nac3core/artiq: fix tuple representation

ychenfo 2022-03-27 02:23:22 +08:00 committed by Gitea
parent 000b128551
commit 10d623e36f
3 changed files with 20 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -849,9 +849,7 @@ impl InnerResolver {
super::CompileError::new_err(format!("Error getting element {}: {}", i, e)))).collect();
let val = val?.unwrap();
let val = ctx.ctx.const_struct(&val, false);
let global = ctx.module.add_global(ty, Some(AddressSpace::Generic), &id_str);
} else if ty_id == self.primitive_ids.option {
if id == self.primitive_ids.none {
// for option type, just a null ptr, whose type needs to be casted in codegen

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@ -957,28 +957,22 @@ pub fn gen_expr<'ctx, 'a, G: CodeGenerator>(
None => {
let resolver = ctx.resolver.clone();
let val = resolver.get_symbol_value(*id, ctx).unwrap();
// if is tuple, need to deref it to handle tuple as value
// if is option, need to cast pointer to handle None
match (
.get_symbol_value(*id, ctx)
.to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator)?,
val.to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator)?
) {
(TypeEnum::TTuple { .. }, BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(ptr)) => {
ctx.builder.build_load(ptr, "tup_val").into()
(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id, params, .. }, BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(ptr))
if *obj_id == ctx.primitives.option.get_obj_id(&ctx.unifier) => {
let actual_ptr_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(
ctx.builder.build_bitcast(ptr, actual_ptr_ty, "option_ptr_cast").into()
_ => val,
if *obj_id == ctx.primitives.option.get_obj_id(&ctx.unifier) =>
let actual_ptr_ty = ctx.get_llvm_type(
ctx.builder.build_bitcast(ptr, actual_ptr_ty, "option_ptr_cast").into()
val => val.1.into(),
@ -1026,20 +1020,7 @@ pub fn gen_expr<'ctx, 'a, G: CodeGenerator>(
.map_or_else(Err, |v| v.unwrap().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let element_ty = element_val.iter().map(BasicValueEnum::get_type).collect_vec();
let tuple_ty = ctx.ctx.struct_type(&element_ty, false);
let tuple_ptr = ctx.builder.build_alloca(tuple_ty, "tuple");
for (i, v) in element_val.into_iter().enumerate() {
unsafe {
let ptr = ctx.builder.build_in_bounds_gep(
&[zero, int32.const_int(i as u64, false)],
ctx.builder.build_store(ptr, v);
ctx.builder.build_load(tuple_ptr, "tup_val").into()
ctx.ctx.const_struct(&element_val, false).into()
ExprKind::Attribute { value, attr, .. } => {
// note that we would handle class methods directly in calls

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use crate::{
typedef::{Type, Unifier},
use inkwell::values::{BasicValueEnum, FloatValue, IntValue, PointerValue};
use inkwell::values::{BasicValueEnum, FloatValue, IntValue, PointerValue, StructValue};
use itertools::{chain, izip};
use nac3parser::ast::{Expr, Location, StrRef};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ impl<'ctx> From<FloatValue<'ctx>> for ValueEnum<'ctx> {
impl<'ctx> From<StructValue<'ctx>> for ValueEnum<'ctx> {
fn from(v: StructValue<'ctx>) -> Self {
impl<'ctx> ValueEnum<'ctx> {
pub fn to_basic_value_enum<'a>(