env.unifier.eq(t1, t2)); } } } #[test_case(2, &[ ("v1", "Tuple[int]"), ("v2", "List[int]"), ], (("v1", "v2"), "Cannot unify TList with TTuple") ; "type mismatch" )] #[test_case(2, &[ ("v1", "Tuple[int]"), ("v2", "Tuple[float]"), ], (("v1", "v2"), "Cannot unify objects with ID 0 and 1") ; "tuple parameter mismatch" )] #[test_case(2, &[ ("v1", "Tuple[int,int]"), ("v2", "Tuple[int]"), ], (("v1", "v2"), "Cannot unify tuples with length 2 and 1") ; "tuple length mismatch" )] #[test_case(3, &[ ("v1", "Record[a=float,b=int]"), ("v2", "Foo[v3]"), ], (("v1", "v2"), "No such attribute b") ; "record obj merge" )] #[test_case(2, &[ ("v1", "List[v2]"), ], (("v1", "v2"), "Recursive type is prohibited.") ; "recursive type for lists" )] /// Test cases for invalid unifications. fn test_invalid_unification( variable_count: u32, unify_pairs: &[(&'static str, &'static str)], errornous_pair: ((&'static str, &'static str), &'static str), ) { let mut env = TestEnvironment::new(); let mut mapping = HashMap::new(); for i in 1..=variable_count { let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var(); mapping.insert(format!("v{}", i), v.0); } // unification may have side effect when we do type resolution, so freeze the types // before doing unification. let mut pairs = Vec::new(); for (a, b) in unify_pairs.iter() { let t1 = env.parse(a, &mapping); let t2 = env.parse(b, &mapping); pairs.push((t1, t2)); } let (t1, t2) = (env.parse(errornous_pair.0 .0, &mapping), env.parse(errornous_pair.0 .1, &mapping)); for (a, b) in pairs { env.unifier.unify(a, b).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(env.unifier.unify(t1, t2), Err(errornous_pair.1.to_string())); } #[test] fn test_virtual() { let mut env = TestEnvironment::new(); let int = env.parse("int", &HashMap::new()); let fun = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![], ret: int, vars: HashMap::new(), })); let bar = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: DefinitionId(5), fields: [("f".to_string(), fun), ("a".to_string(), int)] .iter() .cloned() .collect::>() .into(), params: HashMap::new().into(), }); let v0 = env.unifier.get_fresh_var().0; let v1 = env.unifier.get_fresh_var().0; let a = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TVirtual { ty: bar }); let b = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TVirtual { ty: v0 }); let c = env.unifier.add_record([("f".to_string(), v1)].iter().cloned().collect()); env.unifier.unify(a, b).unwrap(); env.unifier.unify(b, c).unwrap(); assert!(env.unifier.eq(v1, fun)); let d = env.unifier.add_record([("a".to_string(), v1)].iter().cloned().collect()); assert_eq!(env.unifier.unify(b, d), Err("Cannot access field a for virtual type".to_string())); let d = env.unifier.add_record([("b".to_string(), v1)].iter().cloned().collect()); assert_eq!(env.unifier.unify(b, d), Err("No such attribute b".to_string())); } #[test] fn test_typevar_range() { let mut env = TestEnvironment::new(); let int = env.parse("int", &HashMap::new()); let boolean = env.parse("bool", &HashMap::new()); let float = env.parse("float", &HashMap::new()); let int_list = env.parse("List[int]", &HashMap::new()); let float_list = env.parse("List[float]", &HashMap::new()); // unification between v and int // where v in (int, bool) let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, boolean]).0; env.unifier.unify(int, v).unwrap(); // unification between v and List[int] // where v in (int, bool) let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, boolean]).0; assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(int_list, v), Err("Cannot unify type variable 3 with TList due to incompatible value range".to_string()) ); // unification between v and float // where v in (int, bool) let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, boolean]).0; assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(float, v), Err("Cannot unify type variable 4 with TObj due to incompatible value range".to_string()) ); let v1 = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, boolean]).0; let v1_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: v1 }); let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, v1_list]).0; // unification between v and int // where v in (int, List[v1]), v1 in (int, bool) env.unifier.unify(int, v).unwrap(); let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, v1_list]).0; // unification between v and List[int] // where v in (int, List[v1]), v1 in (int, bool) env.unifier.unify(int_list, v).unwrap(); let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, v1_list]).0; // unification between v and List[float] // where v in (int, List[v1]), v1 in (int, bool) assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(float_list, v), Err("Cannot unify type variable 8 with TList due to incompatible value range".to_string()) ); let a = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, float]).0; let b = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[boolean, float]).0; env.unifier.unify(a, b).unwrap(); env.unifier.unify(a, float).unwrap(); let a = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, float]).0; let b = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[boolean, float]).0; env.unifier.unify(a, b).unwrap(); assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(a, int), Err("Cannot unify type variable 12 with TObj due to incompatible value range".into()) ); let a = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, float]).0; let b = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[boolean, float]).0; let a_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: a }); let a_list = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[a_list]).0; let b_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: b }); let b_list = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[b_list]).0; env.unifier.unify(a_list, b_list).unwrap(); let float_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: float }); env.unifier.unify(a_list, float_list).unwrap(); // previous unifications should not affect a and b env.unifier.unify(a, int).unwrap(); let a = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, float]).0; let b = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[boolean, float]).0; let a_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: a }); let b_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: b }); env.unifier.unify(a_list, b_list).unwrap(); let int_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: int }); assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(a_list, int_list), Err("Cannot unify type variable 19 with TObj due to incompatible value range".into()) ); let a = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, float]).0; let b = env.unifier.get_fresh_var().0; let a_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: a }); let a_list = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[a_list]).0; let b_list = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: b }); env.unifier.unify(a_list, b_list).unwrap(); assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(b, boolean), Err("Cannot unify type variable 21 with TObj due to incompatible value range".into()) ); } #[test] fn test_rigid_var() { let mut env = TestEnvironment::new(); let a = env.unifier.get_fresh_rigid_var().0; let b = env.unifier.get_fresh_rigid_var().0; let x = env.unifier.get_fresh_var().0; let list_a = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: a }); let list_x = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: x }); let int = env.parse("int", &HashMap::new()); let list_int = env.parse("List[int]", &HashMap::new()); assert_eq!(env.unifier.unify(a, b), Err("Cannot unify TRigidVar with TRigidVar".to_string())); env.unifier.unify(list_a, list_x).unwrap(); assert_eq!( env.unifier.unify(list_x, list_int), Err("Cannot unify TObj with TRigidVar".to_string()) ); env.unifier.replace_rigid_var(a, int); env.unifier.unify(list_x, list_int).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_instantiation() { let mut env = TestEnvironment::new(); let int = env.parse("int", &HashMap::new()); let boolean = env.parse("bool", &HashMap::new()); let float = env.parse("float", &HashMap::new()); let list_int = env.parse("List[int]", &HashMap::new()); let obj_map: HashMap<_, _> = [(0usize, "int"), (1, "float"), (2, "bool")].iter().cloned().collect(); let v = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[int, boolean]).0; let list_v = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: v }); let v1 = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[list_v, int]).0; let v2 = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[list_int, float]).0; let t = env.unifier.get_fresh_rigid_var().0; let tuple = env.unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TTuple { ty: vec![v, v1, v2] }); let v3 = env.unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(&[tuple, t]).0; // t = TypeVar('t') // v = TypeVar('v', int, bool) // v1 = TypeVar('v1', 'list[v]', int) // v2 = TypeVar('v2', 'list[int]', float) // v3 = TypeVar('v3', tuple[v, v1, v2], t) // what values can v3 take? let types = env.unifier.get_instantiations(v3).unwrap(); let expected_types = indoc! {" tuple[bool, int, float] tuple[bool, int, list[int]] tuple[bool, list[bool], float] tuple[bool, list[bool], list[int]] tuple[bool, list[int], float] tuple[bool, list[int], list[int]] tuple[int, int, float] tuple[int, int, list[int]] tuple[int, list[bool], float] tuple[int, list[bool], list[int]] tuple[int, list[int], float] tuple[int, list[int], list[int]] v5" } .split('\n') .collect_vec(); let types = types .iter() .map(|ty| { env.unifier.stringify(*ty, &mut |i| obj_map.get(&i).unwrap().to_string(), &mut |i| { format!("v{}", i) }) }) .sorted() .collect_vec(); assert_eq!(expected_types, types); }